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Next to wake was Lucas, shortly followed by Mike. Although he noticed he was holding hands with Will, he decided to act like he hadn't seen it yet. Sitting up and rubbing his eyes with his free hand, he waved at Lucas who greeted him back with a massive burp, which startled Dustin awake.
"HOLY SHIT! JEEZ LUCAS YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME!" he yelled, making Lucas laugh.
"Guys shh!" Mike said, gesturing towards Jane who was surprisingly still sleeping. However, he couldn't help laughing a little himself.
"Hey guys, where's Max?" Lucas asked, looking around the room. That was when it was Wills turn to giggle.
"On the couch" he answered.
"No that's Jane, stupid." Dustin replied, giving Will a dumb look.
"No, look" he ordered, as the boys went to look at the couch. Sure enough, Max was there too, still intertwined with the brunette on top of her.
"Shit" Dustin laughed. After a little while of chatting, the boys went upstairs to make some breakfast, apart from Will who decided to finish his comic.

After around half an hour, Max shuffled a little, making both girls wake up. The redhead opened her eyes first, and saw the other girl on top of her. 'Fuck fuck fuck shit!' she thought, ' What do I do? I don't wanna wake her up. Omg she looks so cute sleeping. If only I could kiss her. Fuck Max just stop.' As if on cue, Jane lifted her head and slightly opened her eyes. Seeing how she was laid on Max, she freaked out but didn't show it. Instead she just put her head back down and nuzzled into Max.
"I'm not a morning person" she grumbled.
"Me either but we have to get up. I think Mikes making eggos." Max answered. Suddenly, lifted up her head again and met Max's eyes, a wide grin on her face.
"Eggos?! They're my fucking favourite!" she giggled, excitedly jumping off the couch. Max smiled, rubbing her eyes tiredly. After Max sat up, Jane sat next to her and sighed.
"Uhm, you sleep ok? I hope I didn't like, crush you or anything." she asked nervously.
"No, I was actually comfy. Your like a giant teddy bear!" she joked, receiving a small giggle.
"Ok good. I like sleeping with you." as soon as she said that she went bright red, realising what she said.
"Ok stalker! I knew you wanted me." Max winked, laughing.
"No! I didn't- you know what I meant."
"I'm not sure I do.. it sounded to me like-" before she could keep talking, Jane hit her with a pillow.
"Oh your gonna pay for that Hopper!" the redhead shouted, hitting her back. Both girls stood up and hit eachother with pillows for a bit longer before Jane gave in.
"Fuck you Maxine!" Jane giggles, knowing Max hated that name.
"Don't call me that!" Max laughed, pushing Jane gently so her back was against the wall. The two girls looked into each other's eyes, and suddenly the mood was tense. Max's desire took over as her gaze flickered quickly to Janes lips, before back to her eyes. Opening her mouth to say something, Jane broke the eye contact by looking over to the corner of the room where she saw Will looking at them, a comic in his hands.
"Hey Will" she greeted, causing Max to look over.
"Hey. I think Mike has finished making the eggos if you wanna come get some with me." he smiled.
"Oh my gosh yes! I'm starving!" the brunette exclaimed, taking Max's hand.

A bunch of eggos later, the teens had split off. Mike and Will went to play more Atari in the basement, Lucas and Dustin decided to go to Lucas' house and make some modifications too their walkie talkies. This left the girls, who decided to just hang out at Max's. Jane understood the situation a little more, so she was more comfortable going to the redheads house. Walking up to the driveway, the blue eyed girl shot the brunette a 'you sure?' look. After receiving a nod, Max led the brown eyed girl inside.

Closing the door behind them, the fiery haired teen took the other girls hand in hers, just incase. Making their way to the stairs, they saw Billy sat in the living room with a girl. She had blonde hair up to her shoulders, bright blue eyes which were similar to Max's and freckled all over her face.

"Hey Billy! Me an- wait, ROBIN?!" Max gasped. Gently letting go of Janes hand, she ran to the girl, who pulled the freckled teen into a hug.

"Hey Madmax! Shit, you grew!" she chuckled. Breaking the hug, Max stepped back and gently pushed the girl. Sniffling, she shot the blonde girl an angry, but sad look.

"I thought... I thought you weren't gonna," the redhead said between sniffles.

"I know I know. But I'm here now, okay? Hey let's catch up yea?" Robin suggested, heading to the couch. Max was about to agree when she remembered Jane was here, flickering her gaze back to the to the gorgeous girl behind her.

"Uh maybe later?" the redhead coughed, nodding in the direction of Jane. A look of realisation crossed the blonde teens face as she noticed the brunette stood shyly in the corridor.

"Yeah sure, I'll leave you and your.. uh- friend to hang out. Promise we'll talk later yeah?" questioned the tall girl. Nodding in return, Max took the other teens hand and lead her upstairs. Reaching the ocean-eyed girls room, both girls sat on her bed as she let out a sigh.

"Was that your sister?" Jane asked, playing with her hair.

"Kinda. Neil is her dad and she has the same mom as Billy." Max stated plainly. Suddenly, they heard a door slam and some objects smashing downstairs.

"Not again!" Max breathed, "you should stay up here." Bracing herself, Max rushes downstairs as Jane watched through the crack of the fiery haired teens door.

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