Chapter 6

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Harry sat, frozen, where Draco had left him. This is the part of the movie where the person finds someone else. Stop dreaming. It's never going to happen. Why did you even think you liked him? He's not nice to you. Not at all. He doesn't care about you. Stop dreaming.

Just as he made to stand, he spotted a small sketchbook on the ground.

Curiously, he opened it to find a picture of him looking back at him. Almost like a mirror. The eyes even seemed to sparkle. Harry looked at the top of the page and saw, in neat handwriting, Property of Draco Malfoy.

Why would Malfoy draw me? I've never seen him. Not with a sketchbook, I mean.

Harry turned the page and another picture of him was there. This time though, he was sleeping. How did he draw these? Harry stared at the pages in shock. I didn't know he liked art.

Harry turned the page and found that the next one was blank. He rummaged through his pockets until he found a pencil.

His mind and hands seemed to decide what he was doing before he actually realized it. His hand was streaking across the page, making shapes and shading just right. Hermione had taught him to draw and he had done it as a hobby ever since. Only when he was near-to-death bored though.

When he was done, Harry left the sketchbook where he had found it and walked down to Hagrid's.

They caught up for a while, then went up to the castle for dinner. Harry sat at the Gryffindor table and glanced over at the Slytherin one and saw Draco rummaging through his bag, worry on his face. Not going to find it there.

After dinner, Harry walked up to Gryffindor tower and went straight to bed. His sleep came quickly and this time, he didn't have any nightmares. Not until early in the morning.

Draco on the other hand was walking down to the lake, his latest night terror still ringing in his ears.

By now, the moon was halfway across the sky and the stars shown over the grounds. Draco sat behind the shrub, exhausted and irritated.

How could you have been so stupid as to loose that sketchbook? If someone finds it, you're a dead man.

Draco ran a hand through his already messy hair, then noticed something poking him in the leg.

He looked down and, praise Merlin!, his sketchbook was there. He flipped it open and the pages settled on a drawing he certainly hadn't done.

It was Draco. His face pointed and his eyes grey. But there was a softness to them. They seemed crinkled up, as if he was smiling. His mouth wasn't frowning, but smiling as well. Who...? His question was answered before he had fully thought it.

Potter. It was Potter. He must have found it. How could I have been so daft as to leave it lying around? Now he'll think I'm mad. But... but he drew something. He drew me. What does that mean?

He looked back at the drawing and saw a few words scribbled at the bottom. He had to light his wand to see them properly.

Just wanted to let you know you're not the only one who's been watching.

Draco recognized Harry's scrawl and thought of the words. Watching? What does that mean? As in, he's been watching me? Is that how he knew how to draw me so perfectly? And he wasn't even looking at me. Was he? He was looking down at his plate all during supper. I definitely had my book around lunch. That means that he wasn't looking at me. He knows me well enough to draw me just from memory.

But...does that mean he likes me? It's absurd for him to. The thought is laughable. But he drew me. And he said he's been watching me. That shows he's interested. Right? This...this is confusing. I want him to like me. I want him to like me more than anything, but I don't think that'll happen. But what if it already has?

Draco stared at the picture for a few more minutes before slipping the book under his arm and staring at the water.

The moon reflected off of the water and gave a very peaceful look to the area.

I get why Harry felt comfortable enough to sleep here. Damn. I meant Potter. He's not Harry. Never will be Harry to me. Just let it go, Draco.

Draco leaned against the tree and watched the water until his eyelids grew heavy and he was whisked away into the realm of sleep.

Draco woke a few hours later to the sound of hissing, and he immediately sat up and rubbed his neck.

This is why you aren't supposed to sleep against trees. You'll get a stiff neck. Did that not occur to you? Idiot.

He looked around and saw someone walking out of the castle. He recognized the silhouette and knew at once that it was Harry.

Damn it. Can't Potter just stay inside for once? What is it with him and the outdoors? It's not like he's inside all the time at home. Well, is he? I don't know what he does over the Summer. Take a break from saving the world?

Harry walked over to the familiar beech tree and sat down. His Kneazle, Night, came and curled up in his lap.

Harry was mumbling something, but Draco couldn't tell what it was and he didn't have the energy to lift his wand.

However, he did notice the dark circles under Harry's eyes and the slowness of his movements. How long has it been since he slept? Like, actually slept all night?

Harry was petting Night and staring at the lake. What is he doing? Harry didn't move for a while and he only did to sit somewhere else, still fixated on some point in the lake.

As far as Draco could tell, everything was normal. It was still and silent except for the soft sound of the water lapping against the shore.

Harry stared at that point in the water for a while until Night hopped out of his arms and ran over to the edge of the water. What is going on down there?

Harry walked over beside his Kneazle and crouched down near the water. Draco still couldn't see any signs of a disturbance.

Suddenly, Harry jumped off of the ground and dove into the water. His Kneazle didn't make any sort of noise. Not even a hiss. It was pacing back and forth across the bank, watching the water expectantly.

The lake was rippling all around, but soon became smooth once more.

Where is he? Where is he? Did he drown? Why isn't he coming back up? What's going on? It had been several minutes and Harry still hadn't come up.

There's no way he can hold his breath that long. I doubt the git can hold his breath for thirty seconds.

Draco stared at the now still water for a few more seconds before making a decision. He stripped off his shoes and robe and walked over to the bank in his undershirt and sweatpants. The water was as smooth as ever, not a ripple in sight.

When Night saw Draco, he immediately began to hiss.

"What happened? Why isn't he coming back up?" Night stared at him for a while before looking back at the water. He moved his paw in a way that obviously meant, 'Go get him.'

Draco took a breath, then walked over to the bank. I've always been rubbish at swimming. I could swim in the prefects tub, but that wasn't really deep. This...this is a whole lake.

He positioned his feet right at the edge and looked back at the Kneazle who he could have sworn gave a nod. He looked back at the water, took a deep breath, and dived.

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