Chapter 15

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I'm here at the mall chilling with Albee and China when I check my Instagram and see a picture of Cyn and Chris together with her friend Mary. At that moment I felt all these different emotions. But the one I felt the most was hurt. I told Albee and China that I wanted to leave now to get to the bottom of this.

Albee: Erica, you sure you wanna do this? I mean maybe you are leading to conclusions on this too soon.

China: he's right. Mena, why would Cyn tell you one thing, knowing you like her and then do this?

Erica: you guys I appreciate the support but like I said, I need to know from Cyn directly. Imma drop you guys off. I need to do this alone.

Albee: alright girl. But just hear her out please. Don't go Eiken on her. I actually like this girl.

Erica: i know Albee, me too. That's why I need to know what's exactly going on.

What most people don't know, I have an alter ego called Eiken. Eiken comes out when I get to that next level of pissed off or angry. Whenever someone wants to disrespect me or the ones I love, then you gotta be prepared cuz Eiken wants to put on a show that you will never forget.

I get to Albee's and drop them off. They remind me to keep my cool and hear Cyn out and don't rush into assumptions. The last part was already too late not to do. I try to calm down when I'm driving to Cyn's. I really hope my assumption of all this is wrong cuz I really like Cyn. I know we not together and she doesn't go for girls but damn it, you can't help who you love. Wait, what did I just say? Did I just say I love Cyn?!

Meanwhile at Cyn's apartment.

Chris and I just got back from Chipotle. I had a good time hanging out with him and Mary. It felt like old times again. Chris walked me to my apartment when he mentioned something.

Chris: Cyn, look I wanna apologize again for what I did in the past. I know we didn't have the connection and love we use to have anymore but that didn't mean I had to do what I did to you. I should have talked to you instead of cheating on you.

Cyn: well, you're right about that. But Chris it's fine. It's in the past and I just wanna move forward now. I'm glad we can still have a friendship tho.

Chris: me too. Well I'll see you later Cyn. Call me whenever you wanna chill or need to talk, okay?

Cyn: I will. Thanks Chris.

Me and Chris hug each other goodbye when I hear a voice call out my name.

Erica: Cynthia?!

Cyn: I turn around real fast and see Erica walking towards us. Erica? What are you doing here?

Erica: that doesn't matter right now. What's going on here is what's important right now. So you back together with this dude who not only disrespected me last night but you as well?

Cyn: Erica, calm down. It's not what you think. I just came back from hanging out with Chris and Mary. He wanted to clear things up from last night.

Chris: look, Erica, I wanna apologize about last night. I was way outta line and right now me and Cyn are just...

Erica: Shut up! Ain't nobody talking to your ass and if I remember right, I said the next time I saw you, I was gonna hurt you. Please believe that's what I'm about to do right now.

Erica was approaching Chris with her hands ready to knock his ass out when Cyn got in between them both.

Cyn: Erica, don't. Please hear me out. I'm telling you the truth. Me and Chris are not together anymore.

Erica: you think I'm stupid or something Cyn?! The way y'all was cozy all up in that picture on Instagram and that hug just now doesn't look like y'all not together anymore!

Cyn: Erica, don't you talk that way to me! I only have one mother and you aren't her!

Erica: I can talk to however I want to! You're not my girlfriend so I don't have to act nice when clearly I'm pissed off right now!

Cyn: You're so right! I'm not your girlfriend and we aren't together! I don't know why you're acting this way when clearly I told you I don't want you and never will!

I stood back from Chris and Cyn and couldn't believe what I just heard. Its like a dagger just went thru me and hit my heart.

Erica: you know what, you're right. We aren't together and we will never be. Im sorry for going after someone who clearly just doesn't feel the same way about me. Tears begin to form from Erica's eyes.

Cyn: no Erica, stop. Im sorry. I didn't mean to...

Erica: No Cyn. I get it. I'll leave you alone from now. I'm sorry and I hope nothing but the best for you. Cuz clearly it isn't me.

Erica slowly walked back to her car and got in. Cyn was calling out for her to stop and come back but Erica just continued to walk away. Erica started her car and sped away.

What have I done?! I know I got upset of how Erica was jumping to conclusions but I didn't mean to say what I said. I got angry and the first thing that came to my head to hurt her. The look in her eyes when I said, it just crushed my soul. Now I know how it feels when you're whole world comes crashing down. I couldn't see my life without Erica in it, friend or more, I need her.

Y'all gonna hate me but Imma cut it short there... for now. Im gonna update soon again in the next 24 hours. Tell how you felt about this chapter. Keep reading, voting and commenting like crazy if you want more. One Love.

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