Chapter 17

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As Harry was studying, many people were whispering about him throughout the library. "I can hear you, you know!" Harry finally snapped and everyone finally dispersed. Everyone except for a blonde Ravenclaw.

"Hello Harry." She said, sitting next to Harry. "Hey Luna." Harry's eyes lit up and he tore them away from his book.

"Luna! I remember you!" She smiled. "Of course you do silly. Nargels Don't target all of the memories. Just some of them." Harry wore a confused look. "N-Nargels?" Luna nodded happily.

"You know, the invisible creatures that fly in your ears and make your brain go fuzzy. I think that's what happened. Maybe a lot of them came at once. Their effects usually wear off in a week or two. Don't worry Harry. It will be okay." She spoke as if it were obvious.

Luna wrapped Harry in a hug and stood. However, before she left, she swatted around Harry's head.

"You want to keep the Nargels away. This is the best was to do it." Harry nodded and she stopped.

"It was nice seeing you again Harry." Luna walked off through the bookshelves, leaving Harry feeling happier then before.

At least you remember her. And she's not so bad. She's actually pretty fun if you can understand her.

After a while of studying, in which his brain felt as if it was melting into nonexistence, Harry put his books away and left the library.

He walked into the Great Hall and saw the twins playing Wizard's Chess. As soon as Fred saw him, he hollered and waved.

"Harry! Get over here! I have to have a witness to my impending win!" Harry chuckled and sat next to Fred at the table. Harry had never been good at Wizard's Chess, he did remember that.

A little creature crawled into Harry's lap and purred. He chuckled and scratched Night behind the ears.

After a little while, Fred stood up and hollered and George chuckled.

"Come on Fred. I'm not letting you off that easily. Snowball fight, you on?" Fred grinned.

"I'm always ready to beat you!" George smirked at that.

"Well, I guess you'll be disappointed. Ready? Three, two, one!" Fred grabbed Harry's arm and dragged him from the Hall, following right behind his brother.

Night jumped out of Harry's lap in irritation, but still followed them and sat in the Entrance Hall doorway when they went outside.

Fred and George had several rounds snowball fights until George was declared the winner.

"You're up Harry! Try and beat, the champion!" Fred rolled his eyes and threw a snowball at his twin, which hit him right in the stomach.

Harry and George fought until they were both soaked and freezing. Harry was pretty bad at it, so George won that round too.

"Come on Harry! You've got to step up your game! You do realize I have to live with this, don't you?" Harry chuckled at Fred's words.

When all fighting was done, they walked back up to the castle, leaving deep footprints in the snow. The sun was sinking fast and Harry knew it must be time for dinner. Thank Merlin! I'm starving.

The three boys walked into the Great Hall, grateful for its warmth. Harry sat with Fred, George, Dean, and Seamus, because they were fun.

Ron and Hermione always depressed him and asked him the same questions. Are you getting better? How are you feeling? What did you do today? Do you remember anything new? He was tired of all the questions.

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