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Fluttering her eyes open, the redhead sat up, startled. She hadn't even realised she'd fallen asleep. Glancing at the clock, she saw it was 6:52. Fuck, she'd slept for almost an hour and a half! Sighing, she raked a hand through the her mass of hair, knowing full well that she wouldn't be able to sleep early tonight like she'd planned. As she rubbed her eyes a little, she heard a soft knock at the door.

"Come in!" she grumbled half asleep. Opening the door, Robin gave the teen a small smile, before placing a plate of pizza on her desk.

"We got takeaway earlier but you were pretty knocked out so I just saved it and heated it up again a few minutes ago." explained the tall girl who was leaning against the door frame. Giving her an appreciative nod, Max shuffled along the bed a little before patting the spot next to her. Once the blonde teen had sat down, the fiery haired girl cleared her throat before speaking.

"Well, you said you wanna catch up, sooo I've been keeping up with skating, and schools ok I guess. Well except fo-"

"Cut the crap! Who was that cutie you had with you earlier!" exclaimed the older girl, poking her little sister in the ribs.

"Oh, Jane? She's just a friend from school." replied the younger girl plainly.

"She didn't look like 'just a friend', you two practically gave each other heart eyes the whole time!"

"Shut up!"

"Ok ok. Wait, you are still... right?"

"You can say lesbian, and yes, I am. You?" Robin was the only one of Max's family who knew about her sexuality. She used to be really close with her sister, but they grew apart when the older girl managed to free herself from her toxic family. It was a tough time, because as much as she didn't want to leave Max (and Billy) behind, she had been waiting so long for this moment and just wanted to be away. In the end, she chose freedom over her siblings, and hadn't been back home in over 2 years, until now. Max knew for a fact that Robin was a lesbian, she could just tell! However the older teen was more secretive, and never confirmed it.

"Haha, nice try!" Robin laughed, tickling the redhead a little.

"Hey! Stop that!" Max exclaimed, laughing too.

"Ok ok. But seriously, if you do like her then you should definitely go for it, she really likes you!"

"Whatever. Even if I did like her, she wouldn't like me, she's gonna fall for Mike or someone I just know it."

"Well if she does, it's her loss yeah?"

"yeah I guess." replied the younger girl, hesitantly. Pulling her sister into a hug, Robin smiled, questioning how she ever had the heart to leave her. After a little more talking about Max's school life and what Robin had been doing etc, Robin left the room to go for a jog. After taking a shower, Max did some homework at her desk whilst snacking on her pizza, before eventually collapsing onto her bed at 11:57pm.

(skip to morning)

"ughhh!" groaned the ginger as she smothered her face with her pillow. The most draining noise known to man was ringing through her ears, her alarm. As much as she had to get up, she just didn't have the energy, and instead tried to drown out the sound. However, it obviously wouldn't stop until she reached out to turn it off.

"Fuck! Ok, ok! You win." she grumbled, dragging herself to her feet and hitting the alarm so it would shut up. After she'd thrown on some jeans and a shirt, brushed her teeth and made her hair what she would call 'presentable' she was about to set off when she realised how cold it was. Trudging back to her room, she grabbed the first sweatshirt she saw, not even realising it was Janes, and left for school.

As she arrived, she saw Jane and Will talking by a vending machine. After visiting her locker, she strolled over and tried not to look as dead as she felt. Let's just say, it didn't work.

"Hey Max. You look kinda rough, long night?" Will laughed, pulling her into a hug.

"Shut up." the redhead grumbled, returning the embrace.

"Liking my sweatshirt Mayfield?" she heard Jane chuckle as the brown haired boy pulled away from her.

"Huh?" the freckled teen questioned, giving her a puzzled look. Gesturing towards Max's torso, the brown eyed girl giggled as the other girl looked down and saw she was wearing Janes hoodie. She immediately began to turn a shade of pink.

"Shit I- I didn't even realise. H- here-" she began, moving so she could take the hoodie off and return it.

"It's fine, you can keep it. Purple looks cute on you." the tanned girl insisted, smiling softly at her.

"You sure? I'm not gonna be cold or anything, you can honestly have it ba-"

"Max! It's. Fine!"

"Oh okay. Well thanks, you can have one of my hoodies if you want." the younger girl offered, still blushing.

"Sure, that'd be nice." the other girl replied, blushing back a little.

"So guys," Will began softly, "I heard Lucas is having a party Saturday night, you guys gonna be there?"

"I mean sure! It sounds fun, what about you Max?" shrugged Jane.

"Uhh I dunno, it's not really my scene." complained the redhead.

"Oh c'mon Maxie! Pleassseeee?" pleases the older girl, giving her friend puppy dog eyes which made Max almost give in instantly.

"Ugh fine, only if I can come to yours to get ready first." proposed the taller teen.

"Oh my gosh yes! Deal deal 1000 times deal!" giggled the brunette. Just then, the bell rang for class and teens began to walk to their first lesson.

"Ok great! See you there guys!" smiles Will as he turned to walk to class.

"Yep! See you later Maxie!"

"You have GOT to stop calling me that!" laughed the redhead, even though she secretly loved it. Laughing too, Jane blew the taller girl a kiss before pivoting around to go to her class. Shaking her head, Max chuckled a little, then proceeded to do the same as her friends.

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