Chapter 33

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Harry ate dinner and chatted with his friends that evening then headed back up to the Common Room with them.

He was crushed by Ron in a game of Wizard's Chess, but he got his revenge when they played exploding snap and Ron's eyebrows caught fire. Harry fell to the floor laughing and Ron glared at him before chuckling.

"I've missed you Harry." He and Hermione said when they were all sitting on the couch. Harry smiled at them. "I'm glad to be back. To be able to remember you."

Harry stayed downstairs long after most people had gone to bed. Hermione hugged Harry and Ron and she and Ginny dragged themselves up the stairs to the dormitory.

Ron gave a huge yawn and Harry chuckled. "Go to bed Ron. I'll stay down here for a bit. I'm not tired yet." Ron nodded then bade him goodnight and headed up the stairs.

When Harry was sure he was gone, he pulled on his jacket and walked out of the Common Room and down the stairs.

The Entrance Hall doors opened silently and he slipped out into the cool, December air. Harry made his way through the snow, cleared a spot by the lake, and sat down and stared up at the starry sky.

The moon was almost full and cast its light over the grounds. Harry felt a warmth in his lap and looked down to see Night staring at him, all four paws in the air.

"Well hello. Missed me, have you?" Night purred and curled up in his lap. Harry pulled his Kneazle into the warmth of his jacket and leaned back to look at the stars.

Across the lake, Draco sat with a sketchbook in hand, drawing the night sky. He looked up when he heard a voice and gave a start when he saw Harry talking to his Kneazle.

Since we are technically boyfriends, I don't have to hide anymore...

Draco packed up his bag then walked along the tree line until he sat down beside Harry. Harry turned and grinned at him before looking back up at the sky.

"Isn't it lovely? I don't think I've ever appreciated it before." Draco looked up and could see what he meant. The stars twinkled down at them and they seemed welcoming, like old friends.

"I don't think I have either." Harry looked sideways at Draco and smiled.

"What are you doing out here? Don't you need your beauty sleep?" Draco rolled his eyes.

"I come out here to draw sometimes." Harry looked down at the bag beside his boyfriend, geeze it's weird to say that, and pulled out the sketchbook.

"What are you doing? That's private!" Draco tried and failed to get his sketchbook back and Harry flipped through the pages.

He smiled when he saw that many of the drawings were of him. He was particularly fond of one of him in his Quidditch robes, flying over the Pitch.

"How are you so amazing at this?" Draco shrugged, his cheeks bright pink.

"I'm often bored at home. Mother taught me to draw when I was little and now I draw when I'm bored. I'm amazed you haven't noticed." Harry smiled and leaned over so that his face was mere inches from Draco's.

"You will have to show me the rest sometime." Draco smiled and closed the gap between the two of them. He held Harry's face in his hands and gently moved him thumb in a circle under his jaw. Harry grinned and pushed against Draco, pushing him down into the snow.

Draco moved his arms and wrapped them around Harry's neck. Harry moved down Draco's neck until he heard Draco give a soft moan at a spot right below his ear.

Harry sucked on it gently and Draco gave a more pronounced moan. Before Harry could move any more, Draco shifted his hands and flipped them over so Harry was laying in the snow.

Harry smiled up at Draco then leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Draco's waist, pulling him closer.

Draco met Harry's mouth with his own and marveled at how soft Harry's lips were and how much passion they held.

He ran his tongue along his bottom lip and smiled when Harry's mouth opened. Just like last time, Draco won the battle for dominance and explored Harry's mouth. He tasted vaguely of toast and just as Draco had reached this conclusion, Harry pushed him away, gasping for air.

"You better get better at holding your breath Scarface." Harry scoffed and Draco rolled off of him and onto the snow.

A hissing sound reached his ears and Harry saw Night glaring at him from the edge of the lake. "Sorry Night. I forgot you were there."
Draco burst out laughing and Night hissed at him then ran into the bushes.

"He's not going to talk to me for a while, is he?" Draco chuckled and shook his head.

"Given what he was just quite literally in the middle of, I'm going to say no." Harry chuckled and shook his head, gazing at the place where Night had disappeared.

"So why aren't you in bed? It's the night you got your memories back, I would think you would want to spend as much time with your friends as possible." Harry just shrugged and stared at the frozen lake.

"I'm not tired. I had so much fun spending time with my friends today, but now I just want a break from the constant news and questions." Draco nodded sympathetically.

"I can understand that. I'll tell you, Pansy never stops talking. Sometimes I just want to tell her off but I know I can't because anything I do she or some other Slytherin tells my Father."

Harry gazed at Draco curiously. "I thought your Father was in Azkaban?" Draco nodded, but now he looked sad.

"He is. But he has so many Death Eater friends outside of it, he always has a way to communicate." Harry watched Draco then wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"I'll be there for you. No matter what your Father thinks." Draco smiled and wrapped an arm around Harry's waist.

They sat in silence for a while, just watching the stars, until Harry stood up and offered Draco a hand.

"We've got to get some sleep at some point. With Christmas in a few days, we've got to be nice and I don't know about you, but I'm not a nice person on no sleep." Draco chuckled and took Harry's hand.

"Do you have to go to your dormitory tonight?" Harry smiled and shook his head.

"Do you want to stay in the Room of Requirement with me?" "I thought you'd never ask." Draco smiled and led Harry up the slope and to the castle.

They reached the Room of Requirement quickly and both curled up together on the bed. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and buried his face in his shoulder, Harry curled up beside Draco and let the gentle beat of his heart lull him to sleep.

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