Chapter 20

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After two hours, Harry had finished most of the school work and was trying to practice the Charms spells. Why do I have to do this? It's almost Christmas for Merlin's sake!

Nevertheless, Harry got back out of bed and stood. The Room provided targets for him and he was able to grasp the spells quickly.

Even if I understand them, it doesn't mean I want to be doing them. I want to go outside! Even if it's freezing!

Harry knew he couldn't leave the Room of Requirement, otherwise he would get in trouble for not being in class. And he probably wouldn't make it down the stairs.

Harry walked back to the living room and sat down. He was surprised when a dark creature came over and cuddled in his lap.

"Well hello Night. Where were you while I was ailing? Near to dying, wasn't I? And you weren't there to see it!" Harry mocked the tone Sirius had used when he was being overly dramatic.

Night just stared at him then purred. "I guess I'll accept that apology." Harry chuckled.

Harry read a few books, got way too bored, then walked around the Room, looking for things to do.

Is it strange that I think even school work would be better than this? Harry could answer his own question. Yes. Yes it is.

"If there were games or something here, it would make this a lot more interesting." He thought out loud.

Almost at once, a table and chairs appeared in front of him with a board of Wizard's Chess on it.

Harry didn't need further explanation so he walked over and sat. As soon as he did, one of the white pieces moved forward and the game was on.

Harry played several times and only beat the Room of Requirement once.

"That the best you've got?" He hollered out. The Room answered by crushing one of his pawns. "Fine! Fine! I get it!"

After about an hour, a huge deck of cards appeared on another table. Harry gave a small smile, knowing what it was all about.

He started stacking the cards oh so carefully and jumped back when he heard a small whistle then the entire castle burst into flames. He chuckled then walked back to them, putting out the fire with his wand.

Harry played several times and he never ran out of cards. The Room of Requirement seemed to like him. It kept coming up with new things to do, new games to play.

When Draco came back after classes, Harry was facing a hangman board and trying to think of three words that began with R and ended with T. There were eleven letters in total in the three words.

The Room had been marking off the wrong letters and the man on the bored was now hanging over a pit of boiling lava, only holding on to his rope with three fingers.

"Potter? What are you doing?" Draco asked, coming over and standing next to Harry.

"I'm playing this game. It's a popular muggle game called hangman." Draco looked shocked.

"That sounds ghastly! Hanging a man for fun! That's horrible!" Harry chuckled.

"No. No. It's not a real person. You guess the letters to form a word and if you can't guess the word, the bloke hangs." Draco shook his head.

"It still sounds horrible. I can't believe muggles do that for entertainment. No wonder they have so many wars!" Harry chuckled again and shook his head.

"It's really not so bad. But how was class?" Harry sat on the back of the couch, facing Draco.

"Eh. It was fine. Boring. Professor Binns never seems to say anything remotely interesting." Harry nodded. "I get that."

Draco handed him a few sheets of paper. "Those are the notes and worksheets you missed today." Harry smiled.

"Thank you. I'll be needing those." Draco took in Harry for the first time. Seeing him standing and grinning and well, standing, without rubbing his head or looking green seemed like a small miracle.

"I see you're doing better." Draco said and Harry nodded.

"Only because of you. Thanks for looking after me and making whatever that potion was to get rid of the fever. You'd make a good Healer, you know." Draco shrugged.

"No I wouldn't, but thanks. How's your head?" Harry grinned.

"It doesn't hurt at all! It's great! I forgot what it was like to not be in pain." Draco frowned, but Harry tilted his head up.

"It's a good thing. Even if it seems strange." The joy in Harry's eyes made Draco's heart soar and he couldn't help but smile.

"It is strange. Very strange. But I'm glad you don't hurt."

Harry smiled. "Thanks to you. Madam Pomfrey would have me laying down in a bed for days while she ran tests. At least you healed me and let me move around." "Thanks Potter."

Harry nodded and, to both their surprise, pulled him into a hug. "What are you doing?" Draco asked. "It's called a hug. You better get used to it." Draco smirked and patted Harry on the back.

When Harry pulled away, Draco cleared his throat.

"Well, since you seem better, you'd do best to get to dinner. I'd prepare yourself for about a million questions. Everyone will be wondering where the Great Harry Potter has disappeared off to again." Harry rolled his eyes.

"From what I've heard from you, that sounds likely." Draco nodded.

"Not only likely, but certain. Grab your bag and your work and I'll take you down there."

Harry nodded and walked back to the bedroom, returning a minute later with his school bag. Night hopped into it when Harry held it out to him and Draco gave a small smile.

"I haven't seen your Kneazle in a while. How'd it even get in here?" Harry shrugged.

"I dunno. He just did. They're excellent trackers, so I'm not surprised." Draco nodded.

"Well come on. We'll be late for supper if we move at this pace."

Harry chuckled and followed him from the room, stopping just long enough to give a whispered, "Thank you." to the Room. He felt a brief warmth in his hand that was against the wall and quickly took it away and followed Draco down the stairs to dinner.

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