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In the morning, the party were feeling sick from their sugar rush, and just talked amongst themselves for the day. They played some D&D, watched some movies and raided Mike's cupboard all day since his parents left for a business trip that morning, Holly (Mike's younger sister) was staying with Mike's grandma and Nancy (Mike's older sister) was most likely staying at a friends house. Once it was 8:30, Dustin and Lucas' moms came to pick them up, and Hopper took Jane and Max back to Janes house for a sleepover. Will insisted his mom was coming, but after multiple attempts to call her, when he finally contacted her she had drunk some alcohol and wasn't sober enough to drive. As Will hung up the phone, he went back to Mike who was packing up D&D.

"Hey uh, my mom is drunk so I'm just gonna walk home." he said shyly.

"At this time? It's dark! There might be something in the woods!" exclaimed the raven haired boy.

"Mike I'll be fine." chuckled Will.

"You sure? You could.. stay here? Only if you want to though, it's ok if not I was just proposing.. but I- I want you to stay, but that doesn't mean you have to it was just an idea." stuttered the other boy, shuffling his feet and turning a rosy colour. 'Why is he so nervous? We have sleepovers all the time!' Will wondered. Despise his suspicions, he agreed and went to tell his Mom. After he had called her, he went to change into his pyjamas but couldn't find them.

"Mike have you seen my pyjamas?" asked the hazel eyes boy.

"Shit! I put them with Lucas', he must have taken yours with his. Sorry, here." replied Mike, walking off. A few seconds later, he reappeared with some plaid pyjamas pants and a large sweater.

"sorry, I don't usually wear shirts to sleep in and other than the one i'm wearing I have no more, so this sweater will have to do." explained the boy.

"Ok, t- thanks." answered Will, leaving to change. 'Now I'm nervous? What's wrong with me! He doesn't like you Will, get over it.

After a few minutes, Will returned to the basement to see Mike wearing only some joggers. The freckled boy turned to see an embarrassed Will staring at him.

"S- sorry, I-" began the brunette boy.

"It's fine Will, it's not like we have tits." he laughed, making the other boy smile. Mike walked across the room to get his shirt, and Will couldn't help but admire his crush. Mike had grown quite a bit since Will last saw him shirtless, which was in summer when the boys went swimming. He had decent abs now, and his arms were well defined too. Pulling on his shirt, Mike grabbed Wills things in one hand.

"Let's go to my room, there's less of us now so we don't have to stay in the basement." suggested Mike, taking Wills hand in his own spare one and leading him out of the basement.

"O- ok."

Once they were in Mike's room, Mike let Will pick a movie, and he eventually chose ghostbusters. Sitting on his bed, Mike patted the spot next to him for Will. Sitting down, the brunette boys heart rate quickened a little as Mike pulled him closer, until Will was cuddling into him.

Half way through the movie, Mike was a little bored and hadn't even been paying attention to the movie, more just playing with Wills soft brown hair. The freckled boy has felt the urge to ask a question he'd been dying to know the answer too for the past 30 mins, and couldn't  hold it any longer.

"Will?" he asked nervously.


"who- who's your crush?" Will froze.

"uh- I can't say."

"why not?" pouted Mike.

"I just can't!"

"Can I guess?" Will was going to say no but he caved in. 'it's going to come out soon, just get it over with.'


"ok uh- wait, do I know them?"

"yeah, you could say that."

"are they our friend?"



"Mike she's lesbian." laughed Will.


"wait you do know I'm gay right?" laughed the boy even harder.

"yeah yeah just making sure. wait is it Dustin?"

"omg no!"

"oh.. it's Lucas. I'm sorry, must suck since he likes riley-"

"It's.. it's not Lucas." muttered Will.

"What? Then you lied! There's nobody else?" Mike exclaimed, a little angrily.

"Mike.." Will had got up from Mike's chest and was now looking him deep into his eyes. Suddenly, realisation came into Mike's head as he realised he missed someone else, himself. Before the two even realised, they were leaning in, and eventually their lips were connected. They kissed softly, before pulling away. While Mike was breathless, Will had some explaining to do.

"Mike.. I've been in love since you since we were 6 years old." admitted Will softly.

"I think.. I think I've always loved you, but I didn't let myself believe it until girls started noticing me, and I realised I didn't want their attention.. I wanted yours." replies Mike. Wills face was plastered with a giant smile, this was all he ever wanted. After they shared another kiss, the movie was basically over, so Mike flicked off the tv and the two cuddled as the fell asleep.

a/n : yes I know this isn't Elmax but I wanted to add in some Byler, however they are NOT going to be a core ship in this book, the core ship will be Elmax but I wanted to write a chapter about them because.. I don't know I just stan soft Byler! But I want you guys to understand why they didn't get a backstory or anything, and it's just because this book is focused on Elmax mainly! But yeah, for you Byler stans I hope you enjoyed this chapter :) <3

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