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Once they reached Janes cabin, the older teen wrapped her friend in a towel and sat her at the kitchen table. The two girls sat in silence for a while as Max warmed up, before the redhead finally spoke.

"He found my flags."

"Who, Billy?" Jane asked, confused.

"No, Neil. I came home from the party, and he was in my room. He smashed up my record player, and pretty much destroyed most of my possessions. Just as he was about to hurt me, I knocked him out and grabbed what was left of my things, robbed his wallet and sprinted downtown. I've been sleeping in that alleyway since Saturday night, getting changed and ready in the cafe bathrooms and that rain was the closest I've had to a shower all week."

"Why didn't you come here! I could've helped you."

"I mean, we weren't on great terms last time I checked."

"That doesn't mean I don't give a shit about you! Come here." Gesturing for the taller girl to come to her, Jane's eyes welled with tears at the thought of what her friend had been through the past week. Pulling her into a hug, Jane held Max tight, clutching her body and never wanting to let go. After a few minutes, Jane pulled back.

"Wait here." A few minutes later, Jane returned with a clean towel, some joggers and a shirt.

"Go take a shower, you can wear these for now. I can wash your clothes if you want, and you are staying here tonight, no excuses. I'm gonna order pizza if you want some, and tomorrow we can go to starcourt and get you some things you may need. I'll call Hop and let him know what's happened, if that's ok with you of course, I'll make sure he doesn't try to prosecute Neil if that's what you want. If he's ok with it, you can stay here as long as you need."

"Are you sure? I don't wanna be intrusive or whatever.." Max answered shyly.

"Max look at me." the two girls met each other's eyes. "I would literally rather go out there myself than even have to think about you being on the streets for another day. Ok? You are not a burden, I promise."

"Ok, oh and pizza sounds good. But n-"

"No peppers, I know." smiled the brunette. Max's heart practically skipped a beat as she stared blankly at the other teen.

"You remembered?" whispered the redhead.

"Of course! Now go get a shower, you stink." giggled the brunette.

(time skipppp)

Once Max had taken a shower, the two girls had eaten some pizza and watched some tv for a while, not really talking much. While the commercials were on, Max took her chance to say something. Turning so that they were facing each other, she began to talk.

"Jane, I need to get something off my chest.. about the night of the party."

"Yeah? Go ahead."

"Um, when we played truth or dare, a- and I- and you h- ha" stuttered the blue eyed girl, before getting interrupted by the other girl.

"Look Max. I don't expect you to say anything. What I said when we were outside, we can just pretend like it didn't happen,"

"But Jane, I don't wa-"

"It's okay Max, I don't expect you to feel th-"

"But that's the thing Jane, I d-"

"Seriously, it's ok. I was-"

Max couldn't take it anymore. Without warning the other girl, the redhead leaned over, placing one hand on Janes waist and the other on the back of her neck. Lingering for a second, Max took one look into her glistening brown eyes, before pressing their lips together softly. A shock of electricity ran through her body, and that moment was like pure bliss. Pulling away, Max looked hopefully at the girl for a response, but the teen was simply trying to catch her breath.

"I'm sorry Jane, I shouldn't have done that it was stupid, I got the wrong idea I thought you might have-" Max began, before the other girl moved closer so she could straddle the redheads lap. Putting one hand behind Max's neck and the other on her back, Jane crashed their lips together once more, slightly rougher this time. The redhead slid her arms around Janes waist as she sealed the gap between their bodies. Moving their lips in time, Max slid her tongue into the other girls mouth, shocking her a little. Jane has never really used tongue, the idea of it kinda grossed her out, however it wasn't gross with Max, not at all. The brunette could taste the cherry chapstick she had leant Max earlier on her lips, and pulled out of the kiss a little, just ghosting her mouth and enjoying the moment. Leaning back further, Max looked into the girls eyes, slightly dazed.

"Woah." she breathed.

"Yeah," chuckled the brunette, "woah."

authors note | ok if you're one of my friends who reads my books, even though I TOLD Y'ALL NOT TO, if you ever make fun of me for this, like literally if you bring it up ONCE, I WILL break your face. just thought I'd let y'all know 😌✌🏼

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