Chapter 14

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The next day at breakfast, Draco received a letter to go to the Hospital Wing as soon as he was finished. What do they want with me? I bet it's about Potter. Why else would they want me there?

When Draco was finished with his eggs and bacon, he bade Pansy and Blaise goodbye and set of. Please let him be asleep, please let him be asleep!

When Draco opened the doors, Madam Pomfrey ran over, grabbed his arm, and pulled him over to Harry's bed. Harry was sitting up and looked just as confused as Draco felt.

"W-What's going on? Why's he here?" Harry asked her.

"Don't worry. We'll explain in a moment." Madam Pomfrey hurried to her office and closed the door behind her.

"Who's we?" Harry wondered out loud. Draco shrugged.

"I dunno. I guess we'll find out." Harry nodded and watched the door to Madam Pomfrey's office until it reopened.

When it did, Draco sat up a bit straighter. Madam Pomfrey was leading none other than Albus Dumbledore over to Harry's bed.

"P-Professor! What are you doing here?" Harry asked, his tone shocked.

"Hello Harry, Draco. Lovely day, isn't it?" Harry and Draco just stared at him and he sat down at the foot of Harry's bed.

"I do believe we need to have a chat. I suggested my office, but Madam Pomfrey said Harry wouldn't be able to climb the stairs." Harry looked annoyed.

"I am just fine! I can walk, talk, run, I bet I could fly on a broomstick if she would let me." Madam Pomfrey shook her head.

"Madam Pomfrey, could you please wait in your office?" She looked irritated at being told to leave in her own Wing, but she nodded curtly and left.

"Now, Madam Pomfrey had an idea and I have to say that I agree." Harry and Draco waited for him to explain.

"She suggested that you two share a room and Draco will help you heal and assist you with anything you need." Draco made a noise that sounded like a cross between a scoff and a gasp. Dumbledore's eyes twinkled.

"I felt that that might be a bit too...chummy, so I decided that Draco, you will look after Harry and make sure he is alright, but you will stay in your own dorms. You will assist him from class to class and help him with anything he may need." Draco sideway glanced at Harry and say that his hands were balled into fists.

"I don't need help!" Harry said, anger in every syllable.

"I don't need help getting to class, least of all from Draco bloody Malfoy!" Draco was shocked he would use that kind of language in from of the Headmaster.

"I can walk and use my brain and get anywhere I need to go, by myself! I don't need a baby sitter watching me all the time! I can take care of myself and I'll be dammed if I'm going to let someone else do it for me." Harry was seething and Dumbledore stood.

"I guess you'll have to be dammed then." Harry's mouth dropped in shock.

"Harry, what happened to you was unpredicted. Madam Pomfrey and I just want to make sure that you have someone to look after you if anything bad should happen again." Harry spoke through gritted teeth.

"I have people. You keep talking about Ron and Hermione. I'm sure they would be happy to help since they care so damn much." Draco was aghast. He had never seen Harry so upset before. Was Draco really that bad?

"You don't remember Ron and Hermione. If they offered to help you, you would just push them away. You and Draco seem to have a sort of bond, and I think it will work to our advantage here. You two obviously care for one  another," Harry moved, as if to speak, but Dumbledore cut across him.

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