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Mike ran across his front lawn towards his bike which he had dumped on the grass when he arrived back from Dustins, picked it up and just began to bike. He didn't know where he was going, he just knew he didn't want to be there. After a while, he realised it was pointless just biking around hawkins and stopped as he came to a patch of grass which was usually filled with dog walkers, but today it was empty. Letting his bike and backpack fall to the ground, he paced across the grass taking deep breaths, but no matter what he couldn't calm himself down. Running his hands through his curly black hair, he tugged at it frustratedly as he sunk to the ground. Sobs wracked his body as he stopped pulling at his hair and instead hugged his knees close to his chest in despair.

Once Mike had calmed down, he began planning what was next for him and where he could go. He obviously wasn't going back home, and as of today Dustin and Lucas' houses were not options either. He was also way too embarrassed to ask Will for help, he would feel too guilty. That left Max and Jane, and even though he and Max were extremely close, he knew she had it tough at home and showing up on her doorstep probably wouldn't help that. So, it was settled, he would bike to Janes. The two had become pretty good friends, so he knew where she lived. Picking himself and his bike up, he began to make his way there.

By the time Mike arrived at his friends house, it was just beginning to rain. Taking a deep breath, he stepped up onto her porch before knocking on her door. Seconds later, the brunette opened it and immediately took the boy into her arms upon seeing his red puffy eyes. Letting him inside the cabin, the two sat and talked on the couch, Mike explaining everything from the night Will kissed him.

"-and so here I am. I'm really sorry I just showed up like this b- but I didn't know where to go and I-" Mike rambled, before Jane our her hand ontop of his.

"Mike, it's fine. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, your grades, Lucas, Dustin, your PARENTS! You're own flesh and blood just kicking you out, I can't even imagine it."

"It's ok, J. Do you think I could maybe.. stay the night? Just so I have time to plan things and find something more permanent, I'll be out by the morning I swear."

"Of course, but you have to be out tomorrow, my dad is away tonight but if he returns and sees that you stayed the night he'll be mad."

"I swear it will be like I wasn't even here. Thank you so much Jane." he said, pulling her into another hug. After that, the two teens just gossiped.

Unfortunately, the two were too deep in conversation to hear the shower, which Mike didn't even notice was on because of the rain, turning off, or the door opening, or the footsteps coming out of the bathroom. What got their attention, was this.

"Ok Cupcake, what movie should we watch? Because the goonies is a great film, but i know you're into rom coms and all that shit so we can watch sixteen candles if you want.." Max asked, her voice trailing off as she finally acknowledged Mike. The room went silent until Mike spoke.

"Cupcake? That's one pet name I never thought I'd hear Maxine Mayfield say." Mike laughed.

"Fuck you!" the teen exclaimed, her face redder as her hair.

"Seriously though is someone going to explain orrr?" Mike asked confusedly.

"Uhh your gonna want to brace yourself for this. Jeez I don't even know where to start. Basically, Ma- no uh well- th-" El stuttered, trying to find a way to explain, before Max cut in.

"It's ok El, I can explain. Neil found out I'm gay and smashed everything in my room. I managed to knock him out and escape but I was homeless for a week before El found me in the alleyway I'd been staying in and brought me here where I've been living with her ever since. Oh and uh, we're a thing."

"Oh my god Max! Why didn't you come to me, you shouldn't have had to go homeless! That's fucking insane, I'm so sorry!" Mike exclaimed, getting up from the couch and engulfing Max in a giant hug. Since the two were the closest friends in the party, Mike was like Max's other brother, equally as protective of her as Billy. She smiled at the thought, although that smile quickly faded. Shit, Billy. The freckled girl pulled out of the hug before speaking.

"It's ok Mike, but I've just remembered something I forgot to do. El can I borrow your phone?" she asked, knowing hers was dead.

"Yeah sure, here." her girlfriend replied, holding out her phone. As Max took it, she was about to walk away when the brunette held onto her hand.

"Max are you ok?" she asked softly. Max answered her with a swift kiss on the cheek before she left to Janes bedroom for some privacy. Sitting on her bed, her hands shook as she opened the flip phone and typed in the number she wanted to phone. After she'd built up the courage, she finally pressed call.

The phone rung for a while, before it was picked up. She could hear him breathing into the phone, but apart from that it was oddly.. quiet.

"Who are you and what the fuck do you want."

"B.. Billy?" Max spoke quietly. There was a long pause before he replied.

"Max?" he whispered.

"Yeah, it's me, Max."

"Max are you ok? What happened? I- I looked everywhere for you."

"I'm ok- well, I wasn't at first, but I am now."

"Max, things have changed. I got a job, one that pays well, and treats me like a real employee and not a kid earning pocket money, at the RadioShack downtown. Neil got.. he got really bad and I couldn't say there, so I used the money I'd been saving and got a flat near work, I tried to bring your mom but she- she wouldn't come with me, i'm sorry Max." At this point, Max didn't care. Her mother was never a real mom, it was her who got them into this mess with Neil, it should be her who has to end it, and whether she does or not, that's her problem now.

"I don't care, I'm just glad you're safe. Does.. does he know where you are?"

"No, and I reported him to the police but he's off the grid at the moment, when police went to the house it was empty, all of his things, and your moms things, all of them were gone. They've searched Hawkins for him but they can't find him. He's.. he's gone Max. It's over." A single tear rolled down Max's cheek. After all these years, her worst nightmare, the thing that traumatised and hurt her was gone.

"Max? You there?" Billy asked.

"Yeah yeah, just.. thinking."

"Oh ok."

There was a moment of silence while Max processed all of this before she spoke again.

"What about us, Billy?"

"Well, I'm 18 in 3 days, and if you still want, the plan is that I get custody of you, and you can come live with me. It's a nice place, 2 bedrooms, no bad memories. A fresh start, Max."

"I'd like that a lot Billy." smiled the girl.

"Ok, then it's settled. I'll be in touch, ok?"




"I love you." With these words, for once in her life, Max felt at peace.

"I love you too Billy."

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