Chapter 7

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I was finally ready to go out to dinner with Erica tonight and was waiting for her to come get me at my place. I heard a knock at the door and went downstairs to answer it. I thought it was Erica, but I was wrong. This is the last person I wanted to see tonight.

Cyn: You have alot of nerve coming here tonight. I thought I told you I never wanted to hear or see you again.

Person: I know, but Cyn please, can we at least talk real quick? I think you can owe me that much.

Cyn: I don't owe you anything. You really I think I wanna talk to you after the hurt and pain you put me thru? I gave you my heart but I guess I gave my love and attention to the wrong person, huh?

Person: No you didnt. I know I messed up, but can you at least give me a second chance to show you that what I did wasn't what you deserve and make it up to you? I love you Cynthia. Your my girl.

Cyn: You mean ex girl. And you should of thought of that before,huh? Now leave Chris. I have plans tonight and I don't want them ruined before they even get started cuz of you.

Chris: And where are you going anyways? You got a date or something?

Cyn: Yes I do. Now please leave.

I know I shouldn't of said I did have a date when I know it really isn't but to see the look on his face when I said that was priceless. Chris is a recent ex boyfriend of mine that I've been together with for almost two years but all that went away from him deciding to go mess around with other females behind my back.

Chris: I'm not giving up Cyn. I'll show you that I'm willing to change and to work on getting us back. Whoever this dude is, he'll never be me.

Chris tried to give me a hug and kiss but I just pushed him off of me. I closed the door right in his face and thought that's where you're wrong buddy, it's not a "guy" I'm meeting.

I can't believe after all this time of us being broken up, he now wants to prove that our love is worth something. He should of thought about that in the beginning before he was messing around with God knows who. I'm just lucky that Erica didn't show up when Chris was here at my door or I don't know how that would of worked.

Right when I mentioned Erica's name, I got a text from her saying she's here.

I arrive at Cyn's apartment feeling very anxious. Come on, Erica, you can do this. Just be yourself and everything will be fine. The driver opens the door for me to get out and I proceeded to Cyn's door and ring the doorbell. I'm standing there waiting for her to answer with the bouquet of roses behind my back. I get more nervous by the second waiting for her to open the door. Did I get the right address? Or did she just stood me up and play me? All these thoughts going thru my head and I start to lower my head when I hear the door opening.

As I look up, my eyes got big and opened my mouth in just awe. There she was, Cyn looking so beautiful right in front of me with her black dress on and just everything looking perfect. I stood there for a hot minute not saying anything. I wanted to make sure that this moment is real and not just a dream.

Cyn: well i guess you actually showed up huh Erica. I thought for a second maybe you were just playing a little joke on me lol.

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