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That night, the three teens raided Jane's cupboards and watched an uncountable number of movies, laughing and joking the whole night. As they were half way through one of the films, Jane fell asleep in Max's arms as the redhead caressed her hair.

"Hey Zoomer?" Mike said in a soft tone as to not wake Jane.

"Yeah Paladin?" the teen replied.

"I never got chance to say it but i'm happy for you and Jane."

"Thanks, and I'm happy for you and Will." she smiled.

"I better take this one to bed, she'll get a bad back if she stays like this for too long." Max chuckled.

"Ok. Goodnight Madmax." Mike smiled as his friend picked Jane up bridal style.

"Night Wheeler." The redhead was about half way out of the room when she turned to the boy.



"I'm proud of you. For standing up to you're parents, I mean. And people like them, like Neil, they aren't shit." With that, Max left the room, leaving Mike with a small smile on his face. It wasn't much, but those words meant a lot to him.

In the morning, the three teens grouped together to form a plan for Mike. Eventually, they decided it was best that he just came clean to Will and maybe stayed with him for a while. This plan went well, as the boy immediately talked to his mom who was very understanding and welcomed Mike for as long as he needed! Max also told Jane about Billy, and that she was planning on moving in with him in a week or so, and even though this made Jane a little sad, she didn't show it because her girlfriend was so happy!

Surprisingly, that week went fast and before they knew it, Billy was now Max's legal guardian and she was given the green light to move in with him. It was Sunday afternoon and Max was packing her things. Since she didn't have much, she only had to take a backpack and a duffle bag. Her and Jane were just talking when they heard the revving of an engine outside.

"Must be Billy!" Max exclaimed, standing up from the couch.

"HOP!" the redhead shouted, as the tall man strolled in through the back door, a cigar wedged between his lips. Max thought back to when she had first met him, smiling at the memory.

"Billy is here, I just wanted to say goodbye." she explained, approaching him. She just sort of stood there awkwardly, not knowing whether to shake his hand or salute him or nothing at all. Her issues were solved when the man just chuckled and pulled her into a hug.

"I hate to admit it but I'm gonna miss you riding hood." He chuckled as they pulled out of the hug.

"I'll miss you too Chief. Thank you for everything, you've been way too good to me."

"Don't worry about it. You'll come visit?"

"If I didn't I think your daughter would kill me." Max laughed. Giving the man a nod, she returned to her girlfriend.

"I'll walk you outside." She said, carrying Max's bags.

"That eager to get me out? Ouch?" Max joked, faking a hurt expression.

"Shut up, you know that's not true." She replied as the two girls walked out of the cabin. Once they were on the porch, El handed Max her bags.

"Well, I guess this is it."

"You're making it sound like I'm leaving Hawkins! I'll only be downtown babe."

"I know I know I.. I'm just going to miss having you around you know." El said shyly.

"I'll miss you too baby but I'll come over I promise, you'll probably get sick of me!" Max laughed.

"I could never." The two girls looked at each other before sharing a kiss. Even though kissing was something they did often, they never took one for granted. Every moment with each other was cherished.

"I better go, I'll call you later when I'm settled in."

"You fucking better."

"I love you!" Max called as she walked off to Billy's car with her bags.

"I love you too!"

Entering the car, Max threw her bags onto the back seats and smiled at her brother. He smiled back as they drove away from the cabin. Soon they were downtown, driving through the quiet streets. Queen started playing as the siblings belted the lyrics out at the top of their lungs and Max couldn't have been happier. As they pulled into the small parking lot behind the line of stores, Max reached over and grabbed her bags from the back seat. Stepping out of the car, Billy lead Max to a door behind radio shack and pulled out some keys. When they entered, there was another door which Max assumed led into the main store, and a few flights of stairs which Billy began to walk up. Finally they reached another door which Billy opened with a different key, revealing the apartment. It was fairly small, but perfect for them. There was an open plan kitchen/living space, and three doors which lead to the bathroom, Billy's room and Max's room.

"Close your eyes." Billy smirked as Max did as she was told. He then lead her through one of the doors.

"Ok 3, 2, 1, open!" He exclaimed as she opened her eyes. She expected something cool, but in fact the room was plain. There were white walls, a bed with only a mattress on it, a wardrobe and drawers.

"Umm, wow?" she said confusedly as Billy walked over to the bed, patting the spot next to him. Once she sat down, he explained.

"This is your room now, and you get so design it any way you want. I didn't do it for you because my only inspiration would be your old room. But this, this is a fresh start Max."

"So, what do you think? I can take you shopping to the mall for room decor whenever you want, and we could even get some of those little-" Billy stopped talking when his sister threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. He chuckled, hugging her back.

"Thank you Billy, for everything." she whispered.

"No problem. Pizza for dinner?"

Max nodded her head as the man left the room. Flopping onto her bed, she smiled to herself. A fresh start.

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