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As her fiery hair blew in the wind, Max skated slowly along side the quiet girl. Since Jane was just taking in the sights of the new town she was in, it gave the freckled girl to her left the chance to once again admire her beauty. She was a truly stunning girl, her soft pink lips perfectly contrasting with her skin tone whilst her shoulder-length brown hair fell perfectly into place. Her well defined jawline was hidden underneath that mass of hair, however it became visible when she tucked loose strands behind her ear (which Max thought was extremely cute) before putting her arms back by her side. Max imagines what it would feel like to hold those hands, their fingers intertwining and Jane's soft palms touching hers. Occasionally, Jane would look to Max, as to ask which way they were going next, and catch her staring. Both girls would sheepishly blush, before Max would nod in the direction and they would continue the journey.

Once they reached the coffee shop, Max flicked up her board and the two girls wandered inside. Max made her way to the counter as Jane hung behind, glancing around the small vintage café.

"Sup Max, the usual?" questioned the barista.

"Hey Steve! Yeah, the usual.. plus whatever she wants," Max states, turning to face the gorgeous girl behind her, " Yo daydreamer, what do you want?" Jane shot her a playful scowl, before replying.

"Suprise me" she smirked, before pivoting back round to admire some records hung on the wall.

"You heard the girl, suprise her!" Max ordered.

"Ok Madmax, chill! Who's the newbie anyways? And don't say just a friend because you know I know you Max." Steve asked as Max began to turn red.

"Checkmate!" Steve chuckled as Max turned an even brighter shade of red. Shooting him a glare, Max explained that Jane was new to the track team and she's just asked her to hang out, nothing more.

"Mkay Max, whatever you say. But if it is more, you picked a good one, she's gorgeous!" Steve stated.

"Sheesh, keep it in your pants Steve! I know your into younger girls but you seriously gotta chill!" Max giggled, as Steve begged her to quieten down.

"Shut up! Your gonna make me loose my job. And don't worry, I'm not after your girlfriend freckles. Now let me work!" Steve declared, ruffling Max's hair playfully. Max once again shot him a glare, furiously attempting to fix her hair before Jane could see.

A few minutes later, the girls left the coffee shop with their drinks. Max had a black coffee whilst Jane had a caramel frappuchino with whipped cream and caramel sauce. As soon as the left, Jane raised an eyebrow at Max.

"Daydreamer? Really?!" Jane laughed.

"It's your pet name! Or would you rather I called you baby girl?" Max joked, winking at Jane.

"Very funny Hothead." Jane smirked. Max gave her a questioning look, before the brown eyed girl began to giggle. "I thought we were basing our pet names off of personality traits!" she laughed, looking very proud of herself.

"Oh your gonna pay for that!"  Max exclaimed, scooping up some of Janes whipped cream onto her finger and wiping it on her nose. Jane giggled even harder, causing Max to start laughing too.

Once both girls had calmed down, Jane took a sip of her drink, and then gave Max a shocked look, which was almost as cute as her giggle.

"This is so good! What is it again?" she asked.

"A caramel frappe. I've never actually had one though. What's it like?" Max asked, looking out towards the shops. All of a sudden, she felt a soft tap on her shoulder and turned to see Jane holding out her frappe. Max's heart fluttered as she took the drink and tried it, before handing it back to Jane. Although she really liked it, she put on a straight face and told Jane, " meh, it's ok" Recieving a playful scowl from the smaller girl next to her, she started to laugh again.

(skip to when they have been at the park for a couple hours)

The girls had been talking for hours, sharing stories and getting to know one another. It was getting late but neither one wanted to leave. They enjoyed each other's company, but in the end they had to admit they needed to get home.

"And then Mike freaking cannon balled in and soaked us all!" Max exclaimed, laughing.

"Jeez! Your friends honestly sound the best, I would tell you about mine but I literally have none" Jane giggled. She had come out of her shell a lot more than since they first met.

"Hey, from now on my friends are your friends. It honestly feels like I've known you forever, and I know that my friends will love you. Hey, why don't you come to Mikes sleepover on Saturday? It's just the party and I'm sure Mike won't care if you come too." Max questioned. "please say yes" she thought.

"I mean if it's ok with Mike and everyone then I guess I could come.." replied Jane. Max's heart began to race at the thought of the girl coming to the sleepover. She didn't show it, obviously, but she was over the moon.

"Ok I'll let Mike know. If you want, you can give me your address and I can come get you on my bike?" Max offered, again hoping for a positive answer.

"Sure, but for now it's getting super late and my Dads gonna be wondering where I am. Walk me home?" Jane questioned hopefully, playing with her fingers.

"I thought you'd never ask!" Max joked, leading Jane out of the park.

"Your skateboard is really cool by the way. I've always wanted to learn but I just never got the chance." said the caramel haired girl.

"Oh. My. God. I am SO teaching you how to skate!" The ocean eyed girl exclaimed, laying down the board. Giggling, Jane replied, "Okay but just so you know I'm definitely going to fall!" The redhead placed the board in front of a very nervous looking Jane. Max noticed she was unsure of how to start, so she held out her hands. Looking up, the tanned girls glistening brown eyes locked gazes with the freckled girls icy blue ones. They held their gaze for a second, not able to look away. Those few seconds felt like a lifetime to the two hopeful teens, but they eventually had to snap out of it. Taking the taller girls hands, Jane stepped onto the board. The rest of the journey home was full of uncontrollable giggles from both girls as Jane attempted to ride the board. As they neared Jane's house, she stepped off the board, however didn't let go of Max's hand. She shyly looked down, and then thanked Max for walking her home.

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