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Over the next few days, Jane and Max hung out constantly at school. The redhead introduced her to the party, and they liked her immediately. After school, the tanned girl went with Max to the coffee shop and talked to her a little while she worked, however they did'nt hang out on Friday night because according to Janes dad, it's 'Family Night'. Jane constantly butchers that saying, since it's only the two of them, but she really enjoys spending time with him as they are really close. Opening up to the ocean eyed girl more and more, Jane has told her lots more about her background. Max now knows about Janes mum, but also a lot more like how her favourite colour is actually purple, she hates cheese and wants a career in music when she's older.

"I know it's stupid, I'm not great on guitar and I suck at singing so.." The brown eyed girl reasoned as she told Max what she wanted to do when she was older. It was Friday lunch and the girls were sat on the grass, the jocks practicing in the distance. Even though you are allowed off school premises for lunch, most students stay close by. Max and Jane came here often, as it was quiet and they liked it that way. The redhead was sat against a tree, the other teens head on her lap as she played with her caramel hair.

"Hey! I bet you don't suck, in fact I bet your great. You have to stop putting yourself down like that!" Max answered.

"Yeah, and how would you know?" Jane asked, giggling.

"Because your Jane fucking Hopper, what can't you do?" exclaimed the ocean eyed girl. Laughing and rolling her eyes, Jane looked up to the clouds.

"Hey, that one looks like a heart!" she exclaimed. Looking in the same direction as her, Max tried to figure out which one she was talking about.

"Huh? I don't see it."

"Here." Taking Max's hand in hers, Jane pointed it in the direction of the cloud as the fiery haired girl tried to see it. For the next few minutes, they just sat pointing out the few clouds that were in the sky to each, it was surprisingly warm for an autumn day. Suddenly, they heard footsteps nearing them.

"Well well well, if it isn't the two lovebirds!" a familiar voice said jokingly, as the girls looked up to see Mike, Lucas, Dustin and Will towering over them, laughing.

"Haha, very funny!" Max replied sarcastically. The four boys sat down on the grass, as Jane sat up and instead rested her head on Max's shoulder.

"Is everyone still ok for tomorrow?" Mike asked, as everyone nodded their heads as a 'yes'.

"Ok cool, we can just watch movies and talk, and maybe play some D&D." Mike suggested.

"D&D?" Jane questioned, looking puzzled.

"It's this game we sometimes play, you'll see!" replied the boy, pushing the black curls out of his face. Nodding, Jane looked around to see that it was kind of empty.

"Guys what time is it? It looks kinda empty." asked the older girl.

"I dunno, but we should probably get to class." Lucas answered, as the other 5 teens stood up in agreement. Once they were in the building, they went their separate ways. Max and Jane had different lessons for the rest of the day, so they hugged and said goodbye.

"See you guys tomorrow!" Max shouted, making her way to class.

A/N : Sorry for the short-ish chapter, but the next scene will be the sleepover so I wanted to end this one here!

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