Chapter 24

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Harry nodded and gestured her over. "What is it?" He asked.

"I've missed you. Ron and I. We've missed you. You used to talk to us every day and now it's been since your accident." Harry nodded.

"Can you tell me, what do you remember? About Ron and I?" Harry thought for a minute but the more he tried, the more his head started to pound.

"I-I don't know. I don't remember anything. Whenever I try to my head starts to hurt." Hermione thought for a minute.

"Strange. I'll do some research on it, but it sounds like a curse. Did someone curse you?" Harry shrugged.

"I thought so but now I'm not sure. I don't know who would want to. Aside from the obvious, Voldemort." Hermione shuddered at the name but didn't say anything.

"What do you remember about your first train ride to Hogwarts?" She asked.

"Hmm..." Harry thought again, but a sharp pain in his head forced him to stop.

"I-I can't. It's just foggy. I can't remember."

Hermione was quiet for a moment then pulled a small bottle from her pocket.

"I made this. It's a remembering potion. Since we aren't really sure what happened, I didn't know the exact kind to make so it might not work. This kind is just for forgetting illnesses, like a brain injury. If it was a charm I doubt it will work."

Harry nodded and took the bottle from her hand, popping off the top with his thumb. "Bottoms up then."

The contents tastes like honey and slid down his throat, but they didn't do anything for his head.

"Did it work?" Hermione asked hopefully. Harry shook his head.

"Sorry Hermione. All I know is that you're one of my best friends and I only know that from what other people have told me." Hermione tilted her head to the side then her eyes lit up like she got an idea.

"Meet me in the empty classroom on the fourth floor in ten minutes, got it?" Harry nodded and Hermione smiled then hurried away.

Harry checked his watch then looked back out at the grounds. His wandering mind was brought back to earth by the rubbing on his leg. He looked down and saw the puppy staring at him, pawing at him to go inside. Harry saw that he was trembling.

"Sorry little guy. I forgot all about you. Only one more stop to go before we go home." Harry stowed the puppy in his bag, making sure to wrap him in a scarf.

He took one last deep breath of the icy air before going back inside and hurrying off to the fourth floor.

As soon as he opened the door, a hand pulled him in and the door shut behind him. "Hermione? What's going on?" He heard a whisper beside him then a wand tip ignited.

To his left was Hermione and to his right was Ron. There was a large screen in front on him and several cushions on the floor. "Er...what's going on?"

"Sit down. I'll explain in a minute." Harry sat down on one of the cushions and Ron and Hermione sat down beside him.

Hermione flicked her wand and her wandlight went out but a picture started to appear on the screen.

"These are pictures of our time together. Hagrid gave you a scrapbook with some a while ago, but I guess you forgot about it. That's one from the first day we became friends. The day before you had rescued me from a troll who tried to kill me in a lavatory."

Harry recognized himself at once, but didn't understand how he was in a picture with the other two when he couldn't remember them.

"That one is from second year. You had just unlocked the Chamber of Secrets and we were having a midnight feast. It was strange since everyone was in their pajamas. I'm not in that one though."

Harry saw that his arms were wrapped around Ron and Seamus. Harry looked up the table and saw a small red-haired girl surrounded by a lot of red-haired people.

"Who are they?" Harry asked, pointing to the mass of red.

"That's Ginny, you've met her already. She's with my family." Ron said.

The picture changed and was replaced with a picture of a strange family Harry hadn't seen. They were in what looked like a cluttered living room, but they were all smiling.

"That's my family. Mum's sitting on the couch with dad and Percy, Fred and George are standing next to them. Bill is sitting in that armchair and Ginny's sitting on the other one. Charlie's the one sitting on the arm of the chair."

Harry looked at the picture, trying to get something familiar out of it but he kept coming up blank. The more he tried the more his head hurt so he just shook his head.

"I'm not remembering. I told you Hermione, it makes my head hurt. I appreciate the effort, but it's not helping. I'm sorry." Harry stood up and so did Ron and Hermione.

"Please Harry. Just a few more? It might help. Please." The desperation in Hermione's voice is what made Harry sigh and nod.

"Fine. Only a few." He sat back down on the cushion and saw Ron and Hermione exchange a glance.

"Okay. This one's of the D.A. That's-" "I've seen that picture before. I recognize most people in it and know them except for you two, the twins, Dean, Seamus, Neville, and Ginny." Hermione sighed.

"Okay then..." Another picture appeared of Harry, Ron, and Hermione in an icicle covered room that was sparkling with snow.

"The Yule Ball." Ron explained.

"I remember the Triwizard Tournament and dancing with Parvati." Harry said, nodding.

"Yes. Victor Krum took me and Ron took Padma Patil." Harry nodded.

"We don't look very happy, do we?" Hermione shook her head.

"We were having a disagreement. Well, Ron and I were." Harry felt the puppy in his bag getting squirmy.

"Look, I appreciate the effort and all but I've got to go. I'll talk to you later." Harry stood and hurried from the room, practically running back to the Room of Requirement.

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