Chapter 28

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Harry raced through the corridors, up the stairs, and pushed through the doors to the Room of Requirement.

He hardly noticed anyone he passed and didn't pay attention to the people he knocked over in his haste.

When he reached the Room, he vaguely noticed that wasn't as it had been when Draco was there.

It was one large room with targets, dummies, even a platform for dueling. Harry hardly noticed the change as he took out his wand and started firing spells.

Harry felt numb. As if he couldn't figure out what to do. The visions had stopped. They had stopped and it was fine. Now there are Ministry raids, kidnappings, and people being tortured, and I have to witness all of it.

Harry paced back and forth, firing spells around him at random. He wasn't sure if they hit the targets, he just knew they went somewhere.

The Room of Requirement, who grew irritated at the way it was being treated, started throwing spells back at Harry. He didn't notice.

Only when one spell hit him squarely on the back he looked up at the ceiling.

"Can't you see I'm dealing with something here? Can you lay off and give me a minute?" He shouted up. He felt foolish shouting, but his brain wasn't working in the realm of reason.

Harry paced back and forth for over an hour, his brain working at high speed, trying to figure out what to do.

Sirius may be dead, but there is a myriad of people who Voldemort could take from me. But he doesn't seem totally intent on killing me right now. He wants to get power. And a lot of it at that. He wants the Ministry on his side and he wants to control it. Dumbledore may be great, but he can't stop Voldemort and all of his followers. Can he? No. The idea is ridiculous.

Harry didn't hear the door open behind him and fired a spell behind him. Draco dropped to the ground as the jet of red light soared over his head. It touched so close he felt his hair move.

"Watch it Potter! You could hurt someone!" Harry vaguely waved his hand and kept pacing, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Draco walked forward and a couch appeared beside him. He plopped down and watched Harry as he paced back and forth. Harry was sweating and a slightly mad look was in his eyes.

"What happened Potter? Are you alright?" Harry didn't look up and kept pacing. His legs seemed to be moving automatically and wouldn't stop.

All of a sudden, Harry reached up to his forehead, struck by a pain in his scar. His crumpled to the floor in an unconscious heap and Draco ran to his side.

Harry was gliding along a smooth wooden floor on his stomach. He heard familiar voices in the room in front of him and slithered closer.

A small fire was the only source of light and Harry moved closer, so his head was in the door. He recognized the voices immediately. Rookwood and Nott.

"You obliviated him? But how? The Dark Lord has been trying to get close enough for ages but he has failed!" Nott chuckled at Rookwood's confusion.

"I used Imperio on some witch in Hogsmeed who works in the back of The Three Broomsticks and she did it for me. I disguised myself with polyjuice potion and so she had no idea it was me. She was pretty dim to be honest. She reported back to me that she had done it. Potter was apparently swimming at midnight so she had to dive down to the bottom of the lake. She told me that she tried to drown him, but someone saved him. She wasn't sure who though."

Harry listened intently, hanging on to every word. So one of my followers went against my orders? He did do something I haven't yet been able to do, but he should have consulted me. He should know better than to try and sneak around Lord Voldemort. I will just have to set an example, won't I? Yes. He shall learn that next time, he will come to me first.

Harry slithered into the room and both men paled when they saw him. Harry hissed and moved his head, beckoning them into the next room.

The two men exchanged a sad and scared glance then shuffled forward. Harry nipped at their heals and they picked up the pace.

Harry slithered behind them and listened intently as they whispered to one another.

"Tell him what you did and maybe he will have more mercy on you." Foolish man. Doesn't he know I am here? He will learn. He will learn and be punished.

Harry woke up sweating and shaking on the floor of the Room of Requirement. Draco was leaned over him, worry in his eyes.

"You just going to sit there or are you going to help me up?" Harry's voice was slightly croaky and his face and robes were covered in sweat, but Draco smiled in relief.

"You've got to stop doing that! You've got me worried sick!" Draco couldn't keep the panic and relief out of his voice. Harry smiled and stood up. "I need my broom."

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