Arc 1 - Chapter 2: Stand

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"So tell me the next part of the story."

"Well, i have to answer every question of the author after all."

Or enjoy his creation, he embrace the beauty and the grace of every world he create, he show love and give everything affection from the depth of his heart. Every dimension he step foot in, life flourish, everything become beautiful and full of grace, the nature sing the song to praise Or, the author who bring glorious. The begining of this age is called the Glorious Dawn, every dimension praise Or, every creature called Or as Glorious Author, the dawn of all the worlds, Or is the greatest author ever birth.

"The greatest author ? But what about Wynria ?"

"Everyone forget about Wynria because Or shine like a newborn star, his light is so bright that it make everything become colorless."

"But even everyone forgot about Wynria, Or still remember Wynria, he still miss her and he still want to awake her again."

Or still want to find a way for both him and Wynria can be awake at the same time, Or searching through the night and all the rumour about the Seer, all about his knowledge and all about his legacy. Every time he got disappointed he went to one of his world and enjoy his creation, the cycle keep on like that for nearly 1000 years, he created world and enjoy the beaty of those world to sooth the pain of his mind. But this can't go on forever, Or learned that he can't change something, he seeking salvation in every world he created but they can't satisfy him forever. He start to become angry because he couldn't do anything.

"So that is the begining of his downfall ?"

"No, that is not the begining, he still cling to his creation, he still proud of them and he still love them as his own child."

"So his tragedy is not begin in that moment. Go on."

Or still enjoy his world but he try to go to one of world belong to Wynria and his mind is changed, he see her world and all he see is perfection. All creature live in harmony and the world is beautiful on its own, he enjoy this new world because no one know him. He can start a new life and even end this suffering in his mind. He started a life as a conductor in one of Wynria's dimension - Alterios, his music create life and making Alterios filled with joy and beauty. 

"But why Or became like the story we know ?"

"Well I'm not done yet. And I can't just jump into the spicy part, afterall the Or's story is currently at the begining phase, i will not skip any detail because you can learn from this story too, it is good for the first step to become a good author. Learn the mistake from the one in the past."

"I got it, i got it but if that is not Or we knew, he is much more..."

"More affection ? More emotion ? More kindness ? You should know more about the world my author, people wear masks to hide their trueselves. That's the reason emotions don't last forever, they change from time to time but everyone even the author have to prepare the emotions before the problem."

"So Or use these temporary emotions so he have an emotional issue and he can't remain calm before the imperfection, he need perfection to enjoy everything and everything in his eye need to stay in order. This is just slightly start in his mind so Or not really care about it."

His life on Altoris is perfect, Or work as a conductor and also a composer, his song is the radiance of worlds and nature. His way of art is the purest and the most beautiful in every worlds but Or's true power is far greater than that, not like Wynria created by the Seer and given the power of empress's dominance that made anyone have the intention to against her crumble on their knees, Or's hidden power is Orchestration, Or can manipulate a person's mind and soul. He can controling them like a true conductor. But Or didn't use that power now, he still love the way the Altorian act, they love him and praise him, his music, his art and his way of talking. 

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