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After what seems like hours of fighting, the last guard is finally dead.

They ran again this time, avoiding the room which Seungmin and Minho had went into.

They ran and ran. Defeating some guard on the way. They were so close to escaping. They were already outside the building.

Suddenly, everyone stopped running. They stopped running after they saw the guards and of course, the programmer at the gate. Blocking their only way out.

"There's no point in trying to escape"

"I knew your plans all along thanks to Jeongin. Or should I say, the fake Jeongin" He said smirking.

Suddenly, Jeongin walked towards him and stand beside him. He was emotionless. As if he was a robot.

"J-jeongin?" Seungmin almost break down.

"He's not your boyfriend Seungmin. He's a clone that I made earlier to keep an eye on all of you"

All of them are speechless. They were too shocked. They couldn't believe that he made a clone that looks exactly like Jeongin.

"Where is he??!!" Seungmin yelled in anger.

"Calm down now, he's here" Then, a guard dragged Jeongin to stand beside the programmer.

"S-seungmin, Felix, h-help me" Jeongin sounded so weak.

Felix cried as he saw his boyfriend's weak state.

"I knew you're all gonna come here to rescue your little friends so that's why I made a clone"

"You motherfucker!!" Jisung suddenly screamed.

He had lost it.

He had reached his limit.

He was so tired of this game. He want it to stop. He was so tired of getting played. He's had enough of seeing his friends get hurt.

He was mad.

The demon in him got the best of him as he took a small knife from his back pocket and threw it at the programmer's direction, hitting him straight on his thigh but not enough to kill him.

The programmer was taken aback at the sudden attack. Turns out, he didn't really know what will happen if Jisung gets mad.

The guards took him and the rest of them charges forward and try to fight them.

They took the real Jeongin with them but Seungmin and Felix ran after them.

Meanwhile the rest fought again. Jisung was still mad. He killed almost everyone in just a second.

Hyunjin did too. Just the two of them almost killed every guards.

Chan and Minho worked together to kill the guards.

Changbin killed as much as he can.

Seungmin and Felix ran after Jeongin but failed to stop them.

"Noooo!!" Seungmin screamed as he lost them.

Felix dropped to his knees.

"I'm sorry Jeongin"

The story is ending in a few more chapters and im emotional rn. Im sad that this book is ending and I'll miss writing it for sure :((

THE MAFIA GAME || HYUNSUNG Where stories live. Discover now