Chapter 25

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Harry didn't stay long in the Room, only long enough to get Elliot there, scratch the puppy behind the ears, and give the Room a pat of thanks.

As soon as he could, he hurried up to the dormitory and grabbed his jacket, gloves, and boots.

"I see you've heard they cleared the snow away." A voice said when he was hurrying down the stairs. Harry turned around and saw Seamus grinning at him.

"What?" "I guess not. Well, they cleared the snow away from the Entrance Hall doors so we can get outside. I'm surprised they didn't do it sooner to be honest."

"Oh. That's great. Thanks Seamus." Seamus nodded then turned back to Quidditch Through the Ages.

Harry walked out of the portrait hole and hurried down the stairs. The Entrance Hall doors were open and an icy breeze was flowing through them.

Harry pulled his hood over his head and walked out into the snow. It wasn't falling at the moment, but his feet made deep trenches in it.

He looked to his left and saw a few people having a snowball fight and several young students building a snowman to his right.

Harry kept walking in the direction of the Quidditch Pitch and hurried inside the changing rooms. He was relieved when he found his scarf in his locker next to his broomstick.

When he had wrapped his scarf around his face and made sure his boots were tied, he walked back out onto the snowy field. He was relieved to find that it empty.

The kickoff helped clear his mind, as he had hoped, and he felt slightly relieved, as if he had left his problems on the ground.

Everyone wants me to remember this and that. I don't remember any of it. Why is that? No matter what they say, I can't remember Ron and Hermione at all. Ron's family looks like strangers and those pictures make no sense. Why don't I remember any of that and I lived through it?

Harry flew around the field several times then went down to the changing rooms and got the snitch. He gave it a ten second headstart before diving down or rocketing up to catch it.

Doing something familiar, something he enjoyed, helped him feel better and made his unease go away.

Why would someone want to take away my memories? What have I done to anyone here to make them hate me that much?

When Harry had caught the snitch for the sixth time, he stuffed it into his pocket then flew down to the stands, wiped off a bench, and took a seat.

The cold helped clear his mind and he felt less claustrophobic. Inside the castle everyone wanted him to be a certain way, they wanted him to be Harry Potter. At least on the Quidditch Pitch he could relax and do what he wanted.

They say in Second Year, I opened the Chamber and killed Riddle. Ron said a while ago I went in there because his sister was kidnapped. I don't remember that at all! I know her name, but I don't remember walking into almost certain death for her.

A light snow started to fall and made Harry's hair turn white. He didn't move for a while longer, not until the snitch in his pocket broke free and nearly flew away. With a sigh, Harry stood, mounted his broom, then flew down to the changing rooms.

After everything was put away and secure, Harry trudged back up to the castle. He hadn't realized how cold he was until he held his hand up to one of the flaming torches lining the wall.

Harry breathed out a sigh then jumped around when someone tapped him on the shoulder. It was a brown headed Hufflepuff girl who looked to be in third year.

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