Chapter 12

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Draco was stunned into silence. "Malfoy? What are you doing here?" Harry's voice was croaky and it seemed to take him by surprise.

Harry cleared his throat and tried a different question. "How long have I been here?" Draco's eyes filled with tears. Oh Merlin. He doesn't remember anything.

" fell asleep in here when I was sick and you didn't wake up. I thought you were gone, but Madam Pomfrey said you were alive, you just probably wouldn't wake up. Something to do with nearly drowning and the brain. I couldn't understand most of what she was saying." Harry looked at him curiously.

"How long have I been here though?" Draco sat up and rubbed the back of his next.

"Er..." Harry stared at him. "Tell me."

"Fine. A week. You've been asleep for a week. Over that now, probably." Harry's face paled.

"A-A week? B-But how is that possible?" Draco shrugged.

"Ask Madam Pomfrey. Speaking of which, she told me to tell her if you woke up. Well, she technically said to tell her if there were any changes. I'd say awake and talking is a big one, no?" Harry was confused for a minute, but then seemed to understand.

When Draco stood and turned to go, Harry grabbed his wrist. "Don't go. Not yet." Draco looked at him confusedly. "I-I've got to tell Madam Pomfrey." He said, but Harry shook his head.

"Everything is fuzzy except when you're here. This reality doesn't make sense. You are here and are being nice. I've been asleep for a week. I hear voices in my head I don't recognize." That last bit got Draco's attention.

"What voices?" Harry shrugged slightly. "I dunno. I could hear. When I was asleep. And there was a girl and a boy that talked but I can't remember who they are." That'll be Weasley and Granger. But he doesn't remember them? What happened?

"I'll be right back. I promise. I've just got to get Madam Pomfrey." It looked like it pained Harry to let go of Draco's wrist, but he did and Draco hurried over to Madam Pomfrey's office.

He knocked on the door until a very irritated Madam Pomfrey came out, only clad in a nightgown and her robe. "What is it
Mr. Malfoy?" She asked exasperatedly.

"Potter's awake." He said. Her face lit up and she pulled out her wand then shut the door quickly. In just a few minutes, she came out and was wearing her normal uniform.

The two of them hurried over to Harry's bed and found him sitting up and looking around. Madam Pomfrey's face broke into a relieved smile as she walked forward.

"I'm glad to see that you're awake Mr. Potter. We were all very worried." Harry nodded but he still looked confused. He was holding a card that Hermione had left on his bedside.

"Who are Ron and Hermione and the Weasleys? Why did they leave me a card?" The smile vanished from Madam Pomfrey's face and she moved over to him.

"Lay back down Mr. Potter and tell me everything you remember. Starting with your name, date of birth, age, and where you are." Harry sighed and laid back down. Draco's stomach was in knots.

"My name is Harry James Potter. I was born July thirty first, nineteen eighty. I'm seventeen years old and am at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Madam Pomfrey nodded.

"And what is my name." Harry slightly smirked.

"Your name is Madam Pomfrey. He is Draco Malfoy. The animal curled up next to me is my Kneazle named Night. That good?" A slight smile curled Madam Pomfrey's lips.

"I'm trying to figure out why you can't remember your friends. I have to figure that out in order to treat you." Harry nodded, but looked tired already.

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