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It was 6:37pm on Saturday, and Max was on her way to pick up Jane and then go to Mikes. Biking down various streets, she followed the route Jane had given her, and eventually ended up at a small log cabin at the end of a street. To the right of it was a big woods which seemed to go on forever. Ditching her bike at the curb, the redhead took a breath before walking up to the front porch and knocking on the door. After a few seconds, it was opened by a tall man with a thick beard, wearing a chief policeman uniform. Removing the cigar which was wedged between his lips, he boomed,

"JANE! YOUR FRIENDS HERE." turning back to her, he gave her a warm smile. Max thought he actually looked pretty nice for a policeman, considering they were usually all grumpy and such.

"COMING!" she heard Jane shout, before seeing her adjust her shoelaces and walk towards the door. As she was about to leave, she was stopped by her fathers arm.

"Keep me updated tomorrow, ok kid? It's a new town and I don't-"

"You don't want me getting lost, I know I know! Can I please go now?!" she asked, clearly eager to go.

"Ok kiddo, have fun and STAY SAFE!" he instructed, moving his arm from in front of her.

"Yup. Got it Hop!" she confirmed.

"I hate when you call me that." he grumbled, ruffling her hair.

"and I hate when you do that!" he replied, making a rushed attempt to fix her hair.

"Go on! Get out of here!" he joked, waving her goodbye. Walking to Max's bike next to the redhead, the older girl waved back, shouting an 'I love you!' before he shut the door of the small log cabin. Max picked up her bike and tapped the seat for Jane to sit on.

"I'm just gonna be honest, I've never done this before." Jane confesses.

"Just hop on the seat and hold onto my waist, you'll be fine." reassured the ocean eyed girl. Doing as her friend said, Jane got onto the bike and placed her hands on Max's waist. Butterflies filled her stomach as she could feel her face turning red.

"Ready?" Max asked as Jane nodded. And with that, the two girls made their way to Mike's house.

With her hands now tightly hugging Max from behind, and her face nuzzled into her long ginger hair, Jane noticed the bike begin to slow down as they approached a house. 'This must be it' Jane thought nervously as her stomach flipped over. She was so nervous as she'd never slept at a boys house before, but it helped that Max was there. Her plan was just to stick with her. As Max brought her bike onto the driveway, a woman in her mid 30's, maybe 40's, opened the door and smiled at the two girls warmly. Turning around, the ocean eyed girl smiled back and approached the woman, the brunette trailing behind her.

'Hey Mrs Wheeler!' Max greeted politely, entering the house and hugging the woman. Max had talked briefly to Jane about how Mikes mom had been like a mother to her, along with Wills mom Joyce, since her own wasn't around much. Stepping inside nervously, Jane watched as Max pulled out of the hug, then looked to the brown eyed girl.

'Hi, you must be Jane! I'm Karen, Mikes mom,' she said with a kind smile, 'the boys are downstairs!' Noticing how nervous the older girl was, the redhead interlocked their fingers and smiled again at Karen, before taking Jane down some stairs and into what seemed like a basement. Inside they saw the boys playing D&D, and Will stood in a weird cloak and hat. Not noticing they were there, he rolled the dice as the other boys waited, anticipation in their eyes.

"Ahh! The demodogs attack you, shredding your leg limb by limb! 25 points of damage, Sir Lucas, what will you do?!" he exclaimed enthusiastically as the others looked to Lucas.

"Uhhh, I will use my fireballs?!" he said panicked. Once again Will rolled the dice, then spoke more.

"You manage to fight them just enough to get yourself to safety, but only temporarily as the demodogs can track your scent. Now, which of your..." Will trailed off as he noticed the girls stood, watching in amusement. The other three boys looked puzzled, before turning around and giving the same embarrassed look as Will. Some of the stuttered, trying to explain before Jane and Max started giggling.

"Nerds!" Max laughed, despite walking over to join them, "Too late to join?"

"No, perfect timing actually! You can teach Jane how to play, she could be our Mage!" Will exclaimed, getting excited.

"You want in?" asked Dustin hopefully, as Jane nodded in response, taking a seat next to the freckled girl.

"Seriously Will? Another hair cut?" Max groaned, noticing the boy now had a bowl cut.

"Hey! It's fashionable!" he grumbled, now nervously fixing his hair, "Ok, where were we, ah yes! The demo dogs have just bitten your leg. Now that we have a Mage, if you roll the right number she can come and heal you!"

The game lasted a while, with Max teaching the brunette how to play. Then they played some video games, where Max beat the boys by hundreds of points, as Jane sat amused, making small talk with Will. After a bit more gaming, they just sat and talked for a bit. Karen also brought down pizza and soda, which made everyone have a burst of energy. They had pillow fights, played all sorts of stupid games and had one of the funnest nights ever.

By around 12:30, the boys were completely knocked out. Dustin and Lucas were sprawled across the floor, and Will and Mike were laying suspiciously close to each other by one of the couches. That left just the bigger couch for the girls to sleep on, but they weren't tired at all.

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