Arc 5 - Epilogue: A talk at the end. The authors of dreamworld.

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"So that is the past of Kuoni and Yhaovi right ? Ninth."

"That is just their encounter, but that reflect their past. But remember, this story is not fiction, this is written by quill, they are the stories of our past and also our direction for the future. Now, you can take a rest, it has been a long day."

While ninth readjust the library, tenth open the the large window, the starry sky created by Wynria, the world created by generations of authors. On the other side is castle of the Greenwich, usually when bed time come, Tenth always expected someone same as ninth. The portal opens and from inside of it is a boy with simple clothing, ash-like hair and a purple eye. By his side is his friend, the one who swore the oath to follow him in his infinite journey across every dimension, seeking wonder.

"Welcome back, sixth."

"How is your day, tenth ?"

"It is wonderful, i learned so much about Kuoni, Yhaovi and Or too. And how is your day, sixth ?"

"Everything is lovely, right [] ?"

"Today we saw so much, there are thousand star and everything is beautiful... tenth, let's go and play somewhere else before bed time. We should let sixth and ninth have a private conversation."

"Let's go to greenwich, the garden is really nice."

Tenth and [] ran past ninth who preparing some tea, ninth doesn't forget to remind tenth and [] to made back to the cradle before night time. Tenth gave ninth a smile then ran off with [], ninth return with a full tea set, despite having the look of a wandering musician, sixth still can act like a true gentleman. They said the education is the value of a person and authors have to be the peak of that, not saying the fact ninth and sixth know each other in the past so they understand how they should act. Sixth looking out of the window, the firework from other side of the horizon, the reflection of Edolin, the clocktower, the street of the east and the icy wonderland of the west. It felt much like home.

"It has been three hundred years since we defeat him right, ninth ?"

"Without his manipulation, our worlds is much more beautiful, i may regret a lot but i never regret my decision to banish him from our world... Father!"

"May i join this little tea party ?"

"I don't have any objection to that."

"So how is the world out there, sixth ?"

"[] always find it interesting, he saw wonder and beauty in everything, for me... Everything is the same, nearly one millennium and nothing changed."

"Only you can go out there afterall, we all trapped here until tenth remember everything and free all of us." (Ninth)

"I have no problem with that, we are all suffering something and one day those suffering will left us. In the end when all of those suffering left us, we will find nothing and learned that, suffering cone and goes along with happiness." (ninth's father)

"I know you still hurt by the past, that women, i should erase her from your mind even if you don't agree."

"You are a revolutionist, a purist, i know your determination. That is the reason i have to be your icy presence, your action i know they serve a good purpose but you are always wanted to act without consider the greater picture since the moment i return."

Sixth left the tea party early, he knows he should let ninth and his father talk in private. Watching the world outside the window lit up in firework and the endless sea of flower on the ground, the castle where authors reign. The castle resemble a cathedral, and nothing else to direct people to other places in this world, the world of authors where people walking around until they found other structures. 

"Anyone wander in this realm is lost just like our fate isn't it ?" (seventh)

"Not really, like his name, the prince of fleeting hope, we have to keep that hope close to our heart. Once he remember everything we will be free." (sixth)

"But when ? That bastard cursed him. If i can i want to unleash my fury on that bastard again but teacher, why do i felt hope slowly slip away. We don't have freedom like you, trapped here and hope for a child to remember, if we can't be free again..."

"No, we must not loose hope. The day where all of you will be free won't be far, like i always say, ninth will do everything to archive his target and he won't fail. Trust him."

"So what will happen to that child, to dreamhall ? Will he just have the same fate as us, the prisoner of fate ?"

"Remember in that battle when our hope were lost ? He came and save us, we are not chosen randomly it is that bastard intention but he is different, he wanted to be an author."

"So we just use his kindness ?"

"If we need, we are not belevolent author, no one is benevolent. Everyone has their own dark desire even that hurt other, i travel worlds and it taught me a lot. Our desire is already exist in our mind."

"What about Yhaovi, what is his dark desire ? I always listen to you my teacher but this time i won't."

"Enough talking it is bed time. And for the last time seventh, don't mention the great gardener in front of me, he is too pure."

Nightfall and another day ended, the authors still search for hope in vanity.

But that is not our thing to worry.

We are simply audiance afterall.

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