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As the three teens walked through the mall, they heard a shout coming from behind them.

"guys! wait up!"

Turning in sync, they saw Will jogging towards them. As he caught up, they began to walk again, not really saying much. Getting further into the mall, Jane felt around in her pockets for her cash.

"Shit! I forgot my money!" she exclaimed sadly. Her sad expression quickly turned to a frown as she saw the others giggling.

"What?" she asked.

"You don't need money." Mike laughed.


"You'll see."

Finally, they reached scoops which made Jane extremely confused. As they approached the counter, they saw Robin staring off into the distance. However, Max and Will noticed what she was really staring at as they followed her gaze through the parlour to see Mike's sister, Nancy Wheeler, sat in a booth with some of her friends. The redhead and her friend exchanged a look before laughing a little, as they were the only two who knew that Robin was totally head over heels for the girl. Turning back to the counter, they saw Mike repeatedly ringing the bell, and Robin rolling her eyes.

"Hey dingus your children are here!" she yelled as the shutters from the back room opened to reveal an annoyed Steve Harrington.

"Seriously, again?" he exclaimed, only to receive another ring of the bell by Mike. As he let the teens through the back and out into the corridor, he went back into the store.

"And remember, if anybody sees you-" he shouted, before the kids (minus Jane) cut him off .

"We're dead!" they yelled back in unison as they snuck their way into the movies.

"So you guys do this often?" the brunette girl questioned.

"Yeah, Steve is lame and somehow became our friend." Max explained, receiving a laugh from her friend. Finally, after entering 2 wrong screenings, they found Dustin and Lucas sat near the back of screening 4 and filled out the empty seats next to them. The order was Dustin, Lucas, Max, Jane, Will and lastly Mike.

"Finally, you guys are so late! You're lucky me and Lucas bought snacks." Dustin whispered, giving cans of soda and various packets of candies like sour patch kids and warheads to his friends. As the movie played, Will, Dustin and Jane were watching intensely, whereas Mike was half asleep. As for Max, well, she couldn't take her eyes off her girlfriend. Suddenly, she became very paranoid that someone would pick up on it, and looked around her friends to make sure nobody had noticed. Thankfully, no one had, however she did notice something odd when she looked to her right and saw an empty seat where lucas should be. Her curiosity getting the better of her, she managed to sneak out without anyone noticing, even Dustin, who she had to walk past, was too invested in the film to ask why she was leaving. As she left the room, she walked around the rest of the movies to see if he was anywhere to be seen. She was about to head back when she heard pacing coming from one of the corridors. Peering around the corner, she saw a worried Lucas on the phone. Max couldn't make out what he was saying, but when the call ended she saw Lucas just break down. Running over to him, she held him as he just cried.

After Max managed to him down, he began to talk.

"I- my mom called. S- she said my dad-" he stuttered, his voice breaking as he sobbed a little more.

"He- he left. And it's all my fault."

"Hey, it's not your fault."

"Yes, it is. He always wanted to play football, to become a star athlete-"

"Lucas, this isn't your fault. Listen to me, ok, it's not your fault. Just breathe ok? Now come on, go wash your face and let's get back in there before they realise we are gone." Max soothed, wiping the tears from the boys face. He nodded weakly, and left her quickly to go wash his face. Once he returned, the two went back to their friends, and it was as if they'd never left.

After the movie, the teens left starcourt and went straight back to Mike's house. As it turns out, Dustin and Will were both too stubborn and both ended up bringing snacks, causing the two of them, along with Lucas and Jane to have a massive sugar rush. As for Max and Mike, they didn't have big sweet tooth's and instead decided to just talk whilst the others were out of their minds. As the night went on, Mike's mom finally told them it was getting late and that they should put a movie on and chill. The boys were quick to jump on the idea, scampering up the stairs to grab their things.

"We'll change into our pyjamas while we're up there, you guys can change down here." the freckled boy said before making his was to join his friends, leaving the two girls alone.

Standing up, Jane walked over to the couch to grab her things to change, however Max had other ideas. Taking Janes arm, she pulled the confused girl away from the couch and pinned her against the wall. Before she could even say a word, Max leaned in and kissed her passionately. They then proceeded to make out, deepening the kiss with every second. After a few minutes, Jane's legs were now wrapped around Max's waist, her body being held up by the redheads arms supporting her beneath her thighs. They were too lost in each other that they didn't hear the door to the basement open, or the small footsteps coming if down the stairs. Just as the brunettes hands began to move up her girlfriends back, a voice startled them, speaking 4 simple words.

"I. Fucking. Knew it!" exclaimed the hazel eyes boy, as the two girls rapidly broke apart and turned to face him.

"I- we didn't- we just-" Max stuttered asthe boy smirked at her.

"It's ok, you don't have to explain. I just want to know, how long ?"

"A few weeks?"

"Really?! I thought it was longer, you two were all over each other at the last sleepover!" he giggled.

"Shut up! So were you and mike!" Max laughed as Wills face turned red.

"Yeah, you practically have hearts in your eyes every time you look at him." Jane pitches in.

"No, he has rainbows in his eyes!" Max exclaimed, laughing harder.

"Shut up, he's gonna hear you!"

"Ok, wouldn't want to ruin your chances with your lover boy."

"Whatever, I just came to ask you guys if you'd prefer the breakfast club or ghost busters. Me and Lucas want breakfast club, Mike and Dustin want ghostbusters."

"Breakfast club!" Jane answered.

"Noo, ghostbusters!" Max countered.

"Great, a tie. Whatever, we can just flip a coin." Will shrugged as he walked back up the stairs.

"Oh, and I won't tell the others what I saw, I'll just act like nothing happened until you're ready to tell them." he added as he left.

"Thanks Will!" Max shouted. After that, she gave Jane a quick kiss before they got changed. By the time they were done, the boys had changed too and came back down with the breakfast club. Around 20 minutes in, everyone but Max had fallen fast asleep, Dustin and Lucas slouched on the couch, Mike and Will cuddling in a heap of blankets and Jane cuddled up next to Max. Smiling, the redhead kissed her girlfriends forehead before joining the others and drifting off.

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