Chapter 19

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Draco watched Harry breathe and relaxed when he felt his now cool forehead.

"Damn it Potter. If you would just stay well, I could ignore you. But no. You have to go get sick then I feel like the worst person ever for not taking care of you. This is why I hate you, you know." Draco could practically hear Harry's voice in his ears.

"Stop being such a git, Malfoy. You know you care for me. It's high time you stopped denying it." Draco could picture Harry's lips turned up in the playful smirk he would sometimes wear. Merlin. I need help!

Draco walked over to the couch and found a stack of blankets and two fluffy pillows waiting. He grabbed a thick looking blanket and snuggled underneath it, grateful for its warmth.

Gale hopped up on the couch and curled up next to his chest, which made Draco smile.

"You know, I'm glad I got to keep you." Gale purred and Draco took that to mean, "I missed you too." He smiled and drifted off to sleep.


The next day was much of the same. Draco kept giving Harry the potion to take away his fever and Harry managed a couple of conversations.

However whenever Harry tried to get out of bed, he would fall either forwards or backwards and Draco had to lay him back down.

He did help Harry to the bathroom and then back to his bed a few times. At around two in the afternoon when Draco came back into the bedroom, Harry was curled up in a ball, under the blankets with his head stuffed under the pillow. Draco took that to mean that his head was hurting again so he walked back out and left him alone.

Draco went down to the kitchen and finally got them some real food, not just pastries, for dinner.

Harry ate a bit of soup but then refused anything else and burrowed under the blankets again. Draco sighed and left Harry by himself.

That night, Draco laid on the couch again and Gale curled up next to his chest. "Any advice?" He asked jokingly. He felt Gale shake his head.

"Thanks anyway. I'll be in classes tomorrow so you'll have to entertain yourself." He felt Gale nod and purr and the peaceful feeling carried him off to sleep.


Draco woke up the next morning to bright sunlight hitting his face and his Kneazle pawing at him to wake up.

"Shut up Gale. It's too early for this!" A clock appeared in front of his face that read eight AM. Draco hopped off of the couch and grabbed his wand.

"Classes start in an hour! How could you not have let me know?" He demanded of Gale. Gale glared at him then slipped out of the room.

"You know, you don't have to be so mean to your Kneazle! I think he's just trying to help. I called for you but you were so zonked out I'm surprised Gale could wake you up!" Harry called from the bedroom. Draco gave a small groan. I forgot he was here.

"I heard that!" Harry called and Draco had to try hard to repress a smile.

Draco walked over to the pastry bag and grabbed two cinnamon rolls. He then walked to the bedroom and sat on the bed next to Harry.

Harry's eyes were open, but Draco noticed his wand on the table and the closed curtains. Harry ate the cinnamon roll quickly and gave a muffled, "Thanks," to Draco.

"You didn't have to scarf it down. I don't want you throwing anything up on my bed." Harry chuckled.

"I feel fine. My head doesn't hurt as much today. I mean, it still hurts a bit but not as much as it did before." Draco nodded. It was a huge improvement from yesterday.

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