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It had been a few weeks since the night that Jane and Max became girlfriends, and they had both come to a mutual agreement to not tell anyone. The day after they became official, they had gone shopping for some essentials Max woild need, and when they came back Jane explained the situation to Hopper who welcomed her with open arms. He had been letting her stay in Janes room, and to thank him she had been helping at the police station and running errands when she could. While they still hung it with the party, they spend most of their time together, either in deep conversations, goofing around or making out. On this particular Friday lunch, they were chilling at their usual spot under the tree, just enjoying each other's company.

"So, Daydreamer. If you could have 3 wishes, what would they be?" Max questioned, caressing Janes hand. Chuckling softly, the girl hummed in thought.

"Probably for my mom to come back."

"oh, I'm sorry Jane, I-"

"Please don't say sorry, it makes me feel worse. Ok um, second wish." Jane stayed quiet to think for a while.

"Probably to change some stuff from the past."

"Oh, okay. Third?" The redhead didn't push for her to explain what she meant, as she got the idea she didn't want to talk about it.

"To live with you for the rest of my life."

"Really?" Max blushed.

"Yeah. We would go to college together after school, and share a dorm. After they, we'd get jobs and move in together, and DEFINITELY get a dog. One day, one of us would propose, and we'd have a gorgeous wedding with only close family and friends, and go on a romantic honeymoon. After a while, we'd maybe adopt some kids, I don't know what gender because that doesn't matter to me. We'd raise them together until they move out and get families of their own, and we'd eventually retire. Even though we would be so old, I would never stop loving you, and I would keep telling you until one day, those are my last words."

"You.. you love me?" questioned the freckled girl quietly.

"Of course I love you Maxie!" Jane explained, giggling. Her soft smile soon faded as she realised Max wasn't saying anything, and looked kind of sad.

"I'm sorry if it's too fast, you don't have to say it back." she apologised.

"what? no no- I love you too, so much. It's just, never mind it's stupid."

"No, tell me!"

"I just, I don't think anyone's ever like, said that to me before. Like maybe Billy said it once, just like a 'love ya' but nobody's ever said it seriously, you know?" she explained.

"Oh, well I mean it, I love you and I'll say it 1000 times if that's what it takes for you to feel loved." Jane smiled. As Max was about to lean in for a kiss, they suddenly heard the familiar voices of their friends. Sure enough, Mike, Will, Dustin and Lucas came into view.

"Come on, you always forget the snacks! Let me bring them." Will pleaded to Dustin, who's simply shook his head no.

"No can do Will the Wise, I bring the best snacks!" he argued back.

"Will you two just shut up!" Lucas exclaimed, pretending to pull out his hair.

"Ignore them, it's been like this all morning," Mike huffed, sitting down opposite the girls, "oh yeah, wanna have another sleepover at mine tonight? I know it's short notice but that new heathers movie is coming out and we were thinking of going to watch it at star court, then chilling at mine after if that sounds good to you guys?"

"Sure, I wanna see that film so bad! Max?" agreed the brunette.

"I'm in! What time at the movies?" Max asked.

"6:00 if we want time to get snacks. I can pick you up from your house if you want? And you too Jane!" offered the raven-haired boy, flicking the curls out of his face.

"Oh- I uhh-" Max stuttered. What should she say? Mike can't know about Neil.

"Well, we have a project so Max was planning on coming to mine anyways. Wanna pick us both up from mine? Me and Max can swing by her place to pick up her things on the way home." Jane lied, saving Max. The redhead squeezed her girlfriends thigh as a show of her thanks.

"Sounds like a plan!"

For the rest of lunch, the teens just gossiped over various conversation topics, before finishing their lessons and heading home. Jane and Max were on their way to Janes, before Max stopped the girl in her tracks.

"Thanks for saving my ass earlier, I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't stepped in." The redhead explained, giving her girlfriend a quick kiss on the cheek. The tanned teen blushed a little, before continuing to walk.

Once they made it to Janes house, they packed the things they would need for the night, and quickly took showers. Max went first, and was dressed with her hair dry but the time Jane was done. She was just sat reading a comic when the girl walked in wearing nothing but a towel which was wrapped around her.

"Oh uh, sorry I thought you were in the front." Jane said, still dripping a little.

"No need to be sorry." Max replies, eyeing up the girl, before noticing how nervous she looked. Getting up from the bed, she walked over to Jane and planted a soft kiss on her nose, careful not to touch her body as she seemed a little uncomfortable only wearing a towel.

"I'll be on the couch if you need me, Mikes gonna be here in about 30 mins."

Jane smiled, appreciating Max's respectfulness. Once Max left, Jane dressed and dried her hair, before joining her girlfriend on the couch. Not long after, Mike arrived and took the two girls to his house, Jane on his seat and Max on his handlebars. The three teens laughed most of the way there, as it was quite a struggle, but after some time they made it to starcourt.

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