Chapter 3

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It's the morning after my birthday and I know I should be tired since I didn't get home until four in the morning but to be honest, I've never felt more alive before. I met this absolutely stunning girl I've ever laid my eyes on. The way she looked in her Starlets outfit, hugging her body oh so right and her curves just left me speechless. And her voice... she had this latina accent that I just love and the way she said my name, had me thinking "Imma make you say my name everytime if you were mine." Snap out of it, Erica, you have to focus. I have a long day ahead of me and its only nine in the morning. I went thru my phone to call Albee to see if he wanted to get some breakfast before we head out for my photo shoot later on when I get a notification on my Instagram saying I have a new follower. I check who it is and I couldn't help but smile. It was Her, Cynthia Santana. I immediately looked thru her photos and each picture of her was better than the last. God she looks so good thinking to myself. So I followed the gesture back and started following her too. Maybe I should give her call or text and ask her if she wanted to do something later tonight. But right when I was gonna do that, I get a call from my favorite guy in the world.
Person: Hey mommy, how are you? Did I wake you up?
Erica: No my love, you didn't. I was already up. And I'm doing better now since my favorite man in my life called me.
Person: Lol Ma I'm the only man in your life remember? Nobody can take my spot.
Erica: laughing, I know mijo. You are the only guy who has my heart.
Person: And you are the only girl who has my heart, too Ma. Well, you and abuela of course lol.
Erica: We better be King. But I know you love mommy more tho, right. Lol
King: Lol, Ma you better hope grandma doesnt hear you say that. You know how she gets.
Person: Too late for that King. Erica, I know you not trying to get my grandson to choose favorites now. Even tho we all know who that is. Lol
Erica: "under her breath" yeah that would be me lol.
Erica's Mom: What did you say, Jasmine?!
Erica: Lol damn, nothing Ma. You know Im kidding. And why you gotta bring out the middle name, huh.
Erica's Mom: Cuz that's your name, isnt it Jasmine. No matter how grown you think you might be, you still my little Erica Jasmine Mena.
Erica: Awh come on now, Ma. Not in front of my son. I still need to look tough and cool now lol.
King: Too late lol. That went right away when abuela called you by your middle name, mommy.
Erica: Boy, I am still your mother. And did you forget you have a middle name too?
King: No Ma, I didn't and please don't say it either. Last time you did, it was in front of this girl I was talking to and I was right about to get her number when you pulled up and yelled my middle name. Way to bring down a guy's game Ma lol.
Erica: Boy, you know you way too young to be having game unless its in sports or your video games. Besides no girl is good enough for my King.
King: Oh come on mom. So not cool lol.
Erica's Mom: Okay you two. Now King wasn't there a reason why you called your mother so early or did you forget?
King: Oh right. Mommy, the tooth fairy left me something under my pillow last night.
Erica: Oh really? What she leave you King? A quarter? Fifty cents?
King: Lol no Ma. Five dollars.
Erica: Say what?! Five dollars?!
King: Yeah mommy. I'm not like other kids you know. I'm a Mena and we get the finer things in life lol.
Erica: Boy, I know we Menas do but dang. That's alot for just a tooth. "Thinking to herself" And I think I know a certain tooth fairy that I need to have a talking to when I get back to Miami.
King: Ma, you still there?
Erica: Yes baby, Im here. Put your abuela on the phone real quick. I'll talk to later on King when Im done with work okay.
King: Okay mommy. I love you.
Erica: Love you more my little King.
King handing Erica's mom the phone
Erica: Ma, since when does the "tooth fairy" leave a kid five whole dollars?
Erica's Mom: Lol oh hush Erica. You know you use to believe in the tooth fairy too when you were King's age. I'm just giving him hope in things.
Erica: But why didn't the "tooth fairy" do the same thing for me when I was growing up, huh Ma? Lol shit do you know what I could of done with that kind of money at King's age?
Erica's Mom: Oh come on now, mija. You know you were spoiled ass rotten even with your twenty five cents lol.
Erica: No I wasnt Ma. Erica poking her lip out like a little kid
Erica's Mom: Don't be poking your lip out at me, Jasmine.
Erica: Damn. How you knew mom? Looking around seeing if there was hidden cameras somewhere.
Erica's Mom: Cuz I'm your mother and I know you Erica. Now stop looking around and I'll talk to you later mija.
Erica: looking all confused thinking, Damn how she do that lol. Okay Ma, talk to you soon. I love you and give King a big hug and kiss for me okay.
Erica's Mom: Love you too mija. And I always give him lots of love saying it's from you.
Hanging up the phone with my mom and son is always hard on me. I love them both so much and hate when I'm away from them, but I know I'm doing all of this for them. Giving the life that I know my son deserves and showing my mom that I appreciate all the hard work she's done for us over the years. As I was getting out of bed, I noticed a picture of me and King on the dresser of his first birthday. Man, has time flown by. It just seems like yesterday when I found out I was pregnant with my little King. For those who don't know, yes I do have a son and I had him at a young age but a day doesn't go by when I don't regret having him when I did. He changed my life for the better and made me who I am today. I just wish me and his father were on better terms when we had King. But that's a whole different story for another day.
I got in the bathroom to freshen up and take a shower before I had to go out and make this money. As I was getting out the shower, I hear my phone ring in the bedroom. Damn, I must be popular today lol. I put on my robe and answer the phone.
Erica: Hello?
Albee: Hey girl, did you forget we have a very busy day today or did all those Patron shots go to your head last night lol.
Erica: Boy, you know I never forget when it comes down to my money. And my head is fine apparently but I should ask you the same question since you drank half the bar last night and dancing all up on these girls lol.
Albee: Lol hey dont hate Erica that I partied more like it was my birthday than you. You were acting on your best behavior ever since you talked to that fly little spanish rose last night lol. How did things end up with Her, Ms. Mena? Lol
Erica: Lol boy stop. Actually, things went really well. I'm taking my time with this one. I wanna make things as smooth as possible with Cyn.
Albee: Awwh how cute. Someone can finally put your player ways to bed, huh girl lol.
Erica: Lol now hold on, Albee. I said I wanted to take things slow. Not burn my players card just yet homie.
Albee: Girl, whatever. You know you wanna get some piece of Cyn right now if you could.
Erica: Rme... whatever Albee. Hey, do you wanna continue talking about my love life or do you wanna go get a bite to eat and get this money.
Albee: Both. Lol
Erica: Boy, bye lol. Imma get ready and pick you up in thirty minutes so be ready Albee.
Albee: Mena, Im always ready. Hit me up when you here. Later, girl.
Hanging up the phone with Albee. Man he plays too much but that's why he's been my day one. I gotta love me some Albee even tho he gets on my nerves sometimes lol nah let me stop. I get dress and wear my white tee with sweatpants on with my black jordans and grab my purse and phone and head out the door. Just another day in the life of a boss.

Okay, here's my update. Hope you enjoyed it and Imma make another one soon as I can. One love #MenaArmy P.S- keep voting and recommend me to others.

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