Prologue: Our Creators

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It's all start with the Seer, no one know his name. He wandering in the an endless space in the search to find an existance like him wandering through the eternal night and always wondering what is his purpose. His world is empty but in the end, he know he can't find anyone in this void but he know he can't keep on like this, this circle has to end. With all of his power he create Dream Hall and the great dimension of Kritias, the Seer keep work on his masterpiece and finally when he finish Kritias. 

But without the Seer the world can't develop and the seer know he can't be eternal. He has to be disappear when time come so he create another person to bear the fate like him, to create other world. Those people was called Seer but later they were called author, after his first teaching, the Seer turn himself into a small orb and his first student - Wynria inherit the orb and that is the foundation of the Quil, because Wynria is a weaver, the Quil turn into a Spindle and her mind become clear and her hand guide the Spindle to weaver up worlds. Her special power is bonding, this power allow her to connect every world allow people to travel to each of them.

After Wynria fall into a deep slumber the next author chosen by the Quil and Wynria herself is Or, Or is obsess with art, beauty and perfection, he consider a world without art and perfection standard is a wasteland. He consider any other worlds than Kritias are waste, low life and cursed races, Or soon develop narcissistic and control freak personality. The fate of all world is start to fall into the period called the Dark Age, this period has the length of two millenniums. He even cling and beg the Quil not to leave him but the Quil punishment for Or is an eternal slumber, his conductor wand soon leave him and the curtain call for our musician.

The next author is chosen by the Quil is Lavern Carpenter, a wood carpenter live in kritias. The Quil turn into a chisel and it choose Lavern to be the owner, Lavern is a artist but he think diffirent from Or, he has a strict lifestyle and only use the Quil to record. But after the request of the Quil, Lavern choose to create more world but they don't link with Wynria's world so they can be safe. This period is called the colorless time.

So the author currently is Yhaovi, a mysterious painter from Ellyel, the first author not from Kritias. Yhaovi is a painter but also a poem at the same time, his power is illusion, he can create worlds but they will be hidden from the eye of normal people.

"Hey Quil, is there anything fun i can do ?"

"You seem to enjoy this more than the previous author huh kid ? Your power is not even enough to make your world real."

"No, i don't want to reveal it, the outside world is dangerous. My Tynerium will flourish in dream and beautiful illusion, i will not let anyone contact with it."

"A really wierd author but you create at least one world so i think you finish your duty. Do you want to look for your student ?"

"The idea of sleep after i finish the job is good i guess, afterall i don't remember how long i have been an author. So Quil, is there any candidate you would suggest."

"I don't have to find a candidate for you, look for them on your own."

After finish, Quil open a portal and throw Yhaovi in it, this portal lead to a dimension created and punished by Or the great conductor so now, Yhaovi start his adventure in a new land. The land Yhaovi standing on is Hynigeous, a world created by Or and punished by Or, the land is corrupted by a mysterious disease. The people affect by this disease will have their eye replace by a myosotis and their voice is distorted, only the person with telekinetic can communicate. 

"So where is this Quil ?"

"This is Hynigeous, the first world created by Or. He was created this place with the destiny to become a paradise full of hope and beauty, but his personality is twisted day after days. From an artist who love beauty of the innocent and the beauty of other, he starts to love himself, other things than him is considered to be ugly and dirty."

"I know that but can you tell me everything, i search the library but the info was vague. I wonder if you can be a reliable source of info, i can't trust any other narrator."

"I am the servant of the author, if i know anything, i have to tell the author right at moment he asked me to. That is my oath with the Seer, so at this moment i will tell you the story about Or, the grand conductor. But remember my author, you have nothing to do with his way, your art is your own way."

So the story begin anew, the power from Quil projectile a hall covered with golden light, the story about one of the greatest author and also the most sinister author begin. 

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