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After their 'moment' on the couch, the girls were just sort of awkwardly watching TV in the living room. When Max yawned, Jane took that as an escape from the situation and began to stand up.

"You're probably tired, and I am too to be honest. Wanna get some sleep?" she proposed, as the other girl yawned once more before giving her a thumbs up. Leaving the room, Jane expected to hear Max's heavy footsteps behind her, but instead just heard her moving things from the couch. Turning, she saw the redhead placing some pizza boxes on the table.

"Hey dingus, are you coming?" Jane mocked.

"Coming where?" replied Max, utterly confused.

"To sleep silly." Jane giggled.

"I- you don't want me to take the couch?"

"Uh no, you can have my bed, I'll set up on the floor."

"No way, it's your house. You take the bed, I'll have the floor."

"No, you've been sleeping in the floor for weeks now Max. Uh, we can share?" 'shit. why did you say that? she's gonna think your weird, especially after what just happened! your so stupid sometimes-' her thoughts were interrupted by the ocean eyed girl walking towards her.

"Only if you don't try top me this time, stalker." she laughed, thinking back to their first sleepover at Mike's.

"Hey! You know that was an accident-" Jane began.

"Hmm, right. But just for reference, no one tops Max Mayfield."

"Is that so?" Jane teased.

"Yes, it is. Ok I'm going to pee."

As Max left, Jane cleared up a little before making her way to her room and changing into her pyjamas. She had just put on her shorts when Max walked out of the bathroom. Since Jane was facing the other way, she didn't see, and somehow didn't hear the other girl open the door, and instead proceeded to remove her shirt. Max held a gasp in as she saw the girls body. Even though she couldn't see too much, it was still more skin than she'd seen before since her shorts were noticeably shorter than her regular PE shorts. And plus, this was different. They weren't surrounded by other girls in a sweaty locker room, it was just the two of them, Jane's figure exposed in the dimly lit room. Max new it was probably wrong, but she couldn't shift her eyes from the girls body. However, when Jane took off her bra Max did look away, to respect her privacy. Quietly, she shut the door and stood for a few minutes to make sure the girl had enough time to get ready.

After a while, she did what she should've done originally and knocked on the door. A soft 'come in' echoed from the other side, and as she entered she once again had to hold in a gasp. The girl was in the same shorts Max had seen previously, however she also wore a baggy shirt which almost made them disappear. She had taken off all signs of makeup, and just tied her hair into a bun, but Max thought she looked as beautiful as ever. It took everything in her to not kiss her lips right there and then. But she wasn't stupid, and instead walked over and joined her in bed, releasing a sigh.

"You ok?" Jane asked softly.

"Yeah." Max paused for a second, before releasing another sigh. "No."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"If you don't mind, it's just been really hard to keep all this in but I don't wanna be annoy-"

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