Arc 4 - Chapter 2: From Dusk till Dawn

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"You must be wandering about my power right ? The world surround you is painting but all i can say is, your power is the same as my power but they just have different variation."

"Different variation ?"

"Our pure power is manipulate fantasy, your power reflect by your mind and your soul, the more imagination you have the more powerful you will be. But everything have a limit, this is my limit but you are an author, you maybe even more powerful than any of us."

"I don't know, sometime i felt i just want to fell asleep and i don't want to wake up, imagining my dream is the shield to reality. Sometime i want reality to switch place with dream."

"That always happen to people like us. This garden, i planted them myself, you can say i am one of its owner, that is the reason i am furious, an owner won't like anyone trespassing into their house."

"No they don't. So are we there yet ?"


The moon is larger and the star move in circle, at the center of the star circle is a hall, it has simple structure but there is something really strange about it. The hall is enticing with two rows of lilac and the garden around the hall is much more special, Kuoni is enchanted by the scene while Gold is normal with it. The gate open and all of them enter the hall except Lurux and Larux, they seem to depart somewhere else and Lady Yukihara has to depart somewhere else. As they enter the hall, the blue and beautiful light shine upon them and from the different side of the hall is a young man wearing yukata. 

"Welcome Yhaovi - The Painter of Dream, i am Luxon Caelum - The Glorious Poet but that should have much problem, after all i believe you have a lot of question and i am here to answer all of them, the same goes to you Kuoni."

"I guess my student eager to ask the question first, so i will let him first."

"Alright then, do you have any question ?"

"First i want to ask, who is Gold, what is his true identification ?"

"I already guess you want to ask about Gold, but this question i will let Gold answers himself."

"My name is Crowford the code name is Gold, my mission is inspect on the movement of the organization try to threaten every world. During one of my mission one of those mysterious figure know i am spying on them so they try attack and i have to flee."

"Now about your report Gold, can you report to me everything about them."

"After my inspection i saw they captured three worlds, seem like their power is classified as type Ω, space and time manipulation but they seem focus more on controling space."

"Type Ω ?"

"We classified power in many category not based on the potential of power but we focus more on the potential of power, time and space manipulation is classified as Ω, your power - mimic is type Χ. This is how we overlook on all dimension and prioritize every dimension. So anything else you want to ask Kuoni ?"

"I want to ask about them, those who threaten every worlds, what is your level of priority on them ?"

"If every information Gold report is the truth then the moment we found their base is the moment we destroy them, but we can't protect every dimension when we focus on attack them. So this is the request from our side, the garden of Greenwich, we want you and your teacher Yhaovi to protect your world. Our agent protect other world so there is nothing to be worried about."

"But what if they attack Greenwich ?"

"You must saw that by now, we are the one who choose not to be the author and choose to be the guardian, we are many and if attacking the garden is not different from a suicide mission after all."

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