Chapter 20

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I'm waking up this morning to my phone vibrating from notifications from my Twitter. I grab my phone to check it out and it's nothing that important. When I turn my head, I notice that Cyn is next to me in bed with her arms wrapped around me. I instantly smile cuz last night wasn't just a dream, it was reality and I couldn't be any happier. I came to Cyn's apartment to talk things out with her and explain my feelings to her and she told me that she has feelings for me too. I can't believe that I finally have my dream girl and that for the first time in a while, I'm happy. I decided to go downstairs and make her breakfast while she's still asleep. I hope she doesn't mind me going through her kitchen but I wanna do something nice for my new girl in my life. I slowly took her arms off of me and got out of her bed quietly trying not to wake her. She looks so beautiful when she's sleeping. I headed downstairs to make her breakfast and find things to make.

I'm laying in bed having the most amazing sleep I've ever had in a while when I reach my hand to the other side of the bed and notice that its empty. I looked around all confused and trying to figure out where Erica is. Did she have to get up and leave early this morning? Or was last night just a part of a dream I was having? Before I could think of anything else, I smelled something good coming from downstairs. I got out of bed and headed downstairs and the first thing I see is Erica.

Erica: Morning beautiful. Are you hungry? Breakfast is almost ready.

Cyn: So I guess last night wasn't a dream.

Erica: What you mean babe?

Cyn: When I woke up this morning, I didn't see you or feel you next to me and I thought I dreaming about everything from last night.

Erica: well you wasn't. Approaching Cyn closer and wrapped her hands around her waist. Everything from last night was real baby.

Cyn: So I guess you really are mines now huh babe.

Erica: I guess so. You sure you ready for this? There's no going back for me.

Cyn: There's no going back for me either.

Cyn just wrapped her hands around Erica's neck and they both just looked at each other smiling. They both knew in their hearts that they made the right choice to be together.

Erica: Come on babe. Sit down and I'll serve you your breakfast.

Cyn: Aren't you forgetting something first?

Erica: No of course not. Giving Cyn a kiss on the check.

Cyn: really Erica? That's how you gonna treat your new girlfriend now first thing?

Erica: lol awh I'm sorry babe. Here. Giving Cyn a real kiss on the lips.

Cyn: biting her lips. Wow. I can get use to this.

Erica: And I can get use to you calling yourself my girlfriend. Now come on, eat babe before it gets cold.

Cyn and Erica sat around the kitchen counter eating breakfast that Erica made. Cyn was enjoying the food that Erica made and each time she looked at Erica she couldn't stop smiling at her.

Erica: How do you like your food baby? And what's with the smiling for?

Cyn: Babe, this food is so good. Thank you. And I can't help but to smile when I look at you.

Erica: awh, why is that babe?

Cyn: I just can't believe that we both are together now. Like officially as a couple now.

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