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Jisung was weak when they got there. He was vulnerable. It was as if he lost all of his energy just by thinking what was going to happen to his friends. To him. To Hyunjin.

But that side of him disappeared completely when he found Hyunjin sitting against a tree, his hands were tied around the tree.

Jisung was sad and mad at whoever it was that did it to his friends and Hyunjin.

They were just walking not long ago when suddenly, a group of guards captured Minho, Felix and Jeongin.

Jisung, Chan, Changbin and Seungmin escaped before the guards could even capture them. They fled without a trace. They let them go and took the others to where they left Hyunjin.

They didn't know that the ones who fled were following them.

Jisung was breathing heavily when he saw his friends being tied against the trees. Jeongin was having a panic attack and was crying. Felix was crying too and he looked frustrated and tried to hold Jeongin but couldn't.

Minho stared blankly on the ground after trying to break free from the rope but failed miserably.

His gaze darkened when he saw Hyunjin. He was tied against the tree like the others, but he was unconscious.

Jisung almost jumped out of their hiding spot if it wasn't for Seungmin holding him back.

"We need to wait until they are sleeping" Seungmin held Jisung's wrist tightly.

Jisung nodded and looked at his friends. He almost cried but he was too mad to even cry. He glared at the guards wishing they were dead and him being the cause of them being dead.

Time skipped to when the guards went to sleep

Hyunjin had already woken up from his unconsciousness. The others were all awake because who would be sleeping at this moment?

Jisung looked at the sleeping guards, his swords in his hands. Yes, he had two swords. He didn't know that he'd be using them but it was time that he used his skills that he learned through their training sessions.

He stood up, eyes burning with anger. Seungmin was even scared of this side of Jisung. He was so scary to the point where not even Chan could stop him from marching forward without fear.

"What the fuck happened to the Jisung we know??" Seungmin asked afraid of the scene.

Jisung was swinging his swords, slashing the guards throats and stomachs. His face showed nothing but anger. He was covered in blood but he still continued to swing the swords as if it was nothing.

" I don't fucking know but he's fucking scary!" Chan whispered.

Seungmin and Chan looked at Changbin as if asking him what happened to Jisung and he just shrugged.

"He could get all protective of the people that he loves and he would do anything to keep them safe. Once he beat the shit out of a Minho's bullies, they were taller and bigger than him"

"What the actual fuck" Seungmin whispered not believing this side of Jisung.

Jeingin, Felix and Hyunjin stared at Jisung as he moved his hands, slashing and cutting the guards skins open.

Jeongin had already stop panicking and Felix stopped crying as they stared wide eyed at Jisung.

Minho was surprised too but not as much because they knew Jisung had that side in him.

Once all guards were down, he stopped and looked down to the ground. He was breathing heavily, panting for air when he looked at his friends who were already free from the tree by the help of Changbin, Chan and Seungmin.

Seungmin immediately hugged Jeongin and Felix, muttering an "I'm sorry" for leaving them.

Of course one of them had to leave, they can't be captured. They need to leave in order to save them later. That's what they've agreed to do in situations like this.

"You came back for us didn't you?" Felix said hugging him tightly. Jeongin did the same.

Jisung ran to Hyunjin and hugged him.

"What the fuck did you just do?" Hyunjin asked looking at the dead bodies.

"I saved you dumbass" Jisung said still hugging him tightly.

Jisung then broke the hug and turned to Minho before hugging him.

"I'm so glad you're fine, I was so scared I'd lose you" Jisung said crying.

"We're fine thanks to bad Jisung, he really just saved us again" Minho said chuckling, trying to brightened up the mood.

Jisung smiled and broke the hug.

"You better be careful next time" Jisung glared at them.

"You're still gonna save us anyway" Minho said smiling.

"Thank you, baby and i'm sorry for going alone behind your back. I was trying to find a way out for us because I didn't want to burden you. I want all of you to get some rest" Hyunjin said hugging Jisung from behind.

"You better" Jisung said before turning around to face Hyunjin.

"We're all in this together, we'll find the way together okay?"

Hyunjin nodded.

"We better get going, they're going to be here soon. I know the way out" Hyunjin announced.

"You do?" Minho asked, his eyes wide.

THE MAFIA GAME || HYUNSUNG Where stories live. Discover now