North Carolina

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Hi my name is Taylor Hope. My mom had a huge promotion at work so we are moving to North Carolina. My favorite state!! It's my favorite state because the magcon boys are there!!! So I am saying goodbye to my little house in Texas, and saying hello to NC!

**In NC**

My mom was driving the car and I was asleep in the passenger... until we stopped.

"Mom? Why did we stop?" I asked in a rough voice.

"This limo told me too." She said in a confused voice.

What? Why would a limo stop a fugly handa??? It was 2:30 in the morning and it was still dark out. Am I dreaming? I thought for a minute. Giggled. And went back to sleep. Until I felt my mom help me up and say wake up really loud. I groaned and opened my eyes. My eyes started to widen. IT WAS MATTHEW ESPINOSA!!!!

I put a sentence on the back of the car on the dirt. it read, I LOVE MATTHEW ESPINOSA.

I laughed and asked him shyly. "you saw the sentence on the car didn't you?" I laughed, got out of the car and started to take selfie with him.

This was just like I was in the V.I.P room at magcon.

"I have an extra seat in the limo. It is so soft and feels just like a bed. You can use it. I don't care. I sleep on rides just like you!" He said. I laughed and looked at my mom. She nodded and got in the car. I followed Matthew to the limo.

"You didn't have to do that." I said while looking at my feet.

"Yes I did." He said while looking at me and touching my thigh.

I lied down and went to sleep. And starting wondering why the perfect brunet, hazel eyed, with six pack guy asked me Taylor Renee Hope to sleep in his limo.


Man she was cute. She just- I wanted to kiss her. We just met. I don't care. I wonder if she likes me too. I hope she does. That would be amazing if she did.

I shook her awake. And kissed her cheek.

"Good morning beautiful!" I said with a smile and looking at her.

"Hey." She said tiredly. "Where are we? Is my mom still following us?"

"Wow you have a bunch of questions. And we are close to magcon. Plus your mom said yes to letting you going to magcon with us." I said while taking breaths in between sentences.

She got up and looked at me than out the window.

North Carolina~Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now