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Red plastic cups littered the floor as Max navigated her way through the trashed house to find Lucas. Finally, she found him, sat with the last few stragglers of the party. As she cleared her throat to let him know she was here, she made a gesture with her head for him to come to the other room.
"Guys, I'll be back in a minute." said Lucas as he followed Max upstairs to his room.

Once the two were alone, Max sighed heavily before beginning to explain what happened, and how she liked Jane, and only kissed Lucas because she was mad at her.
"So yeah, that's the story. All in all, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it, it was wayyyy wrong." she chuckled.
"Max, it's fine. I mean we did kiss at the snowball some years ago so-" before he could finish, the two burst into laughter.
"Oh my gosh I remember!" Max exclaimed.
"Anyways, my point is that I don't care Max. But from the way she left the room, it seemed like Jane did."
"Yeah, fuck! I've really messed up." Seeing she was really upset, Lucas brought her chin up and met her eyes.
"Listen Max, we didn't date for long, but from what I've experienced you are a great girlfriend! And now, well, your like a sister to me, and I love you so much, and I KNOW you will get past this. Maybe just give her time?" suggested Lucas.
"Yeah, I think that would be best. Thanks Lucas, we may not have worked out-" Max paused, sniggering a bit at the fact they even dated, "we may not have worked out, but know that I'll always love you, and you can come to me whenever."

Smiling, the two hugged, and then went back downstairs. Max stayed a little to help with the clean-up, before walking home. By the time she reached her house it was 12:03, so she planned on trying to be as quiet as possible. However, as she entered the small house, she heard things being thrown and smashed upstairs.

"Fuck!" the redhead breathed, dashing upstairs. As she reached the landing, she cautiously made her way to her bedroom. Peering inside, she saw her stepfather smashing her record player against the wall, pure rage in his eyes. Although she knew the consequences, fury flooded Max's veins which she couldn't control as she stomped up to Neil and punched him straight in the face. Blood came gushing from his nose, as he dropped what was remaining from the record player and turned to face her.

"WHAT THE FUCK NEIL?!" yelled the furious teen, staring in disbelief at her bedroom, which was completely trashed. Chuckling, her stepfathers eyes bulged out of their sockets as he reached into his back pocked and pulled something out.

"Maxine Mayfield," spat the repulsive man, "why don't you tell me what the fuck this is." Unclenching his fist, he revealed something which made Max's stomach flip inside out. One of her pride flags. Speechless, she tried to search for words but could only stutter. Taking a step towards her, Neil looked her dead in her eyes. He wanted to kill.

"One thing we don't accept in this household Maxine, is dykes." Another step closer. For Max, another step back.

"And I would HATE. To find out that yet another of my daughters, is exactly that." Another step forwards, another step back.

"Because if she was, well that would call for a punishment, don't you think?" By this point, Max had backed into a corner.

"I said, DON'T YOU-"

Smack. Taking the opportunity, Max swung her fist once more, hitting Neil in the temple and knocking him unconscious. Knowing she couldn't stay there, Max grabbed a backpack which had been left lying on the ground, and rapidly searched her draws for any clothes which weren't totally wrecked. Managing to find a few shirts and some jeans, she stuffed them into the bag, along with a few other things which weren't destroyed, and her school books, which were still mostly in good condition, apart from her english book. "I'll get another" thought the girl. After grabbing the things from her room, she next ran to her stepfathers room and found his wallet. Grabbing all the cash she could, she stuffed it into her pockets and dashed downstairs. Her eyes dated rapidly around for anything she might need, when her eyes caught her new skateboard from Billy. 'thank god that wasn't in my room' she thought again, run into grab it. Not wanting to waste any more time, she ran for the door, but heard shuffling upstairs.

"shit." she breathed, running even faster. Reaching the door, she bolted out, not even risking skateboarding. As she ran down the deserted street, she heard the disgusting man yelling in the distance.

"I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU MAX. I MEAN IT YOU FAG, I'LL FIND YOU AND I'LL FUCKING SLIT YOUR THROAT.." soon she was too far to hear the rest. Once she was sure she was far enough from home, she found an alleyway, leading to some garbage bins behind a store. Collapsing against the wall of the building, she curled up and just began to cry.

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