Chapter 8

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When dawn came, which was just a few hours later, the boy had left the Hospital Wing so it was only Harry and Draco who remained.

Madam Pomfrey came to check on Harry every twenty minutes. She gave him a potion that burned all the way down, but it made him stop coughing.

"As admirable a thing as it was Mr. Potter, you really need to stop risking your life for others." Harry gave a small smile and shook his head.

"But then where would the world be? That boy would be dead. Violet would be a mess. Voldemort would be alive. Things would just be a mess."

Madam Pomfrey chuckled and said, "Very well then. Just next time, give me a notice so I can clear my schedule." Harry chuckled and nodded. "Will do."

Madam Pomfrey moved over to Draco's bed where he was still asleep.

"Time to wake up Mister Malfoy. Can't sleep all day." Draco woke up and shielded his eyes against the sunlight coming in from the windows.

"Can I go anytime soon?" He asked. Madam Pomfrey did a quick check up then nodded.

"Everything seems to be in order. You can go now." Draco stood and nodded then Madam Pomfrey called something across the room.

"Mr. Potter get back in that bed right now!" From across the Wing, Harry called, "Fine!" and Draco had to try hard to stifle his smile.

"Let his friends know he's here, will you?" She asked Draco. He nodded while thinking, That's just what I need. To go talk to Weasley and Granger. That'll brighten up my morning.

Draco left the Hospital Wing and felt a pair of eyes on his head as he did.

"When can I get up?" Harry asked Madam Pomfrey who was bustling over to him.

"Maybe in a day. I have to make sure no damage was done to you. Those leaves wouldn't have worked if you weren't near to dead, so I have to make sure your brain is still working. You were without oxygen for a long time and that can do something to a person."

Harry nodded, but really just wanted to move around. "Can I at least walk around? It's boring just laying down." Madam Pomfrey shook her head.

"When you don't get enough oxygen, it can have all kinds of side effects. One of them is restlessness. Mr. Malfoy had to practically carry you in here earlier, so I don't think walking is the best idea right now."

Harry nodded, but quickly stopped because his head hurt.

"Fine. I'll stop moving. Happy?" "Ecstatic." She replied then walked off to her office.

Harry laid back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. He wasn't bored for long though because Ron and Hermione came bursting into the Hospital Wing. When they spotted Harry, they raced over to his bed.

"What happened Harry? Malfoy told us that you nearly drowned and was in the Hospital Wing!" Harry rolled his eyes.

"Has a flair for the dramatic, doesn't he? And yeah. I kind of nearly drowned, but I'm fine now! Nigh-Wait. Where's Night?" Ron and Hermione exchanged glances.

"We don't know. But Harry...we have to turn in our Kneazles tomorrow. It's been two weeks and that's as long as the project lasted."

Harry felt like his heart was ripped in two. He had come to care for Night. They played and Night had managed to save his life so there was a connection there.

Night always seemed to understand what Harry wanted to do and he was always content to curl up in Harry's lap.

"Oh. Right. I-I guess I forgot." Harry couldn't keep the sadness out of his voice.

"Cheer up mate. There are all kinds of creatures in that forest. If you really want one, you can probably just stick your hand in and four or five would come crawling out. I'm not saying I'll go in with you though. That's all you." Ron chuckled.

"Thanks Ron. Really nice of you." Hermione smiled and sat in the chair next to his bed.

"How are you feeling? I know a lack of oxygen can cause-" Harry stopped her mid sentence.

"I know Hermione. Madam Pomfrey has already told me. And I feel fine. Just a little off, but I assume that's the symptoms." Hermione nodded, but didn't look all that reassured.

Just then, Madam Pomfrey came out of her office.

"Mr. Potter, upon further investigation, your symptoms appear to be few. You can leave whenever you choose as long as you report any symptoms to me." Harry hopped out of bed and Ron had to steady him with a hand on his arm.

"Great! Thanks Madam Pomfrey!" He grabbed his wand off of the nightstand and hurried out of the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey turned to Ron and Hermione.

"Make sure that he stays normal. He was without oxygen for several minutes and that can do something to a person. He is already restless and I don't know what other symptoms he may have been hiding from me. Keep an eye on him, alright?" Ron and Hermione nodded and left the Wing.

"You think he'll be okay?" Ron asked her. She nodded. "He's Harry Potter. He's always okay." Ron chuckled and nodded.

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