Chapter 16

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By the time the Gryffindor boys went back inside, it was a full scale blizzard outside. The corridors were lit only by torches because no light could get through the clouds and through the windows that were full of snow.

Fred and George led Harry up to the Common Room and told him the password so he could get in whenever he wanted, (Quidditch Rules).

The Common Room was wonderfully warm after playing in the snow for hours and Harry collapsed into a chair by the fire.

Even though he couldn't remember what they were like before, Harry thought the twins and Dean and Seamus were pretty cool. They were great on a broom, really funny, and managed to explain things without sounding condescending.

A red-haired girl came over and sat on the chair across from Harry.

"Hi Harry. How are you feeling?" Harry rolled his eyes. He was already sick of that question.

"I'm feeling fine. Great, actually." The girl smiled.

She looked at him for a moment and it slightly broke her heart to see Harry look at her with such...a blank look. No recognition was in his eyes. No fondness or caring. Only curiosity.

"I'm Ginny. We used to go out. You dumped me a while ago but you never told me the real reason." Harry's curiosity seemed to have been spiked.

"We used to go out?" Ginny nodded. "Why do you look so surprised?" She snapped. Because you're a girl, for one.

"Just because... I dunno. I remember dating someone, but the outline of the person is hazy." Ginny shrugged.

"Well, we did. I'm dating someone else now though so you don't have to worry." Harry nodded and looked back at the fire. His attention was slipping and he was starting to hope people would leave him alone.

Just when it looked like Ginny wanted to say something else, Dean tapped Harry on the shoulder.

"Come on mate. Lunch time." Harry stood. "Bye Ginny. Nice meet-talking to you." Her face seemed to fall when he almost said meeting, but she fixed it back into a smile.

"Nice talking to you too Harry." Harry nodded and followed Dean and Seamus out of the portrait hole. He was hungry since he had only had a piece of toast at breakfast.

When they arrived at the Great Hall, the ceiling was dark with gray clouds and the windows were covered with snow so the only light came from torches and the floating candles which cast eerie shadows over the students' faces.

The three boys sat at the Griffindor table and loaded up their plates. Harry looked around for Draco, but didn't see him anywhere.

Probably forgot. He was so pissed yesterday, I doubted he'd even come. Not that I want him to anyway...I don't care about him...

Harry ate more food than was probably wise, then said goodbye to Dean and Seamus and left the Hall.

He leaned against the Entrance Hall door and watched the blizzard in front of him. The lake was frozen over and every place that had just had frosted grass was now under at least a foot of snow.

Hagrid's cabin looked very festive, like a postcard. When he got cold, Harry started walking up the stairs.

I would go fly my broom, but I'd probably freeze before I got to the Pitch.

Harry walked up flights and flights of stairs, not even paying attention to where his feet were taking him. He walked around corridor after corridor, trapped in his own thoughts.

Why can't I remember any of these people? They seem like good people. I even dated one of them. Oh God. What if I dated more than just Ginny? I know I dated Cho Chang. I remember her. She cried way to much... Why can I remember her but not my whole bloody House? I remember Hannah Abbott and Ernie McMillon of all people but I can't remember the people who were supposedly my best friends. I don't think just drowning messed with my memory. No. Something targeted my friends, my house. Someone erased my memory. I'm sure of it. I just have to find out who. And why. Because why would someone do that? More importantly, who would do that?

Harry kept walking, nearly running into a suit of armor. He felt restless again. He remembered feeling like that before he passed out.

That won't happen again. And my legs aren't twitching. I'm just...bored. Yes. I'm bored. And I have a right to be. I haven't done anything for ages but I can't remember anyone so the only person I feel like I can really hang out with is... The realization hit him like a ton of bricks. He finally stopped walking and slumped against a wall.

I remember almost no one. Not the entirety of my House, which was almost all of my friends. Not my old girlfriend. Not the two people who everyone is telling me we're my best friends. I can't remember any of it but I can remember Draco Malfoy. I remember every single moment with him. Most of them I would rather forget. Madam Pomfrey would have noticed if I were obliviated, wouldn't she? Maybe memory loss is normal, but not memory loss targeted to a certain person or people. That can't be normal.

Harry ran a hand through his hair and held his head in his hands.

It wasn't Malfoy. I'm sure it wasn't. But there are many people who would do his bidding. Goyle, Blaise, Pansy, his mother, probably. Not to mention other Slytherins who probably worship the ground he walks on. Who would obliviate me? Surely not his mother. Last I heard she was in hiding after Lucius got arrested. Some Ministry guys caught him passing top secret information and gave him a life sentence for Azkaban. To be honest, Malfoy seemed almost happier and relieved when his Father was gone.

Pansy tends to do what she thinks will make people happy. But I don't think this was Malfoy's choice. He seemed very concerned. I could see in his eyes that it wasn't an act. He doesn't know. That leaves Goyle and Blaise. They would have had to sneak in at night and Goyle is far too loud and too stupid to think to put a silencing charm on his shoes. That leaves Blaise. I can't just go at him. As much as I want to...I have to prove it. I just have to figure out how I'm going to do that...

A huge rumble of thunder that shook the snow away form the windows brought Harry back to the present.

The corridor was still deserted but for just a moment, it was lit up by the flash of lightening. However, in just a second it was back to being lit by the soft glow of the torch light. Harry closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the cool stone.

If Blaise erased my memories, I want to know why. I really just want to pummel him into the ground, but I can't do that without proof. How do I find proof? Who is that guy who solves the crimes? Sherlock. Yes. I need to be my own Sherlock to figure out why he would do this. If it was even him. It's most likely him but hey, I know that things aren't always the way they seem. Learned that the hard way...

Harry slowly stood up and started walking down the corridor. He stopped at a large window that wasn't completely obscured by snow and looked out.

The grounds looked like a painting. Snow covered every inch and it looked as smooth as silk. It was hard to see because the blizzard was still falling, but he could make out the beauty of the grounds.

He looked to the tower to his right and counted the windows. Am I on the seventh floor? I hadn't realized. Harry moved away from the window and kept walking.

Maybe my memories will come back. Maybe I can convince whoever took them to return them. That's about as likely as me and Voldemort becoming chums, but I guess I can dream.

Harry kept walking around the floor until he finally went down the stairs and walked into the library.

Maybe something in here can help me learn about forgetting charms. The most I know about it is what's happening to me now and what happened to Lockhart. He really was a git...

Harry wandered the sections until he found a few books that suited his needs then sat down at a table and began reading, trying to figure out how to fix what had happened.

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