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Jogging out onto the field, Max gathered with the group to stretch before they did their laps. However, Max couldn't concentrate, she was too busy looking around the group for Jane. When she finally spotted her, Jane was a little distanced from the rest of the girls, stretching by herself. Max decided it would be best to talk to her afterwards, and went back to join the group. After stretching, they lined up ready to race. There were no competitions for a while, so the girls were just working on their times, trying to get them down. So much adrenaline was rushing through Max's veins, she was so excited to talk to Jane. Coach Millers has once given her some good advice, to channel all her emotion into running, so that was what she was going to do.

"On your marks.." Max got into her ready position.

"Get set.." she could feel the blood in her veins. Suddenly, the sound of the gun went off and Max began to sprint. She thought about Jane, and put all her emotions into running. Although she couldn't see, she was noticeably ahead of the others, which was unusual as Riley was normally at the front, with the rest of them close behind. Max told herself it was just her level of excitement, but it was really so she could impress Jane. Reaching the finish, she paused to take a breath, then glanced at the timer. A shocked expression was plastered along her face as she realised she had ran faster than she ever had. She did the whole course in 38.65 seconds, and her usual time was around 1 minute. She looked to the coach who was in as much shock as her.

"Max that was AMAZING! How did you do that?! Something good must have happened today, huh?!" Coach Millers exclaimed, looking at Max in utter disbelief and joy.

"I guess you could say that.." Max smiled to herself.

"Max.. this is a big deal. With times like these, you could look into track as a real career! I'm serious, if you can keep up the good work I can out in a good word with some friends of mine." Coach exclaimed.

"That would be so cool! I'll try keep it up" Max said, a giant smile on her face. Just as she said that, she heard footsteps padding across the line, and turned around to congratulate Riley, but as she turned around she realised it wasn't Riley. Jane. Looking back at the clock, Jane had come in at 56 seconds. Gosh she looked so cute with those red cheeks.

"Nice work Jane!" Coach congratulated her.

"Thanks" she whispered, still out of breath. The other girls began flooding in, congratulating Max on her times, and also chatting to Jane a bit too. 'Guess they underestimated her' Max thought with a grin.

(skip to when everyone is changed and leaving school)

It was 4:27 and Max was leaving track, she went to her locker to grab her skateboard, and just as she was shutting her locker, she saw a girl fumbling around in her bag. Pretty locks of caramel brown hair fell across her face, hair that Max had seen before.

"Jane.." Max whispered. Suddenly, Janes bag fell out of her arms, spilling her books and pens onto the floor. Immediately, Max took her chance and ran to help her.

"Shit!" Jane huffed as she knelt down to pick her stuff up.

"Here, let me help you." Max offered as she got on her knees to help. Jane had dropped a few books, some pens and a sketchpad. Max couldn't help but admire the sketches on the front. She had drawn things like girls in hoodies, band logos and broken hearts. Not wanting to look for too long, Max took one last glance, but this time she saw an extremely small pink, blue and purple flag sketched on. Max's butterflies kicked in as she picked up the sketchbook, still looking at the unbelievably small, yet noticeably there, flag. Handing it to Jane, she went to reach for the last book, not realising that Jane was doing the same. Max's hand slid on top of Janes, and the two froze. Jane began to feel butterflies too, and she took a quick glance up at Max. Their eyes met, and for that split second it felt like time had stopped. It was like a trance, and neither could take their eyes away. Jane gazed into Max's deep, ocean blue eyes, as Max lost herself in Janes, which were a deep, chocolate brown. Breaking the trance, Jane looked back down and put her book in her bag, closing it and standing up. She couldn't help blushing, and she felt really embarrassed as she thought she looked ugly when she blushed. It had the complete opposite effect on Max, she absolutely adored it.

"Uhm.. thanks for helping. Max, isn't it?" Jane questioned nervously.

"Yeah, it's Max. And you are?" Max replied. She obviously knew who Jane was, but she wanted to play it cool.

"Jane, i'm in your track team." Jane said, slightly saddened that Max hadn't even noticed her. Max picked up on this, and decided to just go for it.

"Oh yeah! Your time was great today!" Max exclaimed. Jane began to blush even harder, trying to hide it in her hoodie. Max's heart exploded, it was extremely adorable.

"Thanks," she replied shyly, "I'll let you go, you probably have some friends to meet or something.." as Jane turned to walk away, Max reached for her shoulder, and Jane turned around.

"Uhm, no actually, I don't. Hey, you wouldn't wanna.. like... hang out maybe? If not it's totally cool I jus-" she was suddenly cut off by a giggling Jane. Her laugh was so frickin cute but Max was more confused as to why she was actually laughing.

"Are you laughing?" Max asked her, puzzled.

"Of course i'll hang out with you dummy!" Jane said through giggles. A grin spread across Max's face, which she tried to hide but couldn't.

"Okay cool, but I need coffee first," stared Max, "Afterwards we can hit the park?"

"Sounds good" Jane agreed. They started walking towards the exit of the school, each trying to hide their smiles. They were both glad to have a new friend... but deep down, that's not what they really wanted. Jane glanced up at Max, who was tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear. Her heart fluttered, Max was stunning. Making their way to the coffee shop, their thoughts were consumed by one another as hope-filled fantasies of new possibilities wandered the girls minds.

A/N : Ok so there's a bit more interaction in this chapter, but I really want to dig deep into the description of this story, and how their attraction, both emotionally and physically, is a lot deeper than a typical teenage crush story! However I'm open to suggestions so let me know if there's anything you want me to do differently and I'll try my best! <3

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