Chapter 2

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At lunch, everyone was showing one another their Kneazles. The first years were all excited and kept saying things like, "I want one!" and, "They're so adorable!"

Harry's kept curling up in his lap and staring at him until he fed him. Once he did, the Kneazle purred and fell asleep.

Ron decided to name his Ben, just because he couldn't think of anything else.

"What will you name yours, Harry?" Hermione asked him.

"I dunno..." He thought for a minute.

"I like the name Night. You know, because he's night black." Hermione chuckled.

"Sounds perfect."

The lunch bell rang and, with the scraping of benches, everyone stood and started heading to class. Harry groaned when he saw that he had Divination next.

"Don't worry mate. So do I." Ron said encouragingly.

The two of them left the Hall and started up the very long staircase to Professor Trelawney's tower.

As soon as they stepped in, the smell of perfume hit them like a ton of bricks. They moved to the rickety table in the corner and sat, then watched as the rest of the class filed in.

"Hello my dears." A misty voice from behind Harry said, making him jump.

Professor Trelawney emerged from the shadows and Padma Patil and Lavender Brown were staring at her, wide eyed. They had always believed her to be truly magical, even though Harry had always thought it was fake. Except for when he thought she had made a real prediction in third year. That seemed very real.

Harry leaned his shoulder against the wall and rested his head on his palm. With the perfume that came from the fire that was always lit and the warmth it gave off, Harry's eyes started to close and before he knew it, Ron was shaking him awake.

"Great job mate. You slept the whole class. You didn't miss anything though. She just rambled on about the planets and how different planets meant different things. She didn't give us any homework though, so you lucked out on that one." Harry nodded groggily

He tried to stand up, but felt a weight in his lap and chuckled to see Night still laying in it. He gently picked him up and placed him on the floor, giving him a slight nudge with his toe.

The Kneazle stood up and swayed slightly, then hopped into his bag.

"These things are strange, but I can't help but like them." Harry nodded in agreement and the two descended the ladder and climbed down the stairs, Ron talking and Harry just trying to wake up. The smell of perfume was still heavy in his nose and made him still feel sleepy.

They were walking to Transfiguration when Harry heard someone calling his name.

"I think someone's calling me. I'll catch up with you in a minute." Ron nodded and headed down the corridor. Harry turned around and went the way he had heard the voice.

As he was walking down a corridor, someone walked passed him and shoved him in the shoulder. "Watch it!" Harry called.

The person turned around and Harry's stomach lurched when he saw that it was Malfoy.

"You talking to me, Potter? Maybe try to not walk looking at the ground next time. Might help you look like someone who actually learned how to walk." Harry rolled his eyes and turned back around, heading back down the corridor, it taking all of his willpower not to slug Malfoy across the face then and there.

Just as Harry had taken the first step, Night shot out of his bag and bolted down the corridor, leading Harry on. Harry broke into a sprint, just trying to keep the Kneazle in his sights.

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