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" Are you okay ? " Leo asked,

" Do I look okay " Ethereal said as his eyes lit up and was about to use his abilities.

" Don't " Leo said to him.

" I can save us from here and everyone out there " Ethereal reasoned.

" He's baiting you to use your powers and find you, don't " Leo explained as Ethereal was surprised.

" So we just stay here " he asked as Leo was on top of him and moved to give him space to his side  and they were face to face.

" You saved me " Ethereal said to him.

" I should have done more " Leo sadly spoke.

" I should have listened, am an idiot " Ethereal said to himself.

" No your not, am the idiot who hurt you and lost your trust " he said.

" You hurt me alot " Ethereal told him.

" Am really sorry for everything, but in my defense something was not right with me and my mind " Leo explained as Ethereal was intrigued.

" One time I read your mind and it was empty like you have not thoughts "

" I sometimes felt like I wasn't alone and someone dark evil was with me " Leo told Ethereal who was terrified to hear that.

" Don't freak out, am not reading your mind " Ethereal said putting his forehead on Leo's and saw everything he and his father kovax.

" You and Kovax have been talking and he's on earth " Ethereal said as he was angry.

" Yes he's on earth and I am not helping him am just learning what I need about him and our people cause he's the only one I believe in even if he's evil and crazy " Leo said to Ethereal.

" You should have come to me and Argon " Ethereal said to him.

" And get what exactly, you knew the truth that Tessa brought me to earth and you choose not to tell me " Leo said as Ethereal apologized for that.

" You see, we both make mistakes " Leo said as Ethereal agreed.

" We have been the worst to each other " Ethereal whispered as they were face to face and lips only an inch apart.

" You know when I get out of here, however that may be, am going after Kovax and I will kill him " Ethereal said as Leo was surprised to hear him talk like that.

" Since when do you talk about killing people ? " He asked,

" Since the one we are talking about will hurt people and cause destruction, killed my parents and enslaved my world   " Ethereal answered,

" You don't kill, your Ethereal and your name is the literal definition of your heart and everything that's good in this universe and you don't kill even Kovax " Leo said as Ethereal was silent.

" I can't put him in jail like a common criminal " Ethereal then responded.

" I will kill him for you " Leo told Ethereal shocking him.

" Even if he's mad, he's still your father, you can't do that " Ethereal reasoned.

" Am the cosmic one and it's my destiny " Ethereal finished.

" I will give you my father's head cause I still love you and he will answer to me " Leo said as Ethereal only heard the " I still love you " part.

" You still love me ? " Ethereal asked,

" Never stopped, even when you blasted me and even if you throw me at the moon I won't stop loving you " he said as Ethereal glowed and Leo could finally see his face.

" Hey " Ethereal greeted awkward as he was blushing.

" Hey " Leo said as he kissed Ethereal and put his hand that could move on his face.

" Hell I wish there were more than twenty four hours a day and even if there were forty more, I wouldn't sleep a minute a day but just look at you and those eyes " Leo said as Ethereal loved every second of it and kissed him before they heard someone call out and Ethereal stopped using his power.

" We are here " Ethereal and Leo both screamed as the rubble was removed and there was Benjamin.

" There you two are " He said helping them get out of that man sized hole.

Ethereal looked around and saw a group of people dressed in black helping out.

" Who are these people ? " Leo asked,

" The order of the eye and sworn guardians to the celestials and that's you Ethereal " Benjamin revealed to Ethereal.

" Celestials ? " Leo asked as Ethereal didn't care at the moment.

" Come let me take you to your family " Benjamin said to Ethereal as he took him and everything was okay.

" Ethereal " Dina said with a sigh of relief and hugged Ethereal and Argon, Blaire and terra joined in.

" Are you all okay ? " Ethereal asked,

" We are all okay " Aamon answered as Ethereal hugged him too.

" Am happy my family " Ethereal said looking at his family with Aamon his best friend included.

Leo looked around and saw people hurt and Lilian, Lex and Lionel.

" Mom, dad, Lex " Leo called out as he ran hugging his mother.

" You are okay " he said to them.

" We are but not thanks to Kovax he almost killed us " Lilian said pissed.

" Wait this was all Leo's bio dad ? " Lex asked as shocked.

" He's getting out of hand and we will take care of him soon " Lionel said with a cold face as Lex laughed.

" How he's a space man ? " Lex asked,

" Don't worry about him being of space or earth cause your mother's wrath will find him and crush him cause this was war " Lilian said looking at Leo and kissed his forehead.

" Let's go home " Lionel said to his family.

Ethereal saw Kira and crow with Jade and they seemed okay, not injured and there was Benjamin and he went to get answers.

" Who are you really ? " Ethereal asked,

" Someone who watched you crash land in this town and helped hide your secret and protect you from danger but I fear the danger is already in this town, and the order will help you " Benjamin said to Ethereal who was relieved to hear that but he still had many questions.

To Be Continued.

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