Chapter 13

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Since Harry didn't remember them and it broke their hearts to see them that way, Ron and Hermione left quickly, Ron basically supporting Hermione who looked close to tears.

"I feel bad for them. If they're this beat up over it, we must have been good friends, but I can't remember them." Draco shrugged.

"There's nothing you can do but try to remember. At least you know what they look like now." Harry grinned.

"I really did think she was blonde." Draco chuckled.

"Well, I guess it's a good thing you met them. You can put names to faces and it can help you remember." Harry shrugged.

He was silent for a while until, "Why did whatever happen only affect my memory of Hermione and Ron? It makes most of my time here fuzzy, but I remember the big things. Like when I had to get the stone from Quirril in first year. Did they help with that or was it just me? I remember being in that room, but I don't remember anyone else." Draco thought.

"I don't know why only your memory of Ron and Hermione were affected. It's very strange." Harry rolled his eyes. "Really? You don't say?"

The two sat in silence for a bit until Harry spoke again. "Madam Pomfrey said she would only be gone for half an hour. It's been over an hour." Draco shrugged.

"Maybe whatever she was doing got complicated and it's taking longer." Harry nodded. "Maybe."

After a few more minutes of silence, the doors opened and a harried looking Madam Pomfrey came in.

She walked right by Harry and Draco without a glance and slammed her office door behind her.

"What do you reckon's on with her?" "I dunno. Maybe some potion isn't working out or something." Draco said with a curious look.

They watched the office door for a while, but she never came out.

"Today's Friday." Harry nodded, but still seemed surprised at how long he had been asleep.

"She'll probably let you out over the weekend so you can get used to, well, being conscious again." Harry chuckled.

"I reckon you're probably right. Hey. Can I ask you something?" Draco's stomach filled with butterflies, but he nodded.

Harry seemed to think for a minute but then his face relaxed. "What's today's date?" The weight in Draco's chest lifted. "It's December second." Harry nodded.

"I'm going to get some sleep. Believe it or not, I'm actually tired." Draco chuckled and nodded, but feared that if Harry slept he wouldn't wake up again.

"Okay. Night Potter." A small smile curved Harry's lips. "Night Malfoy."

Draco sighed as he walked over to the doors. He looked back at Harry's bed to see him snuggling down into his blankets.

It's crazy how much I worry about you. It's crazy that I like you. It's crazy that I want to be with you. I guess for me crazy is the new normal.

Draco opened the doors silently and slipped out. He didn't feel like explaining himself to Pansy and Blaise, so he went over to an old tapestry and pulled it aside.

It had a tunnel that had a small section off to the side that Draco had put a small mattress, blanket, pillow, and lantern. He'd slept there before when he didn't want to go to the dormitory.

He crawled in bed and quickly fell asleep, thinking about how Harry said his drawings were his happiest memory.


The next day seemed to pass in yet another haze. Pansy was the one who was scribbling down Draco's notes because he just kept laying his head down and falling asleep. This is what you get for staying up half the night.

As soon as the final bell rang and everyone was going to dinner, Draco raced to the Hospital Wing.

Harry was still laying in bed, but he seemed very agitated. Madam Pomfrey was clicking her tongue and her face was pink with frustration.

"Malfoy! Can't you tell her to let me out of here? She's saying I have to stay until Monday! I'm fine! I can move around and think and eat! I do not want to stay in here for days! Staying in here all day today was bad enough!" Harry glared at Draco, daring him to say something to help Madam Pomfrey.

"Madam Pomfrey, can't he get out tomorrow or Sunday? He seems fine and he'll come back if he thinks anything is wrong. Right Potter?" Harry nodded. "Promise!" Madam Pomfrey just shook her head.

"You said you would do that after your near drowning, but look where that got you. You will stay here until I see fit to release you." Harry groaned and leaned back on his pillows.

"Madam Pomfrey, may I talk to you for a minute?" Draco asked. She nodded and led him to her office. As soon as the door closed behind them, Draco spoke.

"Potter is a very energetic person. He hates just laying around. It would probably do more damage to him if you kept him laying down. He has been asleep for a week! He's bound to have a ton of energy. I'll look after him to make sure he comes back if he needs to." Madam Pomfrey's face brightened.

"You two stay here. I've got to talk with someone. I'll be back soon." She hurried from her office and out of the Hospital Wing. Did she even hear what I just said? Draco sighed as he walked over to Harry's bed.

"I tried, but I don't think she listened. She just said that she had to talk with someone." Harry grimaced.

"Great. You know, she doesn't even let me move? Doesn't even let me walk around! It's so irritating! I don't want to lay here for days!"

Harry's grimace turned into a smile. "Er...why are you happy?" Draco asked and Harry chuckled.

"You like to draw. You're very good at it." Draco tried to stop the blush that was creeping up his face but failed.

"I mean, I can draw, yeah." "I want to see them. They must be really cool." Draco shrugged.

"Nah. They're just kind of boring pictures of... er...plants."

Harry chuckled. "Well, I want to see your drawings of plants. They must still be nice." Draco shook his head.

"Sorry. I...don't have my sketchbook." He started slowly backing towards the door and Harry's mouth quirked up again in a smile.

"I'm pretty sure it's in your bag. But fine...I'll let you keep your pictures of plants a secret. For now."

Draco gave a strained chuckle then nodded and said in a somewhat scratchy voice, "Yeah...bye Potter. I' to go." Harry looked disappointed, but nodded.

"Bye Malfoy." Draco nodded then left the Hospital Wing at a run. He pulled back the old tapestry and crawled onto his little bed.

Damn you Potter. You know what's in that sketchbook! I can't show you. Showing you would make it real. And it can't be real. It just can't be. Merlin! Why do you have so much bloody power over me? I care about you too much! I don't know what it is about you, but it's there. I was worried sick when I thought you were going to die, but now I'm terrified that you might find out how I feel and hate me for it. Besides, I doubt Harry Potter is even gay.

With that last depressing thought, Draco snuggled under his blanket and fell asleep.

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