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Time passed and soon it was winter break. Jane had been to Max's apartment multiple times, and the party had been hanging out a lot more. After hearing what happened to Mike, Lucas and Dustin promised to forgive him as long as he also promised to hang out with them more, which he agreed to and kept that promise. Mike had been living with Will since the night he spent at Janes and he couldn't be any happier. On this specific night, the party were gathered in Castle Byers, well.. all except Max.

"Ok so 11am at the cabin, we order pizzas and set up, at 12 she arrives and we surprise her, at 10 we go down to the quarry and swim. Sound like a plan?" Mike asked, receiving nods from the others.

"Ok cool, now fuck off I want to go inside cuddle and watch movies with my baby." Mike ordered as the others laughed. The five teens left Castle Byers, Will and Mike going inside Wills house, Dustin and Lucas getting on their bikes and cycling home and Jane jumping in Hoppers pickup truck with her dad, who had been inside talking to Joyce, as the two left back to the cabin.

Soon it was the next day, and Max woke up to a text from her girlfriend. It read :

Hey Maxie! Come over to mine at 12, there's a new movie I wanna watch and I miss you! x

Even though the message made her smile, it quickly turned to a frown. She didn't even remember? She also had a text from Robin, wishing her a happy birthday and saying she would visit soon, since she was currently in Illinois with her girlfriend. Getting out of bed, she slipped a hoodie over her pj top and left her room. Picking up an apple, she sunk her teeth into it as she joined Billy on the couch, who grinned at her.

"One second." He said as he quickly left, only to return with a small box wrapped in a purple wrapping paper.

"Happy birthday." He smiled, handing her the gift. Tearing off the paper, her eyes widened as she saw it was a polaroid camera.

"Billy! These are expensive!"

"I know I know but you deserve it!"

"Thanks so much!" she grinned.

It was now 12:00, and Mike, Will, Lucas and Dustin had all gathered at Janes cabin. They were just chilling when there was a knock at the door.

"Quick guys! Hide!" Jane exclaimed as Will and Mike ran hand in hand into the bathroom, Lucas sprinted to Janes room and Dustin squatted behind the couch. The brunette girl walked to the door and opened it to see her girlfriend who she greeted with a kiss. Before she could get a word in, a small, shaggy, caramel-coloured puppy ran between her legs and began to jump at Max. Chucking, the redhead squatted to pet the dog, only for it to jump up and lick her face.

"Hey! Who's this little guy."

"He's called Caramel, we got him yesterday!" Jane exclaimed as Max stroked the dog.

"Want me to tell you why I called him that?"

"You don't have to, I remember. Caramel frappe." she smiled, thinking back to when they first hung out.

"Come on Caramel, give the girl a break!" Jane laughed, leading the dog inside. Max followed, closing the door behind her. She was really starting to think her girlfriend had forgotten when all of a sudden the boys jumped out of nowhere and shouted,

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