Chapter 18

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When Harry woke, it was because of the splitting pain in his head. As soon as he opened his eyes, he shut them tight and buried his face in his pillow.

He heard someone walking around but didn't dare open his eyes again. Even though it was night time, just looking around made his head pound even worse. He heard someone walk over to him and they tilted his head to the side.

"Don't smother yourself Potter. I'm supposed to be taking care you and I don't fancy answering a ton of questions about your death." It was Draco. Harry couldn't think without his head hurting worse, let alone speak.

"Can I tell you what I think?" Draco asked. "I think that your refusal to accept help when you need it is going to be your downfall. You have to get help Potter. And I know you're awake because you groaned earlier." Harry felt the pull of fabric as someone sat on the bed.

"Do you know how irritating you are Potter? Always getting hurt. Always collapsing. If you ever ask me about this, I'll deny it, but I worry about you. You are an absolute idiot and I'll never say that you're not, but I worry that one of these days, you'll hurt yourself and you won't bloody heal."

Harry felt something wet on his forehead and figured Draco must have wet a towel.

"Look, if you are going to keep hurting yourself and not let yourself be helped, you're on your own. I'm tired of being worried about you."

Harry finally found his voice, but he didn't risk opening his eyes. He spoke in the direction he heard Draco's voice.

"The funny thing is, I don't hurt myself on purpose. I don't know what vision you have of me walking through flames or whatever, but pain and trouble usually find me. You think I like hurting? You're lucky you don't live with my Uncle and Cousin, then you really wouldn't like pain yourself."

Draco was quiet for a moment. "I don't imagine you hurt yourself on purpose Potter. Just try to keep your stupid Gryffindor chivalry from sticking out. You always run into the face of trouble if someone is at risk. Stop doing that. That's why there are adults! Let yourself relax. Try to not play the hero all the time."

Harry mentally scoffed at his choice of words. He couldn't scoff out loud without his head jolting quite painfully.

"Fine. I'll try to stop 'playing the hero' as you so poetically put it. But I won't stop helping people if they need it. I would risk drowning for that Ravenclaw again if it meant I got to save his life."

Draco was quiet for a minute. "It's good you like to help people. Just remember, you've got to help yourself sometimes too." Draco took a small breath.

"Get some rest. You've been out about an hour, but I figure you need more sleep than that." Harry felt the weight on the bed lift and knew Draco was leaving.

"Night Malfoy." He mumbled. "Night Potter." Harry didn't miss the smile in his voice before sleep pulled at him.

While Harry was asleep, Draco bustled around cleaning what really didn't need to be cleaned, getting more food than was necessary from the kitchens, and changing the cloth on Harry's forehead.

There was probably a cooling charm so the cloth would stay cold, but Draco's mind felt muddled and he couldn't remember it.

When he had removed the cloth, he placed his hand lightly on Harry's forehead, careful not to wake him.

Harry's head was burning and Draco quickly remove his hand.

"What is wrong with you?" He muttered as he left the bedroom.

When he walked over to the shelves, he simply asked, "Books on fevers" and a book to his right fell on the floor.

He picked it up and recognized it as one he had read before. He walked over to the couch and began reading, looking for anything that might help Harry.

Why am I even doing this? He doesn't feel the same way. At least, I don't think. He's such a tease. I think he feels one way one minute and the next minute he's totally different!

Draco skimmed through pages and pages until he found what he was looking for.

After thirty minutes, Draco had made a potion that could cure a fever. He had followed the book down to the letter so he hoped it was correct.

"I'm sure Madam Pomfrey could have made it better and faster, but he said not to go to the Hospital Wing. I can understand why..." He muttered to himself.

Gale had helped him make the potion by running and getting some things from the dungeon while Draco brewed and got the ingredients the Room could provide.

Draco pushed past the curtains and sat on the edge of the bed, close to Harry's face. Draco watched his face and noticed how peaceful he looked. He had noticed the same thing in the Hospital Wing. No stress lines, which was very the opposite of how he was when he was awake.

Draco gently shook him on the shoulder and Harry slowly woke. As soon as he did, he groaned and buried his face in his pillow.

"Hey. I've got something for your fever." Draco said. "I have a fever?" Harry asked and Draco just rolled his eyes.

"No. You are perfectly healthy. I however am dreadfully sick and near to dying so I need you to take the potion otherwise-" "Enough with the words and give me the bloody potion." Harry stuck out his hand and Draco placed the bottle in it, smirking.

Harry slowly rolled over but kept his eyes shut tight. He tipped the bottle and drained every drop of its contents. He held the bottle out in the direction he had heard Draco's voice and he pulled it away.

"That wasn't so hard, Now was it?" Draco teased. Harry groaned but Draco saw his mouth quirk slightly.

"Shut up Malfoy. Even in this state I can beat you in a duel." Draco scoffed.

"Please. You can beat me with a pillow in your face like that Potter? And anyway, is that anyway to treat the person who's been taking care of you?" Harry smirked.

"Maybe you're right. Hey, what time is it?" Draco looked up at the clock that he had been sure wasn't there a few seconds ago.

"It's right after midnight." Harry groaned again but Draco suspected it wasn't from his head hurting.

Harry kicked back the blankets and made an attempt to stand, but nearly fell forwards. Draco caught him and laid him back in bed.

"Why are you trying to move? You passed out when we walked in here and I was carrying most of your weight! What makes you think that you can move down several flights of stairs on your own?" Harry tilted his head, his eyes only opened in slits.

"The people you call my friends will be worried about me. Can't have them alerting up the whole bloody castle, now can I?" Draco shrugged.

"I dunno. It might be amusing to watch them run around, looking for you." Harry smirked slightly.

"Write a letter. Tell them I'm okay and I'm staying somewhere else. Just something so they don't call in a search party." Draco sighed but nodded. Remembering Harry probably couldn't see him, he said, "Fine. I will."

When he stood to go, Harry grabbed his wrist in a vice like grip. "What is it?" He asked, alarmed.

"I need to know if I can trust you. Can I?" Draco nodded.

"If I didn't want you to trust me, I wouldn't be taking care of you, now would I?" Harry gave a slight shake of his head but stopped quickly.

"When I wake up again, I need to tell you something important. Chances are, I won't remember this conversation because I'm half asleep right now. Just remind me I wanted to tell you something, okay?" Draco nodded. "Okay."

Harry gave a half smile then his hand relaxed and Draco's wrist was free, his arm fell, and his body relaxed. Always have to make me worried, don't you?

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