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What can I say I love this town, and everyone in it, it's my home.

It's been a week since they took Leo and I think it's for the best, for the safety of everyone in this town, he's becoming like his father Kovax and that's the worst thing he can do to himself.

I hear a knock on the door.

" Come in " I say as I turn to see Aamon.

" Are you okay ? " He asks for the tenth time today,

" Aamon I am fine, besides you know I can take care of myself,

I am cosmic

And am going to be just fine " I say to him as he looks at me.

" You have always been brave and tough since we were kids " He says as I remember being such a scared kid.

" I think you remember things differently " I say as we laugh before he went serious.

" We have to plan when we are going back home " he says as the reality hits me.

" After I graduate and that's the deal " I reply as my heart breaks cause it's only a few weeks till we graduate.

" But I have a condition before we leave " I say as he laughs and offers to hear them.

" I want you to date and well give blaire your attention " I tell him.

" you want me to bed your sister " he says with such pride.

" No, harmless fun and if you do any funny business with her, I will throw you at the sun " I make it clear to him.

" What do I get in return prince of Etha ? " He ask as I know this will cost me but giving Blaire what she wants even if it's so wrong it's worth something.

" Name your price "

" I want our union to happen as soon as we arrive on Etha and have an heir " he keeps talking as I freeze immediately.

" The genetic council has our DNA and they will be able to make us a child.  " he says with much enthusiasm.

" I have a better deal, I will rebuild Ethros and you can rule it as a full king " I tell him.

" Our worlds have been one for many generations and my people are used to what we have and we don't want more " he says as I can't believe he wouldn't choose his world becoming complete after it was destroyed in the great war.

" I can do it, my power is getting stronger and I can put it back together, you don't want this offer " I ask,

" It's not like I don't want that but we are one world and our grandfather's and even father's have lived like this in unity and wanted us to be together and bringing our worlds closer than we already were, some things are better how they are and don't need fixing, before my world was turned to pieces, we fought and thanks to it we became one world and we were able to protect ourselves from Kovax for a long time giving us childhoods. " he says I respect his decision.

" Okay, so will you do what am asking " I say to him.

" No I can't prince of Etha, I want something in return cause your earth sister she's insane " he says to me as I didn't bother objecting blaire was crazy.

" Anything else I will agree too " I plead with him.

" No I want our union, it's what I promised our fathers " he says as I do the thing am going to regret and say " yes " and a big smile appears on his face.

" Do I have your word ? " He asked,

" My word is good as gold "

" That earth metal melts " he says laughing.

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