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30 minutes had passed since the phone call and Chan suddenly burst into the house his face pale with a shaking Changbin.

One person was nowhere to be seen.


"Where's Minho?" Hyunjin asked though he know what the answer will be.

"S-someone took him" Chan said looking at the wall behind Hyunjin. Tears evident in his eyes.

"N-no" Jisung collapsed on the couch. His whole body shaking.

Hyunjin sat beside him and hug the crying boy.

"It's okay baby, we'll find them" He rubbed his back but Jisung continues to cry.

"Who would take him?" Chan asked sobbing.

Felix and Jeongin came into the living room after hearing their conversation from upstairs.

"Where's Seungmin?" Chan asked his eyes searching for the said boy.

"They took him too" Hyunjin said as he looked at Chan.

"The programmer from District 9 took him" He added.

Changbin gasp his face turned pale. Chan froze at the mention of the place they tried so hard to forget.

"H-how did he find us?" Chan asked, stuttering.

"I thought they were in prison" Changbin said.

Hyunjin stopped rubbing Jisung's back and took out his phone.

He tapped on some numbers aggressively. His face was so serious no one dared to ask what who he's calling.

"I thought you took care of the people from District 9" He said right after the person picked up his call.

"Im sorry Hyunjin, I should've told you sooner but when we went there there was no one. The base was there but the people in it were gone. They left before we could even arrest them so we just close the case" The person said making Hyunjin even more furious.

"You should've told us sooner! They took two of my friends and its your fault!" He yelled at the person.

"What? How? Im so sorry Hyunjin we'll try our best to find your friends"

"You know what John? Never mind. You failed to protect us once, you'll do it again this time. Let me find my friends" He ended the call not even giving the person a chance to talk.

"Who's that?" Jisung asked. He was still cryinhg but he had calmed down a little bit.

"Remember John? The officer that saved us from District 9? He told me that they couldn't find the programmer when they ambushed the place. The people from District 9 left before they arrived and they didn't even try to find them" Hyunjin spat.

"Does that mean, they've been watching us these whole time?" Felix talked for the first time.

"But how did they find us? We got rid of the trackers" Chan said and that's when Jisung remembered something.

"The mafias get two trackers, just in case" The programmer's voice rang through his head.

He looked at Hyunjin. His eyes wide as he tried to say the word.

"H-hyunjin" He stuttered.

Hyunjin looked at him confused.

"Mafias get two trackers" Jisung said and Hyunjin's eyes went wide as he realised what Jisung was talking about.

"It's been here the whole time, they were just waiting for all of us to finally meet again" Jisung explained.

"What do you mean?" Changbin asked confused.

"They gave us two trackers but they injected some kind of liquid to us so that we forget about the other tracker" Hyunjin said as he slowly remembered about what actually happened.

"I suddenly get a flashback when Chan mentioned about the tracker" Jisung muttered.

He felt bad for just remembering it now. After two of his friends got taken. He should've remember it sooner and warned them. But he didn't. He blamed himself for that.

"I'm sorry" Jisung said as he looked at the ground.

"Hey, it's okay Sungie it's not your fault" Felix sat beside him and hugged Jisung.

"We need to find Seungmin and Minho before they hurt them" Chan said.

"But first, we need to get rid of your trackers" He continued.

Hyunjin got up from the couch and went to the kitchen to grab a knife.

He went back into the living room and bring Jisung into the bathroom. The others following behind them.

Once in the bathroom, he wasted no time and slashed his skin where the tracker is located.

He flinched but then continued to pull the tracker out. He was breathing heavily.

He looked at Jisung and took his hand as he gave him the knife.

"I know it hurts but we need to do this baby, for our friends" Hyunjin said softly as he looked at Jisung's eyes reassuring him.

"I know" Jisung said softly then did the same as Hyunjin.

They destroyed the trackers and treated their wounds after that. They gathered back in the living room.

"So how are we gonna find them?" Changbin asked.

"Felix, did you see their license plate?" Hyunjin asked.

"Yeah but im not sure" He trailed.

"Can you remember it? It's our only way of finding Seungmin and Minho" Hyunjin said with hope.

"It's xxx - xxx" Felix said after minutes of trying to remember the number.

"But how are we gonna find them with that" Chan asked.

Hyunjin pulled out his phone again and dialed a number.

"Hey John"

THE MAFIA GAME || HYUNSUNG Where stories live. Discover now