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It was Saturday, and everyone was talking about Lucas' party. Although she didn't say it, Max was secretly kinda nervous. What if she got drunk and said something she would regret, or worse, got high! However, she couldn't let Jane down, so at 6:30 she was at the girls doorstep. She had decided to wear skinny black ripped jeans, black converse hightops, a black sleeveless shirt and an oversized-ish purple/black hoodie. She was also wearing a neck chain, which matched the chain on her jeans. Knocking on the brunettes door, she waited patiently. Should she have dressed up more? Probably, but she would rather underdress than feel uncomfortable. After a short while, the door opened to reveal a the same, stocky policeman with yet another cigar between his teeth.

"Uhm, h- hi s- sir. I'm Max, J- Janes f- friend." she stuttered, tapping her foot on the doorstep. She was immensely nervous, even though she barely had a criminal record, it was always intimidating being around a cop. However, this one seemed nice as he smiled and opened the door wider.

"Ah, I think remember you! Well I'm Jim, but you can call me Hopper, or Hop for short. Come inside, Janes room is just down there." he replied humbly, taking the cigar between two fingers.

"Thank you sir- I- I mean Hop." she answered, stepping inside and walking towards where Hopper had said Janes room was. As she got to the door, she knocked, not wanting to be intrusive.

"Come in!" she heard her friend yell as she opened the door and walked into he room. Janes room was different to Max's. It was slightly messier, various sweatshirts and jeans scattered all over the floor. Her bed was littered with many items, comics, makeup, records and even candy wrappers. Her walls were completely covered in band posters and some records were hung up too.

Jane herself was stood in front of a full body mirror wearing a short-ish black dress, which wasn't too short, black sneakers and a purple cross body purse which matched perfectly with Max's hoodie. She was holding her hair back, clutching a bobby bin between her teeth and attempting to pin it back at the sides.

"Here, let me help." Max offered, walking over to Jane and taking the bobby pin she was holding from her hands. Softly, pushing back the girls brown, wavy hair and sliding the pin in place.

"You want the other side too?"

"Yea, please." The redhead then took the pin from between Janes lips, her fingers slightly brushing against the older girls soft lips, making both teens blush slightly. After sliding that pin in place, Max brought the girls hair over her shoulders a little, before putting her arm around her waist and turning to face the mirror.

"No way! We match!" Jane giggled, referring to the colour of their outfits.

"Yeah, almost like a couple!" Max smirked, pulling her closer. Hitting the redheads arm, Jane moved over to her vanity desk to touch up her lip gloss.

"Fuck you, in your dreams!" Jane laughed. Max felt a small pinch at her heart, but brushed it aside. 'She's right, why would she like someone like you' Max thought.

"Come here, this shade would look great on you." the brunette ordered, patting the spot next to her.

"Well you just put some on, so how about you just kiss me, then I'll have some on too." the redhead provoked, laughing. Even though she knew she would just get shot down, Max still made these jokes as a way of coping with her feelings, that's how she saw it.

"Yeah? You talk all this talk MadMax, but what would you do if one day I actually do." Jane states proudly, making the other girl speechless.

"Exactly, now let me put this gloss on you!"

After Max had let Jane put a little bit of eyeliner eyeliner and blush on her, the two were ready to go. As they left the house, Hop gave them a small lecture about how to behave. Max found it hilarious whilst Jane was extremely embarrassed. Once they managed to escape his 'talk', the two made their way to Lucas' house.

Once they arrived, they met up with the party and got some drinks, not knowing what on earth was in it. After hours of talking and dancing, the party died down a little until only about 40 people remained, which was little to say that around 150 people showed up! Suddenly, a guy named Troy stood up and proposed to play truth or dare. The party agreed, along with some others who were still there.

"Ok, Lucas. Truth or dare?" Troy asked.

"Hmm, dare!"

"I dare you to chug this drink!"  From pretty much out of nowhere, the boy produced a bottle of dark liquid and handed it to the boy.

"The fuck is this?" Lucas laughed, popping the top of the bottle and smelling it, which made him scrunch up his nose.

"Straight up whiskey baby!"

"Dude I can't chug it all! Do you want me to like, never be able to have a party again?!"

"True.. just take a few decent sips then." proposed the boy.

"Uhhh- fuck it." the dark haired teen exclaimed as he took 3 big gulps. Receiving a round of applause from the group, it was his turn to ask.

"Uhh, Jane. Truth or Dare?"


"Okay, who's the most attractive in this group?" Almost choking on her soda, Janes eyes widened. She knew who she wanted to pick, it was Max! But she couldn't have a repeat of her former school. She had to pick a boy.

"Uh- I, um, Mike." she stuttered. Max felt her heart drop. 'Mike. Obviously she likes Mike! God your so stupid Max, to think she'd ever like someone like you! Fuck, you've gone and done it now, you've gone and fallen for her. Well done Maxine, well done.' she thought to herself. For a few rounds, the girls didn't so much as look at each other, instead they just sat in silence. Finally, it was Max's turn.


"Kiss the best looking player." She knew she shouldn't do it, but she had to make sure Jane didn't like her. She had to see if she would get jealous. Taking a breath, she just went for it and kissed Lucas. But not just any kiss, no. She really went for it, and the whole time she made direct eye contact with Jane. Although she was being a dick, she couldn't help it. She could see the hurt, anger and pain in her friends eyes, but she didn't stop. Finally, she pulled away, and received a confused look from Lucas.

After the game was over, the party stood and went to sit on the couch.

"Guys I think I'm gonna go home, it's getting kinda late." she said, shooting Max a glare as she turned to walk away. Sighing, Max went to grab her arm to stop her from leaving.

"Hey, Jane! Wait, I-" Max began, but before she could continue, the brunette shrugged her off and proceeded to leave.

"Save it." Leaving Lucas' house, she quickened her pace, but the redhead ran after her.

"Jane. Jane! Jane, stop! Why are you being like this." The shorter girl stoped and turned to face her freckled friend, her eyes glossy as if she was going to cry any second.

"I don't know, Max, I really don't know. It's not like we are actually dating or anything, like those jokes you make are anything more, like I even want them to be. So I honestly don't know, Max. I'm going home."

Leaving her friend speechless, once again, Jane left the party and made her way home, trying to stop tears from spilling. Meanwhile, Max felt ashamed, and knew she had some explaining to do. Not just to Jane, but also to Lucas. Therefore, she headed back inside to talk to her friend.

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