Chapter 34

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Christmas passed in a haze of laughter, shouts, presents, and food. Ron and Hermione left for the Burrow, but Harry stayed with Draco at Hogwarts.

They curled up in the Room of Requirement during the short winter days, laughing, talking, and hearing about each other's lives.

The Room provided games and books and one day Harry even showed Draco what a movie was and they sat down to watch it together.

Draco's eyes grew wide and he kept asking, "What kind of magic is this?" Harry chuckled and ran a hand through his hair saying, "Don't worry. You'll like it."

All too soon, lessons were resuming and Harry had to work hard to keep up. When he had lost his memory, he didn't really have anyone to talk to. But now he talked with Ron and Hermione, the Weasleys, and the other Gryffindors all the time. He always made time to hang out with Draco though.

After struggling in many of his classes the week they returned, Harry decided to join his study group with Avery again. She was more than happy to help him with his work and soon enough his grades were rising and he was finding the work easier.

Harry and Draco finally came out as a couple two weeks before the exams. Hermione, Ginny, Fred and George, and Dean and Seamus were all thrilled for him. Ron seemed confused.

"You like blokes." Harry nodded. "But how does that work? Every guy I've ever known likes girls!" Ginny poked him in the arm and shook her head.

"There's a couple we like to call Deamus who would say otherwise." Ginny pointed across the table where Dean and Seamus were holding hands and Seamus had just pulled away from kissing Dean.

Ron's mouth dropped open and he looked from them, to Ginny, to Harry.

"H-How did I not know that? When did that start?" Ginny chuckled and shoved a forkful of egg into her mouth.

"Since two years ago." Hermione said and she giggled at Ron's shock.

"They've been pretty open about it too." Ginny said, a grin spreading across her face.

Harry looked across the Hall at Draco who seemed to barely be keeping from laughing his head off. Harry grinned at him then looked back at Ron.

"Draco and I are together, Ron. I hope you'll be okay with that but if not, I don't think-" Ron cut him off. "Stop your blubbering Harry, of course it's fine. I was just surprised is all." Harry grinned at his friend then looked down at his plate.

"See Harry? I told you it would be fine." Draco told him that evening when they were curled up together in the Room of Requirement.

Harry grinned and raised his head to kiss his boyfriend. "Fine, fine. You were right. I was just nervous is all. Things never seem to work out the way I hope they will." A thought struck him.

"Wait...what about your Father? What if he finds out about us? He most certainly will now."

Draco smiled and pulled a letter from his pocket.

"I got this last week. Apparently Father had gotten word that I was dating a bloke and he told me it was fine as long as the Dark Lord didn't find out who it was." Harry grinned up at his boyfriend then rested his head in Draco's lap. "I'm glad he's okay with it." Draco nodded. "Me too."

Harry and Draco stayed cuddled together until Harry drifted off and Draco kept running a hand through his messy raven hair. "I love you Harry." He murmured and soon he drifted off to sleep as well.


Over the next few days, Harry dragged Draco to his study groups. "I don't need to study Harry! In case you haven't noticed, I'm acing all of my classes!" Harry rolled his eyes and kept dragging Draco to the library.

Avery, a few Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, and two Gryffindors, all sat in a circle in the back of the library. Harry sat down beside Avery and pulled Draco down beside him.

"Hi Draco." Avery said and smiled at him. "Hello Avery." Harry heard the annoyance in Draco's voice, but he wasn't sure anyone else did.

They all studied and quizzed one another for two hours, until Harry's brain felt fried and Draco felt like he was wishing he was swimming with the giant squid instead of being in the library.

Harry gave a crooked smile when he saw the boredom that was practically dripping off of Draco and led him up to the Room of Requirement.

"You really don't like going?" Harry asked him. Draco shrugged and plopped down on the couch.

"It's boring. I'm already doing well in all of my classes so I don't see a need to go to a study group."

Harry sat down next to Draco and Draco laid down so his head was in Harry's lap.

"I wish you had more fun. Many of those people have become my friends and I'd like for you to know my friends." Draco smiled up at Harry.

"I get on pretty well with Ron and Hermione. Well, Hermione more than Ron. Avery and I have become pretty decent friends and I'm working on the rest of the Gryffindors. Is that good enough for you?" Harry smiled then bent down and placed a light kiss on Draco's lips. "It's perfect."

Draco smiled and closed his eyes as Harry ran a hand through his hair.

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