Chapter 30

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Harry flew, not just to the grounds, but through the corridors and up to Dumbledore's office.

"Chocolate Frogs!" He practically shouted and the gargoyle sprang aside. Harry flew up the stairs and only dismounted his broom when he was right outside the door. He pushed it open at the "Come in!" and hurried inside.

Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk and smiling serenely at him. "Hello Harry. How can I help you again?" Harry shook his head and pointed to the cabinet next to him.

"I need your pensive Sir." Dumbledore's brow creased in confusion but he nodded and waved his hand at the cabinet. The doors opened and the pensive floated out and hovered above a nearby table.

"It will only take a moment Sir." Dumbledore nodded as Harry walked over to the pensive. He opened the flask and watched as the silvery contents disappeared.

Dumbledore watched curiously as Harry vanished the empty flask with a wave of his wand, poked the swirling silver substance with his wand, took a deep breath, then dove into the milky white surface.

Harry opened his eyes and looked around him at the streets of Hogsmeed. The familiar shops surrounded him and he felt almost at peace. Then he remembered what he was there for.

Harry followed Bernadette as she walked down the street, covered in a fluffy jacket and a warm scarf.

A figure emerged from the shadows and fell on the ground. "Help me! Help me please!" Harry knew it was Nott and scowled at the figure on the ground.

Bernadette dropped her bag and ran to Nott's side. She helped him up then smiled. Nott was transformed into an only lady with several scarves, jackets, and old clothing. He certainly put effort into this, didn't he?

"Thank you dear. You know, you seem like a kind person. Would you mind doing me a favor?" Bernadette smiled and nodded. The scene shifted and the voices became distorted, but Harry could still make out the words.

"Harry Potter is at Hogwarts. Go to him. Erase his memory of all of his friends. Go. Now. Return to me when you are done." Harry heard the slight shuffle of feet, the splash of water, and the word "obliviate!" but he couldn't see anything.

The world around him was grey and smokey and he couldn't make out a single shape. He did, however, hear the sounds of footsteps then the familiar voice of Nott/the old woman.

"Thank you very much. That will help my master a lot. seem decent enough. I will let you live. This time. Don't make me regret it."

Harry stood up and gasped as the lights from Dumbledore's office popped into being all around him. Dumbledore was still sitting behind his desk, watching Harry intently.

"Harry? Are you alright? What happened?" Harry shook his head and backed up.

"I-I'm fine Sir. I just needed to know something and now I do."

In all honesty, Harry was disappointed. He had hoped that somehow figuring out what happened to Bernadette would get him his memories back, but he didn't feel any different.
He still didn't remember Hermione and Ron and the faces of the Weasley family still looked like strangers.

Harry nodded to Dumbledore then hurried from the room. He grabbed his broom and hurried down the stairs, but slammed into Draco on the way.

"Damn it Potter! Watch where you're walking!" Harry rolled his eyes. "Why are you here Malfoy?" He asked.

His head was tired and he wanted to sleep. However he felt something strange. A new feeling. Harry didn't understand what it was or what had caused it to appear but he knew that it certainly wasn't hate and it was most certainly directed at Draco.

Feelings can't just appear. It takes time to grow them and figure out what they mean. So why did this feeling just show up?

"I saw you flying through the corridors and thought I would figure out what was bothering you. You've been acting strange all day and I want to know what's going on."

It wasn't a total lie. More like a half lie. Harry stepped forward and Draco's breath caught in his throat.

What is wrong with you? You don't like him. It's only friendly concern. Yes. You are concerned for Potter. It's normal. You have sort of become friends with him and it is natural to want to check up on friends.

Draco looked into Harry's eyes and knew that it most certainly wasn't just a friendly feeling that made his chest feel tight.

This is wrong. I can't be gay. I can't be. It's not happening. I They aren't friendly feelings but I don't think they are romantic feelings. Who am I kidding? They are romantic. They are romantic and I am totally falling for Harry Potter. The realization made Draco's stomach do a flip and he felt himself getting nervous.

Harry noticed a change in Draco's features. His face seemed to clear and a nervous expression replaced the confused one he had been wearing before.

Harry looked at Draco's face and noticed how his eyes were suddenly sparkling and his mouth was slightly open, as if he was silently panting. Harry noticed his lips and how soft they looked.

Would they feel soft? Harry mentally shook himself. You're going mad. Absolutely bonkers. Draco is a friend-No! Malfoy. Malfoy is a friend. No Draco. Malfoy. Malfoy is a friend who is just checking up on you.

Harry pulled himself out of his daze and stepped back. Draco wished he had moved closer.

"I had to deal with something and now that I have, I think I will go get some lunch. I didn't eat much for breakfast and I'm starving."

Harry smiled slightly and slipped past Draco and towards the Great Hall. Draco slumped against the wall, trying to figure out what on Earth he was going to do.

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