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After crying herself to sleep, Max awoke to the voices of people walking down the street. It took her a minute to process that the events of last night were real.

"Fuck," she breathed, rubbing her head, "I guess I'm homeless now."

For the most part of Sunday, she decided to walk to Bradley's Big Buy, as it wasn't too close to town so her friends, and more importantly Neil wouldn't be likely to see her. She bought things like deodorant, a toothbrush and toothpaste and a hairbrush so she could look at least presentable. She also bought a cheap blanket, so she wouldn't freeze on a night. She decided it was best that she still attended school so she wouldn't raise any suspicion, however she couldn't hang out with her friends, or talk to anyone really. She would go to school, and keep a carrier bag in her locker so she didn't have to carry all her belongings with her everyday. She would also go to work, so she wouldn't run out of cash, and would sleep in the alleyway she had slept in last night as it seemed pretty safe.

Before she knew it, it was 6:30am on Monday. Opening her flip phone, she had a few texts from friends, but mainly from Billy. Shit, Billy. She couldn't tell him where she was, incase Neil found out. For now, she just put away her phone and began to get ready for school. Walking to a small corner cafe, she ordered some toast, then changed into one of the shirts and a pair of jeans she had brought from home in the bathrooms. She also brushed her hair and teeth, and put some deodorant on since she couldn't shower. After washing her face with some water, she realised her hoodie was immensely dirty, but she hadn't packed another.

"Fuck it Max, you'll have to freeze." she muttered to herself. After getting ready, she put the things she would need for school in her backpack, and tied the rest in her carrier bag. Finally leaving the bathrooms, she thanked the waitress and payed her, before leaving and skating to school. Since she had to take the long way around, she took a little longer than she could've if she'd cut through her neighbourhood, however she didn't want to risk it. Finally arriving at school, she was 5 minutes early. 'perfect' she thought. Entering Hawkins Middle School, she went straight to her locker and put her skateboard and bag of belongings in her locker, before going straight to class.

During second period, she was in class with Jane. She could feel the other girls eyes on her frequently, but kept focused on the work. After class, she left quickly to be sure the girl wouldn't talk to her. During lunch, she went outside and hid underneath the bleachers, eating some cheetos which were left over from the food she ate last night.

After school, she went back to the same cafe for some food. She then made a late night trip to Melvalds General Store to buy some cheap clothes so nobody would get suspicious about her rewearing clothes. After that, she made her way back to her sleeping spot and wrapped herself in her blanket. A small tear fell down her cheek, as she sighed.

"How has it all come to this." she whispered, curling up that same way she did that first night.

Over the next few days, it kind of became routine. Fist was the cafe to get ready, then school, then work, then the store, then to find somewhere to get food, then sleep. She kept her distance from everyone, and stayed quiet in class. By the time Saturday came around, she was exhausted, and decided to just nap as much as she could.

Meanwhile, Jane was in her room, pacing back and forth. To her, it seemed as if Max was acting this way to purposefully avoid her. Did she give it away? Does Max know she likes her? She really fucked up.

"Urgh!" the brunette grumbled, flopping onto the bed. She had wasted most of the day overthinking, it was now 6:23pm, and since it was winter it was dark. Hop was out doing work, and wouldn't be home until Monday, so she had nothing to do. Instead of just laying around any longer, Jane decided to take a walk. Grabbing her purse and some sneakers, she locked up and left the house to walk downtown.

Just as she was nearing the shops, she felt a small drop of rain on her cheek, and looked up to see it was begging to rain. Thinking it wouldn't be that bad, she continued her walk, passing various small shops. However, it began to rain heavier, and soon enough it was completely pouring down on he girl.

"Shit!" she exclaimed, looking for somewhere to shelter. Suddenly, she spotted an alleyway and sprinted down it, hoping for some kind of shelter. However, what she ended up finding was a red headed teen, sat clutching a plastic bag, shivering in the cold.

"MAX?! WHAT THE FUCK!" exclaimed the teen, starting the other girl. Jumping to her feet, Max searched for an explanation.

"Jane! I- Why ar- How di- I was j-" stuttered the freckled girl.

"Max have you been living out here?" the redhead couldn't even meet her friends eyes. Sighing in disbelief, the brown eyed girl held out a hand for the other girl.

"Come on, let's get you dry. I mean, unless you want to drown in this."

Taking her hand, Max cautiously followed her friend, clutching onto her skateboard and belongings.

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