Chapter 22

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Harry and Neville talked their plan through and both jumped when the dormitory door opened.

"Silencio!" Harry whispered. The puppy immediately stopped making noise and Harry shoved it under his blankets.

"Hey Harry, would you mind helping Seamus and I tomorrow with Charms? Since you're so good at it lately." Harry nodded at Dean and he smiled.

"Thanks. I'm not doing to well with it lately." Seamus shook his head.

"Neither am I. You should see my marks." He shivered. "Mum'll kill me if she finds out."

The boys slowly started to crawl in bed and Neville waved goodnight to Harry. "Tonight?" He whispered and Harry nodded.

Ron came in after a little bit and smiled to Harry. Harry smiled back but when he did, it just seemed to make Ron sad and he turned away and closed his bed curtains. Why is he so upset? I'm the one who lost my memories.

Harry closed his curtains and waited for the sounds of breathing to become relaxed. He didn't have to wait long until he slipped on his shoes, stowed his wand in his robes, grabbed his cloak and the Marauders Map, and of course the puppy.

Harry slung his bag over his shoulder and jumped when he realized his Kneazle was still in it. "Night! Hop out. Come on." Night hissed at him, but did as he said.

Harry lowered the puppy into the bag and held it close. Silently he swung the cloak over himself and crept out of the dormitory, through the portrait hole, and up the stairs.

Harry checked the map several times but didn't encounter anyone on his way, so he reached the seventh floor quickly.

He stopped outside of the familiar stretch of blank wall and paced back and forth three times.

The door appeared and he pushed it open without a creak and closed it behind him. The Room looked just as it had when he had left, same couch, bookcases, and curtained off areas.

Harry slipped off the cloak and stuffed it into his pocket. He then walked quickly to the bedroom and sat on the end of Draco's bed. Draco was sleeping soundly and didn't wake the first few times Harry called his name.

"Alright then..." Harry muttered. He reached into the bag, pulled out the puppy, undid the silencing charm, and placed him by Draco's head.

At once the puppy started growling a bit, but then it started licking Draco's face. Draco started swatting it away and Harry nearly fell to the ground from laughter.

"For Merlin's sake Potter. Can't have waited until morning?" Harry wiped tears from his eyes.

"Well, I had an idea and I'm not the patient sort." "Obviously."

Harry continued as if he hadn't heard Draco. "I may have accidentally done or transfigured something and I don't know how to transfigure it back." Draco was now sitting up, staring at Harry.

"It's really Fred and George's fault, but now I don't want to transfigure it back because he's so cute and he's just a widdle biddy baby and I wuv him." Harry was cuddling the puppy and watching Draco who looked quite exasperated.

"Let me get this straight. You accidentally transfigured something into life because one of those Weasley twins told you to and now you don't want to transfigure him back because you became attached to him?" "Yes." Harry answered sheepishly.

"But looked how cute his widdle biddy paws are!" Harry said, shoving the puppy towards Draco's face.

Draco raised his hands to block his face but before he could, Harry dropped the puppy into them.

"What do I have to do with any of this? Why did you have to wake me up?" Harry looked around then looked back at Draco.

"No no no Potter. This dog is not staying here. I hate dogs! It's not an option." Harry looked into Draco's eyes and Draco felt his resolve slipping away.

"Why do you hate dogs? They're so sweet and precious and just..." Harry went into a series of unintelligible noises while scratching behind the puppy's ears.

"Are you finished?" Draco asked, handing the puppy back to Harry. The puppy jumped out of his arms and started running all around the bed. Harry looked up into Draco's eyes and saw that this was a battle he may loose.

"A month. That's all. I just need to find somewhere for him to live is all." Draco shook his head.

"I can't take care of a puppy! I've got classes and Quidditch." Harry smiled and snapped his fingers. At once a young house elf appeared in pressed trousers, a work shirt, with a hat with the Hogwarts crest printed on.

"This is Elliot. He's a friend of a friend. He's offered to take care of the puppy while we are busy."

Draco eyed the house elf then looked back at Harry.

"And how would we take care of a puppy? We can't exactly take him outside." Elliot snapped his fingers.

"There is being a trash shoot in the room Misters so you can be throwing away the dogs messes." Harry smiled.

"See? It'll be fine! Just one month! This is the best place for him! No one will find him here. You spend the most time in here so you know just how many people come to visit."

Draco looked between the house elf, the overly hopeful Harry, and the puppy that was still running around on the bed.

"Fine. Your puppy can stay." A grin spread across Harry's face and he dived at Draco, knocking him back. "Potter!" He gasped. Harry squeezed him in a hug then let go.

"You get a new home for a while!" He said to the puppy and the he jumped into Harry's arms.

"Thanks Malfoy!" He called back as he left the bedroom. Draco ran a hand through his hair and tried to stop the blush rising to his already pink cheeks.

In the next room, Harry was surprised to find a dog bed, two dog bowls, and a large basket of toys. He didn't have to ask where they came from. He patted the wall and a warmth reached his hand. "Thank you."

He set the puppy on the bed and he immediately curled up and fell asleep.

"So Elliot, when do you think you could work here? I know you have a lot of work to do for the school." Elliot looked confused.

"Elliot works whenever Masters is needing him." "Er..okay. How about when Malfoy and I are in class, you watch the puppy?" Elliot nodded. "Elliot can do that." Harry smiled.

"Thank you Elliot. You're a life saver!" The House Elf smiled a crooked tooth smile.

"Elliot is happy to help his masters. Hogwarts is happy home and he wants his masters to be happy." Harry smiled at him.

"Thank you. Let me know if you need a break, okay?" Elliot looked offended by the statement. "Er...never mind."

Harry patted the puppy on the head then walked back to the bedroom where he found Draco curled up under the blankets.

"Night Malfoy." He said then he turned to leave, waving to Elliot before slipping on the invisibility cloak. He didn't hear the "Goodnight Harry" before the doors closed.

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