Chapter 5

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Harry walked into the Great Hall and surprise surprise, it was empty. Figures. It's only about six in the morning. Haha. Who's going to wake Ron up? Probably Hermione. Yeah. That sounds about right.

Harry walked over to his place at the Gryffindor table and grabbed some toast. He didn't feel like sitting. He wanted to be moving.

He wrapped the toast in a napkin and offered a piece of bacon to Night, who gobbled it down so fast that Harry gave him another few pieces.

It's the weekend. What do I do on weekends? It seems like forever ago that I had one. Too much school work. At least I don't have a ton of it this time.

Harry walked out the Hall, then decided he would take a walk outside.

"I know that we were just outside, Night." He said when he stared at him.

"You can sit on my shoulder if you're so lazy." Night hissed at him, but did just that.

Harry walked around the lake, then sat back in the grass, watching the sunrise. He munched on his toast and gave pieces to his Kneazle, who was now staring straight ahead at a point Harry couldn't see.

"Go on then. If something so exciting is happening over there, don't let me keep you." Harry joked, but his Kneazle looked at him for a moment then leaped off of his shoulder and bolted down to the forest. Harry chuckled but at the same time, he was sad Night had left him.

"What are you doing out here Potter? Isn't it the weekend? I would have thought you would be getting ready for your next photo shoot." Harry rolled his eyes at the familiar voice of Draco Malfoy.

"And shouldn't you be counting your families' fortunes? Or picking a first year to terrorize? Maybe off kicking a puppy?" Harry didn't look at Draco, but knew he was standing next to him.

Geeze. Really think that lowly of me, do you Potter? You make it really hard to like you. Shit. I do like you though, so I? Damn it. I like Harry bloody Potter. Father would be furious if he found out. He'd lock me in the dungeon if he found I was gay. I'd hate to see what he'd do if I started dating Harry Potter of all people. No no no. This isn't happening. This isn't happening. I don't like Harry Potter. I do not. I don't like his sparkling emerald eyes and his absurdly messy hair. I do not. I do not. It's not possible. It can't be possible. Right? No. It can't be.

After a lack of Draco's response, Harry finally looked at him and saw how pale he was. Harry immediately stood.

"Malfoy. You alright? You're white as a sheet." Draco's eyes seemed slightly unfocused. "Malfoy?" Harry gave him a little shake and that seemed to snap Draco to the present.

Draco looked around, somewhat dazed, and noted the hand on his shoulder and the emerald eyes that were staring at him, not with hate, but concern.

"Are you alright Malfoy? You're white as a sheet." Harry's words seemed slightly muffled.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine. I-I've got to go."

Draco slipped out of Harry's grasp and walked quickly to the castle, leaving a confused and slightly worried Harry behind.

When Harry sat back down, a new thought struck him. Wait. Why am I worried for Malfoy? He's been nothing but rude to me. Not a single act of kindness. But that look in his almost looked like fear. He slipped his mask back on quickly, but I saw it. I know it was there. But why am I concerned? I don't like Malfoy. There's nothing to like. He's vile and cruel and has definitely never said a kind word about me.

Harry kept staring at the sunrise until it was fully risen.

It's fine. I don't like Malfoy. Just concern. Yes. I'm concerned because he seemed unhealthy. He looked like he was going to pass out, honestly. I'm concerned for people when they are unhealthy. Even if they aren't the nicest sort. Yes, that's it. He just seemed unhealthy, so I was worried. That's all.

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